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Coming up on lvl 28 legacy...


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The legacy stuff they are releasing is pretty cool, but if you are expecting something game changing or totally freaking awesome... then you will be disappointed.


Nah just something that shows me all the work I've put into the system was worth it and I'll be fine

Edited by Necrosia
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I wouldn't hold my breath.


Most of the semi-decent stuff upwards seems to have nothing to do with legacy level except as a bare minimum requirement to unlock.


The requirements I've seen so far have all been "Get xxxx race to level 50" or "Complete Chapter Y with a specific class" or "Be nice to your companion and do their sub-missions to get a bonus".



So whilst legacy level 28 is nice.... Bioware haven't really put much weight on legacy level itself except as a minimum grind requirement for those that want to buy the unlocks for 1.2million credits each rather than achieve them.



Summary: Someone who rushed to max in a day, will likely be better off than you legacy system wise if you took your time to explore the different classes, planets and content. :p

Edited by Tikigit
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They are only releasing a small portion of legacy unlocks right now. They will implement higher tier stuff in the future. The reason for this, I assume without any merit, is to not make people feel like they are forced to grind legacy. If they released stuff that require legacy lvl50 now, people would go up in arms that BW is forcing them to grind for months just to unlock cool stuff. I'd wager they simply take the average legacy level of the player-base and implement stuff as it goes up.


At least, that would make sense to me.


Oh and for the record, I'm at 39 myself.

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I agree that I was expecting more, or for it to be tied more to legacy level. I think the highest legacy lvl req was 25? That's actually pretty low, most of my guild is at least 25.


Secondly, they put it in at the beginning even though it wasn't ready so people could earn experience towards it, knowing it'd be added later on.

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I can understand that but they made legacy available since day 1


To not penalize people who started at day one. If they hadn't enabled legacy exp, people would have been upset and rightfully so.

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