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Darth Vader and Tatooine


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Why wouldn't Vader return to Tatooine? Is it because of his massacre of the Sand People, or his sadness toward his mother's death? I think that the movie would have been more epic if he would have went to Tatooine and just massacred everything. What are your thoughts?
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Why wouldn't Vader return to Tatooine? Is it because of his massacre of the Sand People, or his sadness toward his mother's death? I think that the movie would have been more epic if he would have went to Tatooine and just massacred everything. What are your thoughts?


It reminded him of his mother and his past as Anakin Skywalker. It was likely that it also reminded him that he was a slave now just like he was as a boy.

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Why wouldn't Vader return to Tatooine? Is it because of his massacre of the Sand People, or his sadness toward his mother's death? I think that the movie would have been more epic if he would have went to Tatooine and just massacred everything. What are your thoughts?


Can you imagine how hot it must be in that suit already? Plus Tatooine? Ouch.

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Can you imagine how hot it must be in that suit already? Plus Tatooine? Ouch.


Actually Vader's armor regulates his body temperature like stormtrooper armor, so he wouldn't be heated or cold at all. This was why he was able to walk on Hoth no problem, not needing any special equipment.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Yea, but it would make sense that Vader would know Obi-Wan would return there for this reason.


Why? Thats not a reason in my book, Kenobi had no real ties to Tatooine that Vader knew of.

Edited by Tuscad
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The official reason that Darth Vader can't go back to Tatooine is because Tatooine is the core of the tiny bit of Anakin that remains in him.


The unofficial reason is that the Emperor don't really wan't him on Tatooine, because, you know, that might make Vader realize ''Hey, this old geezer is one of the cause of the death of my mother''


The true treason is that this was required to find something to explain why Obi Wan Kenobi was so sure that Darth Vader would never decide to go home (to, I dunno, either put flowers on his mother grave or more in character, decapitate some Tuskens or his in-laws) and realize that Luke Skywalker is ''hidden'' here.

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Yeah, safely hide Vader's son on Tatooine (his home planet), with family members with whom Vader is familiar, and don't bother to change the son's name from Skywalker.


Then script in a reason that Vader can't return to such a place.

Edited by GreySix
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The true treason is that this was required to find something to explain why Obi Wan Kenobi was so sure that Darth Vader would never decide to go home (to, I dunno, either put flowers on his mother grave or more in character, decapitate some Tuskens or his in-laws) and realize that Luke Skywalker is ''hidden'' here.

Anakin's in-laws are on Naboo, not Tatooine... :p (well, okay, he has a step-sister-in-law there)


Yeah, safely hide Vader's son on Tatooine (his home planet), with family members with whom Vader is familiar, and don't bother to change the son's name from Skywalker.


Then script in a reason that Vader can't return to such a place.

Anakin hated Tatooine. There was no reason to return to it, now that his mother's gone. Vader buried everything "Anakin" away, so even visiting the grave of his mother was out of the question.


And he wasn't very 'familiar' with Owen & Beru; he met 'em one day, said good-bye to them the next pretty much. All he knew was "My mom's grave is on the Lars farm, where I have a step-brother that seems a decent sort." Going back there as Vader would probably just freak out Cliegg, Owen, whoever was around... then he'd probably have to kill them, and whatever WAS left of Anakin probably wouldn't have wanted that. He could've gone back to wipe out ALL the Tuskens, but the Emperor probably forbid it as a wasteful and/or trivial use of his power.


So, he hates sand... it gets everywhere, and would be tough to get outta his Vader-suit. His mom's gone, his rage over her death spent. There's no reason for him to go back.


Obi-Wan's only been to Tatooine once (outside TCW; not sure if he visited in the movie/series) back when Anakin was first found, and Obi-Wan pretty much only stayed around the ship. Vader would have no reason to think that Obi-Wan would go to Tatooine to hide, especially considering there's THOUSANDS of worlds he could've chosen. And Vader figured his child was dead; he didn't even know about twins. So there was no reason to look for a Skywalker kid ANYWHERE. And even if one popped up, there's no guarantee it'd be related to him. It's a big galaxy. Skywalker doesn't have to be the 'Smith' of the GFFA to pop up in one or two other places among TRILLIONS of sentients. Now, if he heard about a Skywalker kid living with his step-brother, that might seem suspicious... but it's possible they named their kid 'Skywalker' in honor of Owen's late step-mother as well as his step-brother, the Hero of the Republic from the Clone Wars.


But the TRUE answer is that at the time ANH was written (when it wasn't even called "A New Hope", let alone "Episode IV"), Darth Vader and Luke's father were two SEPARATE characters. Remember, in the ANH script it's NEVER said that Obi-Wan TAUGHT Luke's father; Ben says he "was once a Jedi Knight, the same as [Luke's] father" and that Luke's dad was a great pilot, a cunning warrior, and a good friend. Only Vader is mentioned as Ben's pupil, and it's implied that Vader was still a student when he turned to the dark side.


So, Luke's father was DEAD. Vader would have no reason to hunt down a kid named Skywalker, even if he was the son of the Skywalker Vader betrayed & murdered. The Jedi were gone, there'd be nobody to train him. It was only later he realized Obi-Wan was still alive (remember, even Tarkin scoffed at the notion). And it was only after Ben's voice started talking to Luke in the Death Star trench that Vader commented "the Force is strong in this one". It's not until the end of ESB's title crawl that we find out Vader's learned about 'Skywalker', and so he probably put 2 & 2 together that Obi-Wan must have trained Skywalker's son, as it was too much a coincidence that the freighter that brought Obi-Wan to the Death Star also led the DS to the Rebel base, where a Force-strong pilot destroyed it.

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But the TRUE answer is that at the time ANH was written (when it wasn't even called "A New Hope", let alone "Episode IV"), Darth Vader and Luke's father were two SEPARATE characters. Remember, in the ANH script it's NEVER said that Obi-Wan TAUGHT Luke's father; Ben says he "was once a Jedi Knight, the same as [Luke's] father" and that Luke's dad was a great pilot, a cunning warrior, and a good friend. Only Vader is mentioned as Ben's pupil, and it's implied that Vader was still a student when he turned to the dark side.

Okay, I'll buy that for a dollar. Falls right in line with Liea's face-plant with her brother in TESB.

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Okay, I'll buy that for a dollar. Falls right in line with Liea's face-plant with her brother in TESB.


Well you do know originally there were goign to be 9 films? Leia and Luke weren't supposed to be related at all. But they were going to get married by the last film. But a bunch of the general ideas merged into the 3 OT films, creating a lot of the plot holes and or confusion in certain scenes.

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