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Arsenal/pyrotech hybrid


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Well your only giving up 35% armor pen. and vent heat every 3 sec (if you crit). For damage dot and more cc.

This build will give you tons of cc. 10 jet boost (in right armor), rocket punch knock back, stun, unload speed reducer, and dot speed reducer.


Edit: is the damage difference really that huge between 35% armor pen. VS Dot with 30% more damage and 6% chance?

Edited by Androstan
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It is pretty much an arsenal spec mecrenary spec, only I plan on using combustion gas cylinders. 10 points in pyrotech for more dot damage/chance and 2 sec speed reducer for kiting.


What you think for pvp?


Kiting? You are still stuck in place spamming grav round and full auto to do any damage? How exactly would you kite? by backpedalling and spamming hammershot? Besides all other classes have snares/roots that are far better and more reliable than the pitiful one for 2 seconds every 5-6 casts you have in assaulttree.


Cant be done dude.. Commando is made to be the cannonfodderclass, and cannonfodder it shall be. The changes in 1.2 just made BWs vision for the class even clearer.

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If I need to explain kiting I'm in wrong channel. You still have 4 instas like in pryotech


Heatseeker-explosive dart-railshot-auto


Incendiary-thermal det-railshot-auto


Yea, and if he's kiting backwards, he shouldn't be in PvP.


I just recently started playing a Merc, switching from an Assault Vanguard (Pyro PT) when I switched servers to try out the other AC.


I agree it feels like the Merc are less flexible in terms of hybrid/running different chambers (stances) than the PT AC. Probably b/c Merc can function more effectively as a "pure" healer or "pure" DPS, where the PTs/Vanguards need more flexibility to buff up their damage from other trees if they don't want to tank.


That being said, you might have so you are essentially thinking about switching 35% armor pen for proc'ed elemental damage, which ignores armor. You may get more sustained damage but be giving up some burst, since TM and HS do Kinetic damage and RS does Weapon damage, which is reduced by armor.


I might try it though. So far, in lowbie pvp I've done better in the Arsenal Tree running the armor penetration chamber, but I don't like that we don't get a snare until very high in the tree and it's tied to Unload. I don't use Unload in PvP. The only 3 sec channel i use is DFA situationally, but whenever possible. I only stay still for a TM, 2 if they let me, and follow with a RS, HS missle (when i get it) and the other instas you mentioned either in pursuit or kiting away. Getting the snare tied to your auto attack that you can do on the move is huge for pvp...and you still have your other CC, Jet blast which snares, Electro-dart, if you've specc'ed the push back on RP, Concussive missle....


When I get to 50 I might try it. It sounds viable, combat logs will tell us the true answer but loosing a little burst for some DoTs and a proc'ed snare on the run may be well worth it for PvP.

Edited by aceofspadezz
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^^ You should know how to kite in every class, especially if you are not melee.


kiting has nothing to do with class, everyone should know how to kite for pve, in pvp arsenal does not kite, he either fights or he runs.

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kiting has nothing to do with class, everyone should know how to kite for pve, in pvp arsenal does not kite, he either fights or he runs.


Guess it depends on your definition of kiting. Everyone knows Urban Dictionary is THE SOURCE when it comes to MMO jargon. :p


Being a casual gamer, I may be using the word wrong. My sense of the word in this context (pvp) is "kiting" = "attacking or using other abilities (CC) while strafing/moving" = "don't stand there in get pwnd trying to face tank a sentinal/marauder".


Unless you are a melee class that is strongest in the <4m range, "kiting" is a skill that can keep you alive, frustrate melee, or just be part of your style as opposed to being stationary and blowing cool downs to burn someone down.


I've heard it used in a different context many years ago for pve, where it meant trying to get get 1 mob's attention out of a group of mobs without aggroing the whole group with a ranged attack.


So I'll change the word to "strafing". Should you strafe and attack as a Merc? Based on the situation, absolutely. Of course as a "caster" you are strongest standing there and casting and you should position yourself strategically, etc. But in a situation where you are on the wrong end of a 1v1 vs a melee, sitting there hitting TM is not going to save you. Ideally if you keep a distance of >4 m but < 10 m (so he can't charge you), you can do damage to him while he can't do damage to you.


