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Hey bioware explain this to me?


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For some ******** reason your server boots me and my friend from the server, I queue first and get 735, my friend queue's he gets 12..... I've now waited in queue today more than I've played the game. oh and now i'm only at 523 after 45minutes and my friend has been playing the whole time..... so thanks for that. If for some reason my client crashes or I get booted from the server there is no reason for me to have to wait in queue there should be at least a 3 minute grace period, even more so since it's your damn fault. I seriously cannot believe you even made an MMO without this function, I don't even care how long the queues are, its launch it's going to happen. But I refuse to play a game that makes me wait in these god awful queue's for something that's your fault. FIX IT QUICK or people will quit and I don't want that, but I can't play a game that wont let me play it, and i'm sure as hell not paying for a game that does this. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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I completely agree. I am not sure why the hell I paid $150 bones to sit and wait in a queue when part of the deal for pre order was early game access. Not sit and wait in a queue early access. And I thought that the early rollout was to help prevent all of this. Your sending out the emails, if you can't handle the load don't send anymore freakin' emails.



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I give them until Tuesday to fix it, that's "official" launch (even though people are at max level before the game comes out LOL). If the game makes you queue again after something stupid happens on Tuesday then I "offically" quit the game until they get it together. Having a good launch is the key to success for an MMO. In order for a new MMO to compete it has to be better than the current kingpin, this game can do that but if you can't actually play then there is no point. Things like this shouldn't even be an issue, also your auction house is stupid you cant text search anything without selecting prefrences first...... really.....
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