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Star Wars space RPG


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Will there ever be a proper Star Wars space combat RPG game?


I mean, a game that primarily focuses on space combat. Like X Wing and TIE Fighter?


For example, take out the ground stuff with SWG and remove the rails from SWTOR, where almost the entire game is devoted to space flight and combat - as well as RPG elements. With RPG themes like upgrading your shields, weapons, missiles and torpedoes.


Perhaps fighting the Empire/Republic/Rebellion/Pirates/etc, to earn credits and play through story elements to progress through the game.


Think along the lines of Freelancer, but for Star Wars.

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SWG's space system basically was its own game... after the first couple months or so i kept my subscription to SWG up for half a year just to keep playing the space stuff. in this game i was sick of the space gameplay after the first two days. Bioware really dropped the ball with the railshooter crap in SWTOR
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Millions and millions of ppl that bought games in the x-wing / TIE fighter seiries disagree with you.


not sure how many people actually bought them. I know I did and I enjoyed them however I can't find any figure on the total sales. They did well but not sure how well.


I am sure they are not the highest selling SW game out there.


But I still return to my original statement which is simulator games don't sell well. There is a reason why the PC market doesn't have a ton of Space, tank, plane and submarine simulator games out there.

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not sure how many people actually bought them. I know I did and I enjoyed them however I can't find any figure on the total sales. They did well but not sure how well.


I am sure they are not the highest selling SW game out there.


But I still return to my original statement which is simulator games don't sell well. There is a reason why the PC market doesn't have a ton of Space, tank, plane and submarine simulator games out there.


Did they sell like KOTOTR? No, and some of that can be due to the small PC gaming market of the early-mid 90's because the Rouge Squadron games were platnum sellers on consoles.


Also.....dont think the OP said anything about sims, wich is why i suggest a "Wing Commander" like space RPG with Star Wars skin.

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Trust me. They didn't sell "millions and millions."


I remember buying TIE Fighter when it was still brand new (yes I'm that old) and I recall seeing copy after copy float into the bargain bin over the years.


They might be great games, but they sold worth crap. Wing Commander vs Lightsaber duels? What do you think will win over fanboys?

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Did they sell like KOTOTR? No, and some of that can be due to the small PC gaming market of the early-mid 90's because the Rouge Squadron games were platnum sellers on consoles.


Also.....dont think the OP said anything about sims, wich is why i suggest a "Wing Commander" like space RPG with Star Wars skin.




Wing Commander was a straight-up space sim in the same family as X-Wing.


Freelancer comes a bit closer to RPG mechanics, but still depends on player twitch skills over in-game character stats for success.


Just what elements differentiate a "Space RPG" from a Space Combat simulation?

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Did they sell like KOTOTR? No, and some of that can be due to the small PC gaming market of the early-mid 90's because the Rouge Squadron games were platnum sellers on consoles.


Also.....dont think the OP said anything about sims, wich is why i suggest a "Wing Commander" like space RPG with Star Wars skin.


X-wing vs Tie Fighter and Wing Commander (the oriignal ones that is) where all Space Flight sims.


Don't get me wrong I would love to see a new X-wing vs Tie Fighter game but odds are it's not gonna happen or if it does it will be made to be more arcade like.




But we will see what they have planned for SWTOR. My money is getting some free fligth space combat before the first expansion and then some thing major 2 or 3 expansions down the line. Something sort of like EVE.

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