Sure it all depends on the situation. If you have a couple of knock backs, a snare and a stun, and all things are equal, you can stand there and free cast TM and blow him away. But if you are suddenly under focus fire or just got a crit backstabbed and lost 1/3 of your health, you better learn what strafing is and how to use it.


Plus if you instinctually learn what attacks to do on the move and while still, your damage goes up, since you'll be always doing damage. You aren't limited to your auto attack, there are others. And Rocket Punch is a great finisher in a 1v1, moving away or towards an enemy.

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Guess it depends on your definition of kiting. Everyone knows Urban Dictionary is THE SOURCE when it comes to MMO jargon. :p


Being a casual gamer, I may be using the word wrong. My sense of the word in this context (pvp) is "kiting" = "attacking or using other abilities (CC) while strafing/moving" = "don't stand there in get pwnd trying to face tank a sentinal/marauder".


Unless you are a melee class that is strongest in the <4m range, "kiting" is a skill that can keep you alive, frustrate melee, or just be part of your style as opposed to being stationary and blowing cool downs to burn someone down.


I've heard it used in a different context many years ago for pve, where it meant trying to get get 1 mob's attention out of a group of mobs without aggroing the whole group with a ranged attack.


So I'll change the word to "strafing". Should you strafe and attack as a Merc? Based on the situation, absolutely. Of course as a "caster" you are strongest standing there and casting and you should position yourself strategically, etc. But in a situation where you are on the wrong end of a 1v1 vs a melee, sitting there hitting TM is not going to save you. Ideally if you keep a distance of >4 m but < 10 m (so he can't charge you), you can do damage to him while he can't do damage to you.


Sure it all depends on the situation. If you have a couple of knock backs, a snare and a stun, and all things are equal, you can stand there and free cast TM and blow him away. But if you are suddenly under focus fire or just got a crit backstabbed and lost 1/3 of your health, you better learn what strafing is and how to use it.


Plus if you instinctually learn what attacks to do on the move and while still, your damage goes up, since you'll be always doing damage. You aren't limited to your auto attack, there are others. And Rocket Punch is a great finisher in a 1v1, moving away or towards an enemy.


firstly almost every class has a closer, so it is close to impossible in this game to kite someone out of their dps range.


so lets take a look at what strafing can do for you.


every time you are in motion a few things happen as an arsenal.


1) you have no ability to heal

2) your dps is dropped by 80% - yes we have rail shot, hsm, and you can insta cast a fusion or throw an explosive dart... all of these things when looked at over lets say 15 to 20 seconds is still significantly less dps than standing still and oh by the way you need to refresh your debuffs every 15 seconds with a TM or you just failed, once you blow your cooldowns on the mobiles you are spamming rapid shot. You are better off waiting for the next knockback.


so lets look at your opponents.


melee - they have snares, roots and closers, rarely can i run at >4m range... strafing = pwned... trying to keep over 4 and under 10 meters is just impossible vs a decent player... and if you CAN do that you probably didnt need to run in the first place


ranged - now you need to be >30 M away and then a snare/root/stun and they close and hit you while you run away again = pwned


the only situation where I see straffing being viable is if you are waiting for support.


i cannot think of one situation where strafing as arsenal would decrease their ability to kill you more than you decrease your ability to kill them


the best thing to do is



2) maximize your dps while minimizing damage taken

3) pray for the best


running just makes you die tired.

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kiting has nothing to do with class, everyone should know how to kite for pve, in pvp arsenal does not kite, he either fights or he runs.


Please don't be a pedantic "you know what." He used the word kiting correctly, and yes, if you don't kite with any ranged class in this game ( including arsenal merc ) you are failing. Period. Every class has a closer? Every class with a closer has a dead spot. L2P. Seriously, your position is ludicrous and untenable to anyone that has seriously PVP'd in this game or any other that came before it. Just back away.



edit: quoted this post instead of the longer fail-blog, but my comment is directed at the entire argument chain.

