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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just got to Lv50...


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new game and complaining about lack of content? give me a break.


Enjoy posting on the GW2 forums about the problems they have because well, EVERY game has problems at launch.



Not mere lack of content, lack of PvP Vision and Content. If you can't see that maybe you are not a PvP player and play the PvE content.


I only say that the PvP offer in this game is rather weak, not complaining about anything else.

Edited by Mikola
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Well , first off most people who have their BM gear did not have to fight people with better gear since the game is new. So they had it easy. Second, having the gear first should not grant you a lifetime advantage over all new players for eternity? What gave them the right to deserve that. 3rd when I do have the gear, why should I deserve to play with less gear people all the time after that?


It's like starting a game of chess with half the pieces because you played more games. That's just ludicrous. And people are actually defending this position. It's crazy!!


lol funny because my first toon was empire. seeing how badly we outnumbered the republic, i rerolled to the other side. i just hit battlemaster. atm im in full champion gear and i top dps and kills in majority of my games. when i was in centurian gear, i topped the healing charts in the majority of my games.


so your excuse is because you cannot do it, then nobody can do it.

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lol funny because my first toon was empire. seeing how badly we outnumbered the republic, i rerolled to the other side. i just hit battlemaster. atm im in full champion gear and i top dps and kills in majority of my games. when i was in centurian gear, i topped the healing charts in the majority of my games.


so your excuse is because you cannot do it, then nobody can do it.


You obviously did not read the full 6 pages or you do not understand my points. Either way your answer is well not answering anything... What motivated you to post I wonder?

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Still dreaming for a game design with world PvP at it's core...


that was Aion before PvE queens and players like you start crying about being unskilled and/or too lazy to get gear (super quick and easy in SWTOR btw, I was at 400-500 expertise 2,3 or 4 days after I hit 50)

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that was Aion before PvE queens and players like you start crying about being unskilled and/or too lazy to get gear (super quick and easy in SWTOR btw, I was at 400-500 expertise 2,3 or 4 days after I hit 50)


Well the trolls took control of this post so it is now as productive as talking to the wall...

Trolls will be trolls...

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Well the trolls took control of this post so it is now as productive as talking to the wall...

Trolls will be trolls...


If you are such a honoured and balance seeking pvp'er, where is your thread for level 10 getting facerolled by 40s? They have to grind up around 25 to be competetive. You have to grind TWO days for full cent except weapons. Sure you're not bm then. Same goes for the 25 char, he has to grind harder to be on par with 40s.

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Well the trolls took control of this post so it is now as productive as talking to the wall...

Trolls will be trolls...


If you are such a honoured and balance seeking pvp'er, where is your thread for level 10 getting facerolled by 40s? They have to grind up around 25 to be competetive. You have to grind TWO days for full cent except weapons. Sure you're not bm then. Same goes for the 25 char, he has to grind harder to be on par with 40s.

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Don't play the burden for my team card. Almost every rnd wz has 1-3 fresh or new 50s on their side, it equals out :rolleyes:


If it all equals out , why have this gear grinding system in the first place? And why so many tread about people don't liking this system. Obvious troll...

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If it all equals out , why have this gear grinding system in the first place? And why so many tread about people don't liking this system. Obvious troll...


where is your thread for level 10s beeing a burden for their teams?


Here's your problem: you facerolled lows in the 40s. You may not noticed that you facerolled them because you reason it with your raised skill / game exp. You hit 50 and noticed the grinding mountain in front of you. You are searching arguments for this mountain to be removed but failed as you gear up in 2 days to an acceptable degree. And people who point that out are trolls?! Better luck next time, bob.

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Yes, this is the prevailing PvP going on in swtor. And that's why I cancelled. Now Guild Wars 2 does NOT have gear at all in PvP so I'm still hopeful it will be better then this here. 3 WZ only and nothing else? Give me a break!


Wait !~ so you pvp naked? or are you saying the gear is purely for looks and have no real stats? Because if theres no pvp gear but you still need gear for your character with stats then that means that the endgame hardcore raiding guilds will dominate in pvp since they will have the strongest gear anyway? Or is everyone in equal terms when you enter a duel and all stats go to 0? it just seems bad to be honest replacing pvp gear with regular pve gear it will have the same and maybe new problems.

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funny about the gear whine - played a game of huttball last night, against a team full of BM and war-heroes, we fought the game naked in our team, and beat the oppesit team 6-0


Naked game starts @ 1:12:00


So the real question is, does gear really make that big of a difference or could it be the players behind the toons ?


I do realize that Huttball is proberly the best map for it, but none the less naked vs bm geared ppl, and winning 6-0.


Less QQ about gear more focus on actually playing. And no its not my pov.

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Dude I got geared out in full Centurion on the right (chest, legs, feet, hands, head) and full Champion on the left (relics, bracers, implants, ear) in such a little amount of time.


It probably took me around 12 hours of game time:


6 bags total ready to go once I hit 50.


2 weeklies


1/2 dozen or so dailies


~ 550 expertise

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Why should you be allowed to play only 10-20% of the game and succeed as well as someone who plays 100% of the game?


Why should someone who sucks but plays all the time be able to always beat someone who only plays a couple hours a night but is a better player? Not everyone is a college student.


