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Watchman Rotation Reduced to 1 Macro Ownage


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My friend has a good setup:

2 main macros

1st: builds force

2nd: Unload damage.

Then 10+ other situational skills on off keys.

His damage went up 50-100k per WZ

It also made the class a lot more fun, b/c He is not staring at cool down timers anymore.




I'm not trolling and this could be helpful to people struggling with the class. I never said I macroed in all the condition things; obviously things that aren't part of the dps rotation wouldn't go into the macro. All I'm saying is that it can be done and very effectivley. People just feel the need to defend a class because they feel it's difficult to play and they think I am taking something away from them when I'm pointing out that it can be done easier and more effectively.

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Hmm, I can't really see a DPS macro working for me in PVP. The issue is, I almost NEVER use the exact same rotation due to skills on CD or even just the situation. I feel there would be very few instances outside of the first time I go into combat or after deaths in which these macros would make me more efficient. If anything, I would think they would mess me up due to only certain skills firing if others are on CD.


I'd much rather have the unlimited versatility of pressing any skill whenever I need it. I still have a set damage rotation if the skills are up, but if not I'd much rather improvise than just spam a DPS button with what I have available. I'm sure a lot of it is just personal preference, but I really see macros as somewhat of a limiting factor on sent.

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Sounds alot like the macro's in Rift.


People, understand that it sounds more like he's setting up a macro based on skill Priority, not a rotation.


To the OP, I'm guessing your macro requires button spamming, not a "Hit key X and it executes all my functions in-line in one go". Someone else listed a viable macro earlier, and to those saying it's not as effective as a player manually using abilities due to conditions, etc... think about it.


You ALWAYS cast Overload Saber (if available) before doing any other melee attack.

You ALWAYS cast Cauterize before doing any other force-expending melee attack.

You ALWAYS cast Zealous Strike over Strike

You ALWAYS cast Merciless Slash over Slash


Therefore you setup macro as such:


cast Overload Saber

cast Cauterize

cast Merciless Slash

cast Slash


Just something simple like that is effective (My sent is only 34, so if I'm wron gon priorities, go ahead and point it out) and eliminated 3 buttons off your hotbar. Is there some instance in which you'd not use that order?


Hit it once, it casts Overload Saber

Hit it the second time, it tries overload Saber, sees it's on CD, casts Cauterize.

Hit it the third time, it checks CD's on the previous two (it doesn't actually check, it tries to execute and cannot) and executes Merciless Slash.


No one macro's EVERYTHING. That's kinda' dumb. But compressing where you can makes sense.


So, question to the OP or anyone else that uses a priority macro (I can't check since I'm at work) does the CAST Command work from a CLI to execute skills?

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This guy drives a stick and cooks with a fire.


Yep, I get better gas mileage and performance with a stick and my food cooks more evenly on a gas stove.



Therefore you setup macro as such:


cast Overload Saber

cast Cauterize

cast Merciless Slash

cast Slash


This would work well if you don't take Mind Sear. If you do take Mind Sear, and your Merc Slash resets the CD on Cauterize, you will end up reapplying Cauterize and losing the 2 ticks remaining on the DoT. Your dps would be better if you waited 2 GCD to reapply Cauterize, using slash or another ability in the meantime.


I can see the appeal of priority macros since they make things easier, but often times you don't get optimal performance from them. I think a macro like:


cast Overload Saber

cast Rebuke

cast Zealous Strike

cast Strike


Would be good. It would make things easier and not sacrifice any performance, since it only uses attacks that build focus. But for me, spending focus isn't just a matter of what is off cooldown, but what it best used in a specific situation.

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Correct - I didn't think of Mind Sear.


You could do a fair amount of compression just merged two abilities tho (Zealous Strike / Strike, Merciless Slash / Slash, etc...) which would free up a nice amount of convient hotkeys tho.


It's pretty convient for any short CD Class (Short CD class being one that has alot of abilities on short CD's and relies less on a spam button).

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The OP isn't even lvl 40 yet, so all basically anything he's talking about is useless. He's in for a rude awakening at 50.


I will adapt and rethink my macros depending on my abilties and trees. I will be just fine at 50 I assure you. If you don't think that macros even at 50 won't work you are just fooling yourself.

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u guys just spam rebuke? lulz


I don't personally because I want to keep all my defensive cd's bound to keys and always be thinking about them.


Although you lulz it, it can be viable and effective. If you spec in to recompense and put ripsote into your macro you can have essentially 100% uptime of rebuke if you are getting attacked. Niether one of these affect your dps rotation either as both are off global cd.

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Sounds alot like the macro's in Rift.


People, understand that it sounds more like he's setting up a macro based on skill Priority, not a rotation.


To the OP, I'm guessing your macro requires button spamming, not a "Hit key X and it executes all my functions in-line in one go". Someone else listed a viable macro earlier, and to those saying it's not as effective as a player manually using abilities due to conditions, etc... think about it.


You ALWAYS cast Overload Saber (if available) before doing any other melee attack.

You ALWAYS cast Cauterize before doing any other force-expending melee attack.