Edited by TheRealRainier
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Please don't be a pedantic "you know what." He used the word kiting correctly, and yes, if you don't kite with any ranged class in this game ( including arsenal merc ) you are failing. Period. Every class has a closer? Every class with a closer has a dead spot. L2P. Seriously, your position is ludicrous and untenable to anyone that has seriously PVP'd in this game or any other that came before it. Just back away.



edit: quoted this post instead of the longer fail-blog, but my comment is directed at the entire argument chain.


ohhhh you used the word pedantic *scared*


that dead kiting in pvp is stupid for an arsenal... by kiting i am speaking of trying to dps your opponent while keeping them from dpsing you. That dead spot is (as previously spoken to) 4<deadzone<10 meters... you cannot maintain this dead spot, we do not have any mobility boosts, our knockback sends them far enough away to close on us, we lose a majority of our dps when moving.


i completely disagree with you. I find pvp in this game pathetic either way, though pure pre-made pvp in rated's may make the pvp something close to tolerable in this game.


if you are 1v1 in this game burn them down or die if you are arsenal.


there are exceptions to everything, if a marauder kicks in his damage boosts you should run (not kite, just get the *** away) until it is gone.


by kiting a melee you reduce your effectiveness more than you reduce theirs because you really cant get out of their range for any appreciable amount of time. with legacy, a jet speed run or some such kiting may become more viable. In most other games ranged have escapes, in this game most ranged except for merc have escapes... its like trying to run from a lighning ball in SOE HM, once it is in range, it is in range... no point in running it just means you die tired.


its my opinion and it isnt going anywhere.

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Please don't be a pedantic "you know what." He used the word kiting correctly, and yes, if you don't kite with any ranged class in this game ( including arsenal merc ) you are failing. Period. Every class has a closer? Every class with a closer has a dead spot. L2P. Seriously, your position is ludicrous and untenable to anyone that has seriously PVP'd in this game or any other that came before it. Just back away.



edit: quoted this post instead of the longer fail-blog, but my comment is directed at the entire argument chain.


Kiting as we know it in an MMO does not exist in this game. The ability to kite in this game is so limited, that in some cases it make little sense. There is simply too much CC and gap closers for melee. I believe the form of "kiting" the previous posters are talking about is kiting while combat engaged and shooting back. For Mercs, this is low to limited. In most cases the Arsenals Merc is best to find a position of advantage and get first strike, attack without moving until target is dead. On rare occasions will it prove worthy to break combat due to low health to try to escape. Melee wins.

Edited by Baarabas
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ohhhh you used the word pedantic *scared*


that dead kiting in pvp is stupid for an arsenal... by kiting i am speaking of trying to dps your opponent while keeping them from dpsing you. That dead spot is (as previously spoken to) 4<deadzone<10 meters... you cannot maintain this dead spot, we do not have any mobility boosts, our knockback sends them far enough away to close on us, we lose a majority of our dps when moving.


i completely disagree with you. I find pvp in this game pathetic either way, though pure pre-made pvp in rated's may make the pvp something close to tolerable in this game.


if you are 1v1 in this game burn them down or die if you are arsenal.


there are exceptions to everything, if a marauder kicks in his damage boosts you should run (not kite, just get the *** away) until it is gone.


by kiting a melee you reduce your effectiveness more than you reduce theirs because you really cant get out of their range for any appreciable amount of time. with legacy, a jet speed run or some such kiting may become more viable. In most other games ranged have escapes, in this game most ranged except for merc have escapes... its like trying to run from a lighning ball in SOE HM, once it is in range, it is in range... no point in running it just means you die tired.


its my opinion and it isnt going anywhere.


I'm not going to completely disagree with you Yazule. I'm also not going to call you a complete pompous d-bag either, although it appears the amount of time you spend gaming and needing to sound right on forums seems to have stunted some of your social skills.


You eventually got down to some analysis of the AC that is thoughtful and maybe slightly helpful. You're of course entitled to your opinion and can play the way you want to play.


You obviously have more experience playing this class and cast-time classes in general then I do. Your analysis does point out some possible balancing issues with the AC or at the very least a rethinking of conventional wisdom when it comes to PvP.


In PvP all I hear is "movement is king". And playing a Pyro PT, for example, it definitely applies. You're best attacks are almost all insta-cast and you can circle strafe a stationary target (like you) and try to break LOS, interrupt, get some hits on the backside where armor is reduced (don't know if that applies to SWTOR) to get the upper hand.