This game is 95% gear, 5% skill in pvp. I've got my sentinel up to 350 expertise and I'm still getting hit for 5k + by BH's.


In what alternate reality is that fun? What's the point of even fighting when the guy with the best gear is going to win almost every single time?


BW could fix this if they did PvP matching by gear score.. except that so many people have left, it would be virtually impossible on most servers without having hour long queues.


I know I'm complaining. I think this game is garbage so far. It was fun going through the quests the 1st time. I'll give 1.2 a month to not suck before I decide to quit for good or keep playing. My opinion is we've all been paying $12-$15/month (and $60 start up fee) to beta test their game.

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I'd like to totally bring a different point of view to all this. Now I know most of you will flame me and call me a troll and tell me to kill myself, and I'm good with that, this is only my opinion.


I'm no WOW or MMO nerd. To tell you the truth the ONLY other MMO I ever played was Star Wars Galaxies. I actually hated PvP or any "real person" competition. Even in consoles I hated going online and fighting a bunch of hyper hand-eye coordinated teenagers high on Mountain Dew.


The only reason I ever played SWTOR and SWG is for "the Star Wars content". HOWEVER, after leveling to 50 by ONLY playing PvE I thought I would give PvP a try (even though I always hated it). And to tell you the truth, I was surprised how fun it was.


Now being a fresh 50 I was incinerated every second I re-spawned. Sure it sucked, but I treated it like an initiation until I earned better gear. As I learned the WZs, how to play my character (skills/rotation) I got better and got better gear. Because of my class (Gunnery Commando) I still have the life expectancy of only a few minutes unless I have a great healer by my side, but that is something I deal with.


Long story short, call me a MMORPG noob, but seriously, people think they can just buy "this type of game" load it and just be playing on the same level as every body else because they are "just a naturally good PvP player"? That's called a console game. This is STILL a RPG BASED in the Star Wars universe, and like many other posters said, this game isn't for you. Maybe those MMOs exist where you just load it up and you are already on the level as everyone else, but this game isn't that.


I know you don't want my pity, but seriously, not even playing your characters storyline to the end? You really are missing out on a lot of cool content.


Now I do agree, 3 WZs is a joke, and (even though I am against full, all out, open world PvP 24/7) Ilum is also a joke. These definitely need to be fixed.


I understand people "have lives" (at lease some of us do) and we should be able to have fun and "compete", but be real people, this is an MMO and needs at least a little bit of dedication to compete with the unemployed or those out of school.


If you are "Mr. I'm too busy because of my wife and kids", then compete with other married men. If you can dedicate 10 hours a week, then be in that league. If you play an MMO like a job (40+ hours a week) then you deserve to be the uber BM..


At least with SWTOR, it's not designed (as of yet) to just pop it in and start battling with other PVPers at their level. Like they say, try something new. Maybe level your toon to 50 via the story so you aren't burnt out on the 3 (soon to be 4) WZs and compete in PVP only when you are 50. IF that doesn't sound fun, this game probably isn't for you.

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To be honest folks, I cannot understand why you people are moaning about pvp.


Few facts about this Game's PvP :


- Sw:ToR had the most unlocked battle ground maps in that early stage of the Game I know of any MMO (For Comparison : Rift had 2, WoW didnt even have a PvP system in Patches 1.1 or 1.2)


- The Mechanic with the purple bar is interesting and extremly fun


- The environment factor is extremly important. (Even a full BM char will die if knocked into fire in huttball or reactor core pit)


- The Gear diversity and getting owned isnt as close to as bad as in similar Games (try fighting R8's in rift as r1, you will get oneshotted for sure, and you can try with 5 people, the rank 8 people is not going to die.)


- You get gear ridiculously fast compared to other Games.


- A new Warzone is coming in a few days (suck this impatients!)


- The 10-49 matchup system is new and exciting (I played wow aswell as rift, even in PvP things, wow even for 6 years. I haven't had that much fun in pvp since the Tarrens Mill Zergs in wow vanilla :D )


- This is a story focused, mainly PVE Game afterall (Yes it is, dont try to deny it, Star Wars and especially Biowares handling of it IS extremly STORY RELIANT)


- If you'r just here for pvp and nothing else, **** already, please, you just steal fun from normal players!


sincerly :D

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To be honest folks, I cannot understand why you people are moaning about pvp.


Few facts about this Game's PvP :


- Sw:ToR had the most unlocked battle ground maps in that early stage of the Game I know of any MMO (For Comparison : Rift had 2, WoW didnt even have a PvP system in Patches 1.1 or 1.2)


- The Gear diversity and getting owned isnt as close to as bad as in similar Games (try fighting R8's in rift as r1, you will get oneshotted for sure, and you can try with 5 people, the rank 8 people is not going to die.)


- If you'r just here for pvp and nothing else, **** already, please, you just steal fun from normal players!


sincerly :D


You say you've played rift but something gives me the feeling you didnt even get past lvl 10. been playing rift since the game was in its alpha stage and its always had 4 (not 2) warfronts


rift also normalized valor (expertise in SWTOR) across all gear so that a R1 had the same damage reduction as a R8 but not the same stats so R8's still had an advantage but R1 weren't being destroyed in 2 shots


about the only 2 things rift did right in the pvp area

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