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Unkillable HEALS - .... seriously ... why???


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As a Sawbones hybrid last night, I was unable to kill a very good Commando healer with 2 other healers on his team last night in Hutball. I was only able to get him down to maybe 30% a few times. Even though he was sometimes guarded, had to blow all his CDs and only self heal and I was the only one attacking him I should have been able to kill him, not just separate him from his group and ball carrier.


Commandos must be overpowered!

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Another noob thread.


Healers are underpowered if focused properly. They're receiving a massive nerf too.


The fact you have to have 2 or 3 dps is why there being nerfed, a good healer and geared can take it and go LOL wut nao kiddos...

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This is just a problem with Dedicated healing in MMOs. Healing needs to be spread amongst all classes in PvP.



When all healing fall on one person there is 2 routes you can go.


Healers are weak. They will still be useful in Pugs but in organized PvP where teams know to all focus them they will explode and seconds in be totally useless.





Healers are strong. They will be good mode in pugs becuase most players ignore them all let them heal out of control. However the will be useful in orgainzed pvp.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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pro tip: if you don't know how to kill a certain class, PLAY that class. other player will gladly show you how to do it :D


Yes, they will bring all their friends and 3v1 you while your teammates are killing a guardian tank in the pit who passed the ball 15 seconds ago. :)


People who claim they kill healers 1v1.. they probably are better geared and killed bad healers. No way I can solo a healer who has a clue about this game and is remotely geared with 75% centurion gear.


I believe it's possible to win if you have self heals and you make the healer run out of ressources (heat, force, etc.) and that's fine. It would be pretty lame if heals fell over and die in 5 seconds vs dps. What would be the point? Or if you can never top someone?

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You know what isn't funny. GW2 is that way. And a lot of people are looking forward to it. Sad that BW could have had a good game but can't seem to balance the whole PvP vs PvE thing. Now they are going to nerf the heck out of healing all under the guise of making content harder (which it will), but in reality they just can't figure out how to balance PvP. They developed the game in a vacuum and have learned nothing from the games that have gone before it. Healing already isn't fun in this game.


LF1M Healer. Good luck!


GW2 >>>>>>>>>


Rofl GW2, have fun with that hot mess and logic in this game you obv have no clue, its a great game and 90% do enjoy it with a handful of whiners like you mixed in...

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More like interupting the wrong **** doesn't do anything


So you interrupt a big heal, and right after that they go into a channel or smaller etc it really doesn't matter if the healer is good/geared, and logic like this is what causes ppl to cry...

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Yes, they will bring all their friends and 3v1 you while your teammates are killing a guardian tank in the pit who passed the ball 15 seconds ago. :)


People who claim they kill healers 1v1.. they probably are better geared and killed bad healers. No way I can solo a healer who has a clue about this game and is remotely geared with 75% centurion gear.


I believe it's possible to win if you have self heals and you make the healer run out of ressources (heat, force, etc.) and that's fine. It would be pretty lame if heals fell over and die in 5 seconds vs dps. What would be the point? Or if you can never top someone?


Funny you say that, cause that's what's going to happen to Sorcs/Sages come 1.2 patch. It's bittersweet as I'm looking forward to a few things but the nerf to healers is not. Everyone complaining about healers are too OP blah blah blah... Quick to the QQ mobile and let us all post on the forums that Healers and OP and need a nerf so Failware will fall to the scrubs who cry about nonsense on the forums!


I'll laugh as a good majrity of the healers either re-roll or unsub or "try" to deal with the changes only to just run out for the "free kill" and never get any heals off and all the QQ'ers who cried about healers being OP then start QQ'ing about never getting healed anymore.

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You know what isn't funny. GW2 is that way. And a lot of people are looking forward to it. Sad that BW could have had a good game but can't seem to balance the whole PvP vs PvE thing. Now they are going to nerf the heck out of healing all under the guise of making content harder (which it will), but in reality they just can't figure out how to balance PvP. They developed the game in a vacuum and have learned nothing from the games that have gone before it. Healing already isn't fun in this game.


LF1M Healer. Good luck!


GW2 >>>>>>>>>


You know whats going to be really funny? When they all get to GW2 and the complaining and fail posts start there, because we all know it happens with every mmo/game.


bioware is responding to the community with every nerf they put out. You think developers just sit there and ask themselves how they can piss of the players the most? "WE" the community complained until we were blue in the face, and this is what we got for it.

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All healers should be forced to wear nothing but their underwear in WZs and should be followed around by floating spotlights and speakers that announce "This dude be healing,brah!" every 30 seconds.


Healers are waaaay too OP right now, it's almost like the key to killing them is to stick to them,use interrupts and burn them down,but that sounds too legit. Oh well.





***For those of you a little slower on the uptake, your sarcasm meters should be pinging like crazy on this post****

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You know whats going to be really funny? When they all get to GW2 and the complaining and fail posts start there, because we all know it happens with every mmo/game.


bioware is responding to the community with every nerf they put out. You think developers just sit there and ask themselves how they can piss of the players the most? "WE" the community complained until we were blue in the face, and this is what we got for it.


Agree, always a handful of whiney kids that get upset and post non stop cause they were rolled by someone or something...


GW2 will be no diffrent and after a closed beta im willing to bet quite worse...

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All healers should be forced to wear nothing but their underwear in WZs and should be followed around by floating spotlights and speakers that announce "This dude be healing,brah!" every 30 seconds.


Healers are waaaay too OP right now, it's almost like the key to killing them is to stick to them,use interrupts and burn them down,but that sounds too legit. Oh well.





***For those of you a little slower on the uptake, your sarcasm meters should be pinging like crazy on this post****


We already have that, except it's a giant thing on our heads. I might try to drop a party bomb/instigator after I spawn and hit the flare gun as well to make it just THAT much easier for you ; )

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We already have that, except it's a giant thing on our heads. I might try to drop a party bomb/instigator after I spawn and hit the flare gun as well to make it just THAT much easier for you ; )


I'm going to start a petition to get gigantic flashing arrows(like half the size of the screen) placed directly over healers heads plus 1 second cooldown interrupts for all non healing classes. Who is with me?

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This is the same problem that has cursed many other popular games: healers are too powerful.


I understand the need to balance to accomodate PVE but seriously when healers heal for 4k+ and we dps hardly ever do this --> WHY???


Good luck getting this puzzle resolved


The FAIL is strong with this 1 ^

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So you interrupt a big heal, and right after that they go into a channel or smaller etc it really doesn't matter if the healer is good/geared, and logic like this is what causes ppl to cry...


Yeah because there isn't a difference in interupting the end of healing trance or saving your lock out for deliverance, right? or interupting dianostic scan and letting underworld medicine get off?

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This is the same problem that has cursed many other popular games: healers are too powerful.


I understand the need to balance to accomodate PVE but seriously when healers heal for 4k+ and we dps hardly ever do this --> WHY???


Good luck getting this puzzle resolved


Don't worry, I hear Sent/mara are getting super buffed this next patch and will average 2k every hit and take them down in seconds...

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