What I'm hearing from you is that since a Merc is so underpowered trying to kite, why do it? Either stand there and see who gets to the death finish line first or escape and heal if you can. I don't know if Bioware thought wearing heavy armor makes up for some of the lack of CC and Escape that you mentioned, thus keeping it balanced. Maybe they failed. Maybe not. I feel like w/out stealth or a freaking poppable entrench shield, the only option left is to move. Being spec'ed DPS, I'm not effective enough of a healer to self-heal and stay up (like a Sorc/Sage can), and the TM proc'ed dam mitigation bubble is getting nerfed in 1.2. Plus having heavy armor isn't that great in PvP since 2 of the 4 damage types ignore armor (elemental and internal) and someone spec'ed into weapon based damage will have high armor pen anyway. I guess you can escape with Concussive missle on a 1 minute CD?


I definitely need to learn to play the class better and I will try that technique. I don't think it's my natural style, but I'm enjoying the challenge. As a mid-level in mainly PUG PvP, I'm getting more kills and approx same damage as when I was a Pyro PT always on the move, sometimes getting top dam depending on the map and how many 40's are there. But I feel like I'm struggling and it's definetly related to dealing with kiting melee or other range dps(I'm used to getting in their face and harassing into hopefully changing their mind). Maybe I just don't like the feeling of dying without there being much I can do about it. It IS slightly satisfying to have the burst to take out your initial target when you are on the wrong end of a 3v1 and know you are going to die. I'll grant you that.


I was going to discount whatever you just based on how you came off in the beginning. Perhaps you'll find people will listen to you more if you try not to be so confrontational, then defensive.


Or perhaps its more fun being a jerk. I'll ask Kanye West.

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Kiting as we know it in an MMO does not exist in this game. The ability to kite in this game is so limited, that in some cases it make little sense. There is simply too much CC and gap closers for melee. I believe the form of "kiting" the previous posters are talking about is kiting while combat engaged and shooting back. For Mercs, this is low to limited. In most cases the Arsenals Merc is best to find a position of advantage and get first strike, attack without moving until target is dead. On rare occasions will it prove worthy to break combat due to low health to try to escape. Melee wins.


Every forum, for every game, has ranged classes talking about how kiting is "impossible" against melee classes. Every. forum. every. game.


Yes you can kite melee classes, yes you can find their deadzone. I was responding to the guy proposing the stand there gun em down or die strat. I'm sure it works sometimes, but to say its the only way to play an ars merc all the time is complete brain damage.

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I'm not going to completely disagree with you Yazule. I'm also not going to call you a complete pompous d-bag either, although it appears the amount of time you spend gaming and needing to sound right on forums seems to have stunted some of your social skills.


You eventually got down to some analysis of the AC that is thoughtful and maybe slightly helpful. You're of course entitled to your opinion and can play the way you want to play.


You obviously have more experience playing this class and cast-time classes in general then I do. Your analysis does point out some possible balancing issues with the AC or at the very least a rethinking of conventional wisdom when it comes to PvP.


In PvP all I hear is "movement is king". And playing a Pyro PT, for example, it definitely applies. You're best attacks are almost all insta-cast and you can circle strafe a stationary target (like you) and try to break LOS, interrupt, get some hits on the backside where armor is reduced (don't know if that applies to SWTOR) to get the upper hand.


What I'm hearing from you is that since a Merc is so underpowered trying to kite, why do it? Either stand there and see who gets to the death finish line first or escape and heal if you can. I don't know if Bioware thought wearing heavy armor makes up for some of the lack of CC and Escape that you mentioned, thus keeping it balanced. Maybe they failed. Maybe not. I feel like w/out stealth or a freaking poppable entrench shield, the only option left is to move. Being spec'ed DPS, I'm not effective enough of a healer to self-heal and stay up (like a Sorc/Sage can), and the TM proc'ed dam mitigation bubble is getting nerfed in 1.2. Plus having heavy armor isn't that great in PvP since 2 of the 4 damage types ignore armor (elemental and internal) and someone spec'ed into weapon based damage will have high armor pen anyway. I guess you can escape with Concussive missle on a 1 minute CD?


