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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Belsavis is an amazing zone


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Outside of Tython (being the best starter zone) and Coruscant (Being the best homeworld zone), Belsavis is the most amazing zone in the game.


From the initial questing area, to the end content questing areas, to the Eternity Vault raid, this zone is simply amazing.


The initial questing in this zone moves very fluidly and naturally and with a good pace, and it has an interesting and compelling story. The diversity of scenery in both the indoor and outdoor areas is no question the best in the game. The Rakata architecture is very nicely presented, and used very well in game.


I wish all the other zones in the game were built with this amount of care and attention to detail.


I understand there is lore involved with places such as Tatooine and Hoth, but SO MUCH more could have and should have been done in those zone to make them as good as Belsavis.


I'm hoping in the future that Belsavis will become the standard by which all future zones in this game are developed.


Thanks for this great zone!

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hehehe, you think Tython is the best starting zone...


Lot of people hate Tython(Myself included) to much running back and forth, FAR to much funneling going on and everything is spread all over the damn map.


Everyone will have what they feel is the best starter zone for their own reasons... I don't think anyone will argue that Dromund Kaas is better than Coruscant, though Drummund Kaas does have a storyline or two that does shine.


For my money, Tython is BY FAR the best starter zone. Everything moves at a really natural pace, the gear distribution and the story progression is the best of all the 4 starter zones, the last quest for both the Knight and the Consular are better than any other classes last zone quest and is quite epic and well developed... (And I've played though each class to have this perspective)


I would say the next best is Hutta... But it's very small and has the feeling of giving you half the money's worth from Tython... One can literally level 1-10 there twice as fast as a Consular (which I would say has the longest initial story)...


Korriban isn't bad, but everything happens in a very small area and doesn't lend itself to epicness of Journey that Tython has...


Ord mantell is just tedius and dreary... The trooper has an engaging story, but the planet itself is quite dull.


My 2 cents on those.


Belsavis rocks though... Love this zone!

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If I never see another Esh-Ka again, it'll be too soon. Seriously, I hate this planet, almost as much as I hate Taris and all the Rakghouls.


Taris is my least favorite planet... I agree on the Rakghouls and everything else from there...

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I agree I think Tython prob is the best start zone, but I prefer Voss to Belsavis.


Voss is also very good... Not nearly as dynamic as Belsavis though... Still Voss is one of the best...


The Voss race and storyline there is also very good... The trials quest is great!

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Voss is also very good... Not nearly as dynamic as Belsavis though... Still Voss is one of the best...


The Voss race and storyline there is also very good... The trials quest is great!

I often go back to Belsavis, Voss & Corellia to do their heroics, dailies & FPs for drops & com mods to outfit my companions. Edited by GalacticKegger
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