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Sentinel Set Bonus Changes


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Q: Will our (4) set bonus be changed to something more useful?



On nightmare mode, I typically use Valorous Call twice per fight. On pull and after Inspiration below 20% (Inspiration > Valorous Call > Zen > Adrenal).


I hardly think a 15 second reduction on the cooldown of a 2:30 ability that we use once or twice per fight is worth the (4)set. I could be wrong.



(4) Since they are removing Force Camo's Invulnerability, have this set requirement remove the 50% health penalty from GBtF and maybe increase the duration by 5 more seconds. Something that would actually make sense and useful for both PvP and PvE scenarios (basically a less annoying for opponents Pally bubble or Ranger Weapon-shield for you EQ'er's out there).

(4) Force Stasis Instant Cast (Additional)


(4) Further time and speed buff to Force Camo (Thanks for buffing in 1.2)


If they don't touch the bonuses AT LEAST have Valorous Call restore 12 points of Rage (Focus) on use.


Some other things I'd like to see changed:

Force Leap - This should leap you directly to the edge of a mob's hit box or in place if you are already within melee range, regardless of it's positioning. It shouldn't land you in front of the boss if you are attacking from behind. (Note: Force Leap on Soa in 3rd phase is hit or miss. Can any others confirm this problem?)


Master Strike - This ability should cancel if the target runs out of range.


Opportune Strike & Pummel Strike - Combine these abilities into one improved ability usable with any of the prerequisites (I can't keep them straight). This will free up some much needed button space for future Legacy/Class abilities.


Lastly, change Rage to Focus on our current set descriptions.




Aroan, 50 Sentinel


Tarro Blood

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I completely agree with the lowered cd on valorous call to be pointless and would also like if they changed it to something actually usefull. Overall our set bonuses are bad, 1 less focus cost for dispatch is nice of course but compared to what some other classes get its not all that much, dispatch can only be used on targets below 20% health after all. (30% in 1.2)


However the idea of gbtf to not cost 50% health and be up for 11 seconds is ridiculously overpowered :p that will only happen in my wet dreams. But perhaps give us the 100% damage reduction from force camo back? would LOVE that.


The force leap issue i also agree with, can be annoying for Watchman since we use leap in our rotation to have it move us to a different spot that may cause us to take unneccesary damage etc.


Lastly, Master strike does cancel if the target moves out of range mate, if it doesnt cancel, u still hit the target with it, it has some sick range once channeling it ;)

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I merely suggested the 10 sec 99% damage reduction as a trade off because of the fact we're losing Force Camo's 4 sec invulnerability. When you're using GbtF at low health (which you should be) the penalty is practically non-existing anyway.


But yeah, maybe 10 seconds is asking too much in one ability. Just have the (4) set remove the health penalty and reduce the cool-down and only put it on the PvE set.


I'm just suggesting a means to make this ability more useful in troublesome melee heavy encounters and less of a 'oh st' button.


With that said, I think the +12 Focus addition to Valorous Call would be less game breaking and very useful for our class.



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Lastly, Master strike does cancel if the target moves out of range mate, if it doesnt cancel, u still hit the target with it, it has some sick range once channeling it ;)


I've noticed both. It canceling (like when a mob dies) or it not canceling (mob dies and you're still spinning Kung fu at the target). Same with a mob moving out of range. Just pointing out something might be broken here and I think it demands SOME attention. Not high priority.

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