I definitely need to learn to play the class better and I will try that technique. I don't think it's my natural style, but I'm enjoying the challenge. As a mid-level in mainly PUG PvP, I'm getting more kills and approx same damage as when I was a Pyro PT always on the move, sometimes getting top dam depending on the map and how many 40's are there. But I feel like I'm struggling and it's definetly related to dealing with kiting melee or other range dps(I'm used to getting in their face and harassing into hopefully changing their mind). Maybe I just don't like the feeling of dying without there being much I can do about it. It IS slightly satisfying to have the burst to take out your initial target when you are on the wrong end of a 3v1 and know you are going to die. I'll grant you that.


I was going to discount whatever you just based on how you came off in the beginning. Perhaps you'll find people will listen to you more if you try not to be so confrontational, then defensive.


Or perhaps its more fun being a jerk. I'll ask Kanye West.


I went and reread my post, and in the end it was the conclusion of all my other posts... i just did not really feel like writing all the explinations.


but let me put things other ways speaking to this reply.


I will start with this, pvp in this game is rather bad for my play style, for what i find fun... it is compartmentalized and instanced... the only real value is bragging rights. It leads to elitistism with no substance. I prefer world pvp, where you fight other people over resources, or spawn, or just location... to go into the same map over and over and fight for the same checkpoints over and over with no actual benefit whether you win or lose is just pathetic game design. I might as well buy a FPS as it will be more balanced and have more maps.


you hear in pvp movement is king. If you can still dps while moving then i agree 100%... arsenal dps is pathetic when moving, you have a few instants that are part of your stationary rotation so yes if you decide to move you probably have 1 or two available, but dps is bad.


The concept of kiting from UO, AO, EQ, WOW, SWG, and most any other mainstream MMO is running them around giggling while you "whittle" them down. It really isnt possible with a "turret class". Am I saying never move? no, you need to pay attention to where you stand and their access to you.


because there are only 3 small instances where 90% of the pvp happens you can set up "scenarios" like standing next to the blow vents in huttball, or standing on the different levels (but many will just leap to you anyway, but better than nothing).


I often drop off the platforms and get under them to LOS on them, but lets look at it in reality, you are avoiding them and not really dpsing them.. Yes i move, that is not kiting, drop down get under the bridge and start casting a stationary attack while they drop down and close.. they get to you before the cast is full and you are toe to toe again. That is not kiting


I often run when i see dps cooldowns, i am not out dpsing them, but i will avoide the bulk of their dps if i can. throw a knockback and try to play keepaway for 15 seconds. Best way to do that is to be out of LOS, so you are not dpsing either. Is that kiting? more like running, but once those dps cooldowns are over I plant and kill.


I watch pyro's run around dotting a lot of people and scampering away, but i dont see a lot of people dying from it, they just get big numbers on the "big board" at the end and feel like they did good. pfft


in a 1v1 fight 90% of an arsenals damage is going to be done while standing still.


I do spend a lot of time in game, and I do like to debate on the boards, but dont blame them for my social skills, i never had them, i am to bluntly honest... i hate PC and I dont generally care. If you had read around a bit through some pvp threads you could have seen how other people are doing it, you could have researched, there are plenty of conversations about it. So you wanted the "quick and easy" so I gave you the "quick and easy" answer... i have posted how I pvp a number of times on a number of threads. you just wanted me to type it all out again for you i guess.


fyi i am not the best pvper in game, i am also not a TM spammer, as pvp sucks in this game i primarily HM/NM raid and try to make a buck on the market, but I do pvp on my 50 sorc more than my BH because our mobility is SO bad and because Sorc has SO many more tools.


ps. if you use concussion and they do not break it you have 8 seconds to heal/heal/exdart/tm/hsm/unload/rail


but you wanted to move rather than stand and fight... fyi i kill a lot of people with that move because they use their "break CC" on either edart or the slow from unload.


but hey, we should all just run around kiting because that is what ranged has to do right?


so i changed my sig, went to a pyro complaint thread where even the "mobile" build is frustrated with how lame kiting is in this game.

Edited by Yazule
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This discussion about kiting isn't relevant to the OP, if you want to be mobile dps as a merc the only choice is being full pyrotech.


Said build in the OP would be awful for 1 reason. The talent Terminal Velocity causes your missiles to vent heat on a crit only when high velocity gas cylinder is active. Without that talent being in effect you will overheat very, very fast doing your normal dps rotation. Any math being done to determine if 35% armor pen compares to the dot is pointless. When you can't cast anything but your free attack, what cylinder you are using doesn't matter.

