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1 v 2 against two healers healing each other...


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EDIT: The purpose of this thread is to discuss the strategy to kill 2 healers as one dps.


Just ran into this for the millionth time trying to take a node in Civil War. I was able to kill a marginally geared operative. But while I was being CC'd watching them heal each other. It struck me...


I now refer to this strategy as the Dutch Rudder.


/end story


Last night i had the weirdest match, there were healers on both teams everywhere and nobody could kill each other, we just fired away and CCd people but couldnt finish the job. Republic got the win but it was funny as hell to see everyone just loose all ability to take out the enemy. LOL:D

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I never called you stupid, chill.


LOL. I never said you did. I don't think you're stupid either.


My point is you shouldn't be expecting to win a 2v1. It relies on your opponents being very weak. And at the very least you should not expect to be able to 2v1 everything in the game, which is what seems like the premise of your post. That's probably why everyone is saying that to you.


I rarely ever expect to win a 2v1. Unless I know that both players are bad that I'm about to attack / both under 13k.


I definitely don't expect to 2v1 everything in the game. If it came off like that, my mistake. But I got a lot of responses saying that people can't win 2on1, that you're wasting your time. Which just isn't the case.


1 person is not going to win against 2 (good) healers. Sorry, just not gonna happen. Don't know what else to tell you.


And you shouldn't be able to win against two healers because if their heals aren't strong enough to keep 1 person alive then there wouldn't be a point to healing now would there?


I agree. I have said that same thing a few times. Against 2 good healers you have pretty much no chance.


I have won a 2on1 against 2 healers... so it is possible. A few other times I have came very close to killing 1 of the 2 healers ( maybe 5% health). If I am able to kill one of the healers, then I know I could finish off the 2nd. It's not that they can't heal 1 person, it's that sometimes I can outsmart my opponents ( sometimes I get outsmarted).. I'm not trying to claim to be the worlds best 1v2 player, lol.


By no means do I expect to kill 2 healers, or even think I have much of a shot.


But 1 in a million... So you're telling me there is a chance.

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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I have won a 2on1 against 2 healers... so it is possible. A few other times I have came very close to killing 1 of the 2 healers ( maybe 5% health). If I am able to kill one of the healers, then I know I could finish off the 2nd. It's not that they can't heal 1 person, it's that sometimes I can outsmart my opponents ( sometimes I get outsmarted).. I'm not trying to claim to be the worlds best 1v2 player, lol.


By no means do I expect to kill 2 healers, or even think I have much of a shot.


But 1 in a million... So you're telling me there is a chance.


And I know you're deflecting the people saying this but I'm sorry; they must have been profoundly stupid healers with profoundly bad gear. If you play on a server with people that stupid than go ahead and keep up the good work. But as a scoundrel healer I can say I have never lost a 2v1 (me and another against a single target).


And as I'm sure anyone would tell you, betting on a 1 in a million chance is not going to end well for you. So you probably shouldn't be running in with this as your plan.

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And I know you're deflecting the people saying this but I'm sorry; they must have been profoundly stupid healers with profoundly bad gear. If you play on a server with people that stupid than go ahead and keep up the good work. But as a scoundrel healer I can say I have never lost a 2v1 (me and another against a single target).


And as I'm sure anyone would tell you, betting on a 1 in a million chance is not going to end well for you. So you probably shouldn't be running in with this as your plan.


It was a couple weeks ago. It was a scoundrel healer and a Sorc healer. They played it dumb. I bursted down the Sorc to about 30%. He ran away and hid to heal... While he was hiding to heal I kill the scoundrel. They were dumb, yes.


Against two good healers you don't have a chance. And no, I don't bet on 1 and a million.

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