You ALWAYS cast Zealous Strike over Strike

You ALWAYS cast Merciless Slash over Slash


Therefore you setup macro as such:


cast Overload Saber

cast Cauterize

cast Merciless Slash

cast Slash


Just something simple like that is effective (My sent is only 34, so if I'm wron gon priorities, go ahead and point it out) and eliminated 3 buttons off your hotbar. Is there some instance in which you'd not use that order?


Hit it once, it casts Overload Saber

Hit it the second time, it tries overload Saber, sees it's on CD, casts Cauterize.

Hit it the third time, it checks CD's on the previous two (it doesn't actually check, it tries to execute and cannot) and executes Merciless Slash.


No one macro's EVERYTHING. That's kinda' dumb. But compressing where you can makes sense.


So, question to the OP or anyone else that uses a priority macro (I can't check since I'm at work) does the CAST Command work from a CLI to execute skills?


The way mine works is I assign a key press in the order I want it. Say I have I have overload saber as one on my hotbar and cauterize as two. I would record the macro press 1 then 2 and stop recording. I assign the macro to a key on my g13; then when I press that key it is like I pressed 1 then 2 on my keyboard. I can also factor in global cd's into the macro if I want. I can give it an ability delay of 1.5 seconds. So if I press the macro key it will active 1 then 1.5 seconds later press 2. I don't think macro commands in this game work at all.

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You can put overload and cauterize in one macro, even with mind smear. Just use an extra macro with slash and bladestorm for the forcedump or use masterstrike.


Even if you dont:



1.5 sec


1.5 sec


1.5 sec

cauterize which is about to fall off anyway.

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You can put overload and cauterize in one macro, even with mind smear. Just use an extra macro with slash and bladestorm for the forcedump or use masterstrike.


Even if you dont:



1.5 sec


1.5 sec


1.5 sec

cauterize which is about to fall off anyway.


If you do this what happens is merciless strike will refresh cauterize so this will be the sequence.




Merciless /refresh cauterize






Therefore you will cut off a cauterise. Since it is a priortity based macro.


I haven't reached mericless slash yet so it's not a problem fo me atm. I was going to take some time and look into this and figure out the optimal macro rotation. It may end up being two macros by 50. I have gotten some pm's about this and interest is being shown, so when I get home from work today I will start working on it.

Edited by HeliosApollo
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To answer someone's earlier post my macro atm looks something like this:



Zealot Strike




then the force generating attack


I put overload first because I like to cast in mid air after a leap. If I don't have any force then it goes automatically to zealot strike then to overload saber then cauterise. I'm at work atm so I can't look to be sure but this is really close if not the identical macro rotation I use.

Edited by HeliosApollo
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Implementing the macro with delays between abilities makes it a rotational macro, not a Priority macro. You're trying to execute more then one ability with a single keystroke. The macro type I listed earlier will execute whichever is available, which you then configure to check based on priority.


The problem with a macro with delays (that executes more then one abilitiy, in line with a delay factored in) is that if you hit the button again (perhaps you hit it to early and Overload Saber or Cauterize weren't fully off CD or, in the case of Cauterize, the GCD wasn't up) then it has to execute each command again, with delays. In other words, the thing becomes useless.


To the OP, I'm doing the same thing with my Nostromo. It hits 1, then 2. The problem I'm bumping into (with Zealous Strike / Strike) is that sometimes I hit it a hair to early and my ZS doesn't fire. It's livable but irritating.

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To the OP, I'm doing the same thing with my Nostromo. It hits 1, then 2. The problem I'm bumping into (with Zealous Strike / Strike) is that sometimes I hit it a hair to early and my ZS doesn't fire. It's livable but irritating.


I took Zealous Strike and Strike off of a macro for the very same thing. I don't want to waste GCDs with this class.

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To the OP, I'm doing the same thing with my Nostromo. It hits 1, then 2. The problem I'm bumping into (with Zealous Strike / Strike) is that sometimes I hit it a hair to early and my ZS doesn't fire. It's livable but irritating.


Do you have a dps priority macro as well? If so do you mind sharing?

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Congrats on being one step closer to not even needing to play the game. I hope that they break the functionality of macro keyboards/mice. Macros should be in this game but only for Text and emotes imo.
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I don't personally because I want to keep all my defensive cd's bound to keys and always be thinking about them.


Although you lulz it, it can be viable and effective. If you spec in to recompense and put ripsote into your macro you can have essentially 100% uptime of rebuke if you are getting attacked. Niether one of these affect your dps rotation either as both are off global cd.


I use it everytime its up and I'm in combat or about to be. You don't? lulz


Oh..this is for leveling. Well plz continue :p Just don't do this for PvP!

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Picked up a Logitech G13 and keyed in my rotation in Watchman spec and melted faces. Our rotation can be summed up in one macro.


Before you say omg bad player I use my other abilities as well I interupt, I still use crippling throw, and I still slow if needed but the damage rotation is a priority system so it's uber easy to pwn with a push of one button. Skills :) No more Watchman is soo hard to play even though it never really was.


I still refuse to acknowledge that a keyboard sequence is as good as a person.

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Oh..this is for leveling. Well plz continue :p Just don't do this for PvP!


Why would I not use one of my best damage mitigation tools as much as possible in pvp? Honestly, anyone who is not using rebuke every time it's up and they are in combat is failing miserably as a sent. It lasts 30s on a 1m CD... use it as much as you possibly can!

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