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This discussion about kiting isn't relevant to the OP, if you want to be mobile dps as a merc the only choice is being full pyrotech.



I was going to say the same thing. Thanks for getting us back to the OP's original question as the kiting discussion highjacked things.


However, you could if you wanted run the OP's 0/31/10 build without taking Terminal Velocity (that vent heat talent). That's the only talent in the tree that requires the high velocity cylinder. Just randomly clicking you can skip it like this. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZrIkbRrzRzszZcGM.1


So I think his question is still valid. Is this idea viable? He is trading 35% armor pen on his ranged attacks for a 30% increase of his base ranged damage and a 12% chance to proc decent DoT damage over 6 seconds. The snare from Sweltering Heat helps a little while leveling, but with this build doesn't since you will have to grab Pinning Fire to skip Terminal Velocity and at least with Pinning Fire you can snare on demand, where as with Sweltering Heat you only have a 12% chance. I'd put the 2 point in Improved Vents from the 1st tree to help with Heat since you won't get any auto-vents from Terminal Velocity.


It's doable but looks not as effective on the surface. You are giving up the strength of the Ars tree without investing enough in Pyro tree to make it worth it, probably. Your best attacks RS, TM, HS all deal weapon based damage which benefits from the armor pen and will probably be less effective than 30% base damage increase (which sees 100% of their armor) and a 12% elem dam proc. I can't say that for sure, but it seems like it. If it all works out equally, then you'll just be losing some burst for DoT damage and it will probably effect your play style.

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The arsenal tree is reliant on Terminal Velocity to vent heat, without it, you will overheat.


The pyrotech tree is reliant on Superheated Rail to vent heat, without it, you will overheat.


The op's hybrid build would not be able to utilize either of these talents, making it a very bad build that will overheat very fast. Regardless of what marginal advantage you might have by using CGS instead of HVGC, you would not be doing more damage than either a pure aresenal or pure pyrotech build using the correct cylinder, because when you are overheated you are worthless.

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So I respected back to pyrotech. Playing with that build (0/31/10) my ability to "kite" was awesome!


-The 10 sec reduction on jet boost and the knockback with rocket punch, along with the slowing effect from dot made a huge difference.

-The damage standing still was over all was about the same.

-The damage on the move obviously not as great as pryo but keeping marauders off me was very easy, much easier than full pyrotech.


But do to the fact of overheating like stated above it was kind of annoying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Crazy thought but what about actually being Hybrid. 0/23/18 You trade out some Crit percentage from Pyro and Heatsinker for a refreshing railshot and hard unload for overall more damage.


Rotation most likely would be start out classic arsenal but instead of oging into unload after the 2/3 TM you railshot unload (proc railshot) and act like a pryo and resetting the debuffs TM once every 12 sec or so. Replace Thermal DET wit explosive dart in rotation.

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Interesting to see people point out one thing not realizing they are exposing their own flaws.

Trying hybrid for a dps merc is phsyco babble. Kiting?? Someone said "every class should know how to kite." Cute...but you are mixing your PvE into my PvP.


All sorts of yanks/grapples and force leaps negate all this kiting being mentioned. Unless you are playing against Gold Fish. Or maybe some of you would like to be Hutt Ball mascots?


"Watch me slow the ball carrier until he force speeds off and his teams realizes you are a Jack of all trades, mastervof none. /deadRepeatedly


No offense to the O.P. but im more responding to the illogical and misleading replies.

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So I respected back to pyrotech. Playing with that build (0/31/10) my ability to "kite" was awesome!


-The 10 sec reduction on jet boost and the knockback with rocket punch, along with the slowing effect from dot made a huge difference.

-The damage standing still was over all was about the same.

-The damage on the move obviously not as great as pryo but keeping marauders off me was very easy, much easier than full pyrotech.


But do to the fact of overheating like stated above it was kind of annoying.


More with the "kiting"...


Please make a collage of pics of your wins and placement/comms...oh wait, it didntvwork out for you. Kite who and what, where??? Voidstar, Civil War? Only people to be kited are unprepared gear or team wise. Only kiting that should be done is you sending people to the med center. No offense but I welcome strats but some im seeing are pointless.

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