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Save the Republic; Save the game...


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I will be honest, on my first server the imp to rep ratio was like 3-1 but i since joined Freedon Nadd and all i can say is the pop is fine there most of the Wz's i play have been Faction based.


I can't speak for ilum as i am not 50 yet but it does go to show this isnt a constant across all servers.


I for one found the storyline for the rep to be boring i dont know why and i do have three chars on the rep

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Having to wait hours to form a group or for a wz to pop isn't fun

Neither is constant 2 vs 10 in ilum but

The only Current solution is to re roll on a populated server

I did and the experience is a lot better

Until they offer xfer or xrealm pve pvp

thats all we got

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There never has been and never will be a two factioned pvp system that does not have population balance issues. An odd number of factions are needed to insure one side does not dominate with numbers alone. If A gets to strong B and C team up to knock A back down to size. Fluid movement between factions populations can be controlled with any form of incentives given to one faction or the other. The bigger the imbalance, the bigger the incentives.
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Diablo will fail like duke nukem failed. It isn't even the same Blizzard that made those games. It was Blizzard north not the garbage Blizzard we have now.


Blizzard games are like Call of Duty- it's releasing garbage they put out before, only worse- yet it still sells like mountain dew at a WoW convention.


D3 looks pretty disappointing, even more so that there's no pvp AND it's confirmed pay to win with item shopping.... but that doesn't mean it won't be one of the biggest selling games of the year.


Being bad has little to do with selling well- look at Twilight, Justin Beiber, etc...

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Role a Republic alt and be the change you hope to see.


im thinkin about rollin a republic alt but i dont know


i heard scoundrels were a hard class to play and i was thinkin about goin scrapper scoundrel but i dont really want some super hard class to play


unless there rotation isnt what makes them hard to play.because ive played "rogue" types in other mmorpgs.so i know the general basics of,your probably gonna be screwed if your going up against a tank class and you generally will do the best against like caster types

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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im thinkin about rollin a republic alt but i dont know




I rolled a trooper and a gunslinger on Swiftsure (which is one of the highest population servers) and I have had a blast. PVP has mostly been readily available.

Edited by Tomb-Stone
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Ill be the first to say balance in pvp is important but evil sides look cooler and always seem to have more players then the "good" guys..


Not just in games. If you notice in most areas of fiction the villains almost always have:

Better dialog

Better wardrobes

More interesting personalities.



Unless you go "anti-hero" (which is really just a villain that kills other villains when you think about it, lol) good guys are boring. They're usually dumb, have crappy dialog (or at best cheesy one-liners) and predictable as hell.


Can't blame people for wanting to play interesting characters that look cool. The only ones that really look good on repub are troopers (who are arguably the coolest looking characters in the game, especially when in large numbers) but the trooper story is pretty meh.


On the other hand the agent's story is amazing. And you get to torture/kill people on whims.

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Not just in games. If you notice in most areas of fiction the villains almost always have:

Better dialog

Better wardrobes

More interesting personalities.



Unless you go "anti-hero" (which is really just a villain that kills other villains when you think about it, lol) good guys are boring. They're usually dumb, have crappy dialog (or at best cheesy one-liners) and predictable as hell.


Can't blame people for wanting to play interesting characters that look cool. The only ones that really look good on repub are troopers (who are arguably the coolest looking characters in the game, especially when in large numbers) but the trooper story is pretty meh.


On the other hand the agent's story is amazing. And you get to torture/kill people on whims.


You need to expand your reading material. Even comic books, despite having 'cheesey' good guys don't got predictable mental paths. Having played through almost all the story lines, IA would be my first favorite (light side choices all the way), then trooper. Trooper was predictable, in a good way. Then again, so was IA.

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You need to expand your reading material. Even comic books, despite having 'cheesey' good guys don't got predictable mental paths.


My reading material selections have been quite full throughout my life. The only "hero's" I have ever known to have even some semblance of "coolness" have been the darker anti-heroes. Comic books are the worst for this in fact. Punisher - cool. Superman - chump.

Wolverine - Jerk (hence, cool). Spiderman - ******** emo kid (not cool). Lobo - the man. Silver surfer -limp wristed ************. Vader = Pimpinist Pimp in the galaxy. Luke - cracker farmboy with a glowbat (no offense mr. Hamill. Vader just stole the story). etc


In literature characters like Faffrd and the grey mouser, Elric, even classic Conan were far more intriguing than say Arthur of Camelot. Again, the darker anti-heroes at least have some personality to them that is engaging.


Of course this all comes down to opinion and I'm sure there's going to be many people that find mine to be the opposite of theirs. Some of it could just come down to the fact that you spend all day, every day, being a good person. Working hard, taking care of the family, helping people, being honest, etc etc. Coming home and getting to be a dastardly bastard is a wonderful change of pace and cathartic. At least it is for me.

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Regardless of your personal preference or comic book reading backround. The current state of the game 1.2 for Pvp will be the end of the Republic.


Will it be cool being a bad guy when EVERYONE is...


just some food for thought.


On my server due to Faction imbalance Republic wins 1 out of 10 warzones. With the new changes it won't be long before we all unsub.


Yea!!! No more pubs!! Empire wins!!!! go tell Lucas to re-write all of cannon!!!

Edited by VoidJustice
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