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☺ZèD☺The Way Of The [Sith]Warrior ☺


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Greetings fellow marauders.


Im currently "working" on this little project of mine:


You can see the intro here



In the video there are 3 links, for every each marauder specialization (altough these links are currenty not available, since im still working on it...)


I would like to know from the people who enjoy/are interested in these kind of PvP movies, wich spec would you prefer/enjoy to see first.

My choice would be Annihilation...but I know, there's like tons of videos out there with that spec.

The main focus of this video is entertaining the watcher (aswell as me, as I enjoy editing and ****), so expect the edited kind of PvP movie... Im kinda nooby but I will give my best shot at it.



So yeah, let me know what you think and if you liked the intro.

Edited by atreyuz
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With that intro you have one hell of a video to make lol..That intro sets the bar pretty high haah


Annihilation is what i would like to see :D


Can you send me a private message and lmk what you use to make video's I want to start.

Edited by Herblaw
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With that intro you have one hell of a video to make lol..That intro sets the bar pretty high haah


haha I think i shot myself in the foot


Annihilation is what i would like to see :D


Can you send me a private message and lmk what you use to make video's I want to start.



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Lol, did you make Draagh and Baras do a fusion dance and then become your char or what?


Anyways, you're not impressing me with Annihilation. Every scrub and his mother runs that at the moment.


Rage isn't as impressive, but better.


You really want respect? Rock Carnage, the (pre-1.2) semi-broken spec.


*Note: Semi-broken because it can be overcome by VERY good footwork.

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One of my favorite ME3 songs haha, and good intro so far. Interested in seeing where this goes.


EDIT: And as for the spec interest, +1 to carnage. I see it has potential to do well, but not many PvP videos show that potential unfortunately.

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Are you a body type 4? +1


ofc :csw_jabbapet:


Are you wearing Light Armor? It looks like you have the Sith Inquisitor robe?


ye it is the Inquisitor champion chest


Carnage :p

BTW what will you play in 1.2?


I dunno what will be my main spec... probably Im gonna continue to swap beetwen them all just for fun, since I do not have a team for Rated so Im kind of "free" to choose whatever I want to play and how I want to do it.

Edited by atreyuz
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