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Level 49 PvP Build?


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I was looking to have a bit of geared out fun when I get my Sorc to 49. While looking at builds I'm thinking this one would be best for that:




Or would it make more sense to put the points from the overload root to lightning barrage? (I find the root pretty useful in PvP so dunno)




Thoughts much appreciated.

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Looks solid to me (and I'm assuming since you mentioned PvP in passing, that's what you'll be doing).


I'd keep the points in Electric Bindings - the root is very useful.


Regarding Lightning Barrage, had it and rarely used it in PvP simply because Affliction is a double-edged sword - if you need to CC somone you've dropped Affliction on you're SOL.


"Lord Renning will be pleased" that you did not take Chain Lightning - you can't use it with wrath procs after 1.2 so it's better you get used to playing without it as a deep Madness hybrid.


Carry on!



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you're a noob and no amount of points will help :o


Look at http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZfcMMbMbZcMfRsMko.1 though.


Don't under estimate Backlash.


On my Operative, killing sorcs is normally like a hot knife going thru butter, 3 shots if squishy, some last 4 if lucky, except Sorcs that talent that blind.


Bust the shield (which normally happens on the opener from stealth) and you're blinded/mez/stunned for 3s, and if you use cc breaker, you're still stunned, dont know if its a bug, but it works a lot better than it is prolly intended, thank god not many use it.

Edited by Wheelerific
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you're a noob and no amount of points will help :o


Look at http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZfcMMbMbZcMfRsMko.1 though.


Don't under estimate Backlash.


On my Operative, killing sorcs is normally like a hot knife going thru butter, 3 shots if squishy, some last 4 if lucky, except Sorcs that talent that blind.


Bust the shield (which normally happens on the opener from stealth) and you're blinded/mez/stunned for 3s, and if you use cc breaker, you're still stunned, dont know if its a bug, but it works a lot better than it is prolly intended, thank god not many use it.


I"m actually trying to level as many different characters as I can so I can kill you with every class :)


Back on topic. Does spreading the points around like that hurt the damage output?

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Slightly, but the points you are taking in Lightning, aren't really for anything dps outside of Convection at the bottom of the tree, they are for utility.


Yes, you can keep more dps oriented talents that are higher in the madness tree, but if you're dead, what does it matter.

Edited by Wheelerific
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One glaring fault from yours is, never take any points in Corrupted Flesh.


One Purge, and those dots are gone.


Unless they are applied by a BH, IA, or one of a SW's bleeds. Only DoTs Purge really removes is Sorc and 'Sin ones.

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I was looking to have a bit of geared out fun when I get my Sorc to 49. While looking at builds I'm thinking this one would be best for that:




Or would it make more sense to put the points from the overload root to lightning barrage? (I find the root pretty useful in PvP so dunno)




Thoughts much appreciated.


I would never give up the overload root in pvp with 12 points going into the lightning tree, it is just too darn useful, be it for stopping melee from chewing on you, rooting a ballcarrier in a huttball obstacle, buying time for a door/turret capper from being interrupted, etc.


Utility is the one advantage a dps sorc has over most other dpsers so I say milk that to its fullest. The only thing that might play out against you is your resource sustainability. Much the way my 21/2/18 spec can eat through force, your lacking effusion/reserves might find you having some issues there, I'd say most of the time the extra 100 force from reserves outweighs that 9% reduction out of induction.

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you're a noob and no amount of points will help :o


Look at http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZfcMMbMbZcMfRsMko.1 though.


Don't under estimate Backlash.


On my Operative, killing sorcs is normally like a hot knife going thru butter, 3 shots if squishy, some last 4 if lucky, except Sorcs that talent that blind.


Bust the shield (which normally happens on the opener from stealth) and you're blinded/mez/stunned for 3s, and if you use cc breaker, you're still stunned, dont know if its a bug, but it works a lot better than it is prolly intended, thank god not many use it.


That's a bit of a disjointed feeling looking spec to me that would make you a situational pest with little potency. The only real burst a sorc has post 1.2 is wrath proc crushing darkness into deathfield.


I think realistically if you are dropping more then 18 points into Madness you are best served going for the full 28 of creeping death so you at least have that reckless--> death field burst.


Likewise if you are going to throw 18 points in lightning might as well pick up effusion be it instead of backlash or instead of deathmark/one creeping death point.

Edited by paul_preib
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