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Help me with something about Hapes....


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I have started to write, and it's a realist attempt (IE, 80-90 pages) to use a concept from ''modern'' SW era into a Great Galactic War setup.


Which is, Hapes.


The idea is to explain why exactly the Hapan matriarchy


A)Is matriarchal because of the Lorrel raiders apparently Gor-like socieity (which make total sense on it's own)


B)Hates the Jedi for killing their sons and ''husbands'') (which does make sense for the sons, not so much for the husbands)


While the idea is to stress out the ''sons'' bit, I'm open to suggestions on the matter, as (A) and (B) make perfect sense separately, but not together.

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Matriarchal societies exist here on earth. You can use them as examples, but in fantasy/fiction settings it's usually due to superior genetics in the females of the species which results in domination of the males. A lot of animals in nature operate like this. (Ants for example)



The sons and husbands thing I'm not sure what you're getting at, but typically when one complains about losing those, it's due to a war, where all the men of fighting age have to go die. I think Europe is missing a large portion of a generation because of WW1. The old and infirm males or too young would be left behind, I.E. The prime range for husbands die.

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I mean here that the female Hapans are supposed to hate the Jedis for killing the Lorrel raiders.


Okay, but at the same time, the female Hapans also hate the Lorrel raiders for opressing them.


Which seems to mean to me that they have hate for their ''husbands'', and love for their sons (It's the explanation I found...)

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Hapans are descendants of the Lorel Raiders, essentially a pirate group. They used to leave their women at home when they went off, which gave them an independence. When the Jedi turned their attention to the Lorel Raiders and wiped them out, the women took over the running of the settlements, but blamed the Jedi for wiping out their males. They then became fiercely independent and decided that no man will rule their fate, making them a matriarchal society.


Edit: It's more about their independence. The Raider abducted them so they hated them for it, but still valued them, then hated the Jedi for taking the Raiders away from them.

Edited by HaltHammerzeit
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