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Always underleveled and weak....help needed!


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Well this has been a continuing trend in all my toons. I usually level to around 11 or 12 by the time I finish the starting planet, get to around 18 or 19 by the time I finish the capital planet, and find myself exactly 21 at the end of the third planet going onto Nar Shaadda. After that, I'm either the exact level needed to start the next planet or one level under (i.e. after Tatooine, I'm 27 or 28, just enough to par up with enemies on Aldaraan.). I feel confident when I begin, then that confidence is lost once I enter the next story area and find I am 1 level or so below most elites in the area and end up getting ripped apart by them.

I ALWAYS do EVERY side mission possible in whatever area I'm in currently, EXCEPT heroics (only do those on starting planets and capital worlds....WAAY to difficult for me anywhere else, even with groups...). Is there a way to stay at least within the curve of the planet? It'd be nice to be level 34 when facing level 34 elites and be able to actually take them down...this trend has continued throughout all my toons thus far as well....What can I do in order to correct this issue?? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, and would help me from rage quitting every time I hit a new area.



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Dailies can give a huge boost of xp:


Pvp daily (fleet).

Space mission dailies (ship).

Flashpoint daily (fleet)


If you're really in a pinch, a surprising number of the Heroic-2s can be solo'd. I've definitely run through a few of them before leaving a planet.

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I usually level to around 11 or 12 by the time I finish the starting planet


Sounds right so far


get to around 18 or 19 by the time I finish the capital planet


Yup, still going good.


and find myself exactly 21 at the end of the third planet going onto Nar Shaadda.


Wait, what? I've always been level 23 before even starting the bonus series, which then takes me to 25.


After that, I'm either the exact level needed to start the next planet or one level under.


Huh. Must be skipping or missing a lot then.


I ALWAYS do EVERY side mission possible in whatever area I'm in currently, EXCEPT heroics


No, you're missing a lot of them. Or if you aren't, then you're playing a stealth class and skipping a ton of killing by stealthing past everything, which loses you a crapton of xp not only from the kills but from the bonus missions for the kills as well.


this trend has continued throughout all my toons thus far as well....


Well this would seem to put the kibosh on my thought that you might be stealthing past everything, and returns me to my original theory that you're missing or skipping a lot.


What can I do in order to correct this issue?? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, and would help me from rage quitting every time I hit a new area.


Don't know what to tell you there. My latest character is a 41 vanguard and he's about 3/4 of the way through Hoth now, so he's already at the top of the leveling curve for it and will probably be level 42 before he leaves. With this character I have:


Skipped all of Taris.

Skipped half of Alderaan.

Skipped all of Balmorra.

Never done a flashpoint, not even Esseles.

Never done a warzone.

Did a couple of space missions at around level 20, but not since.


Yup, *SKIPPED* 2.5 planets, didn't do any of the "extra xp on the side" things, and I'm still perfectly at level, perhaps even a level high for the current content.


I also have a sage. This toon has done "every side quest" but also hasn't done any flashpoints, warzones, and hasn't seen a space mission since level 20 either. She's just barely made it to Balmorra (rated 32-36). She's level 38 -- 6 levels above the current content rating.


I have a 41 commando. Also done "everything" but no pvp, fp's etc. Working through Quesh (level 36-37 rated).


Different server: Sage and Sahdow, both 29. 1 skipped Taris completely, the other didn't. One's working the Tatooine bonus series now, while the other's just begun the planet and is now to the 2nd quest hub.


So my experience that goes to all my toons is that it's simply not possible to be under level unless you're missing or skipping a lot of side quests.


My suggestion: Zoom your mini-map out as far as it goes so you can see those quest givers that you're missing when it's at the default zoom level and won't even show you the other side of a room.

Edited by MAgson
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EVERY character that I've had is always 5-10 levels too HIGH for the content until I hit Voss/Corellia where it quickly balances to equal.


I am a completionist and do EVERY quest (yes... I've done Rep Taris fully numerous times... ugh). I also do my space combat dailies most days and the occasional pvp. Throw in avg 1 flashpoint a week.


You are either missing content, skipping content, or given the choice of 2 planets, going to the higher level one (like you have the choice of Taris or Nar Shaddaa, Taris is 5-8 levels lower).

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I have 6 toons all over 30 and I am 100% sure you are missing a TON of quests. Lately I have been leveling a Sith Warrior and here is how her leveling has gone (I do 90% + of the quests on a planet, soloing all H2+ and trying to get groups for the H4+


Leaving Korriban: 11


Leaving Dromund Kaas: 18


Leaving Balmora: 24


Leaving Nar Shadaa: 28


Leaving Tatooine: 32


Leaving Alderaan: 36


If I had done 100% of all quests I would be probably 1/2 a level higher per planet, or 38ish at the end of Alderaan.


If you are not coming close to this, you ARE missing a lot of the quests. do your space missions and maybe do a few warzones.

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Well I'm pretty sure I've done all the quests thus far except heroics. I'll try out doing some lower leveled Heroics/FPs/PvP dailies/Space dailies as well (what exactly are these lol? I do space missions so rarely, like once then never again) and I can go back to do Balmorra/Nar Shaddaa bonus series if possible. I'm a Jugg by the way. Would it help if I ran through EVERY mob I saw? I do that until about Tatooine where I start avoiding SOME mobs, Aldaraan more, than Taris quite a few....probably that, but I'll try out those. Thanks guys!
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Well I'm pretty sure I've done all the quests thus far except heroics.


People seem to think this, but it's simply not true. If you do the class quests, side quests and one other thing, like say daily space missions, bonus series or PvP you will be over leveled for most of the planets you go to.


If you stealth past 3/4th of the mobs in your missions, and never finish the kill x <npcs> bonus stuff, then yes you might have an issue. But other then that, most times people have this issue because they skip over something.


A number of planets don't have a bonus series that starts when you leave, you have to go back to do them later. That I think is what most people miss.

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Hi OP,


Just wanted to add a small question/comment.


Are you making sure your non playing time is spent in rest areas?.


The double xp bonus from having your character rested can make a huge difference.


My advice is to spend as much non questing time as possible in the rest areas. Never log off without Quick travelling to the fleet or a local cantina. The 5 mins it might take to get back to the planet or quest area next time is nothing compared to the 2x xp.




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...No, you're missing a lot of them. ... skipping a ton of killing ...which loses you a crapton of xp not only from the kills but from the bonus missions for the kills as well.


Bingo... I always seem to be 1-2 lrvrls above the mobs, and I do skip certain missions (the one I don't like the RP-sound/feel of, like my Marauder and the cover-up mission lust next to the Balmorra Spaceport Taxi... man up you loser !)

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Are there any good bonus series' I can go back and finish at this point (lvl33) with relative ease and that will get me at least 2 levels? And also, what are the daily space bonuses about? How do you get them? I'm a complete noob when it comes to that stuff.
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Here's what I do. I level to 10 than WZ till I hit Valor 10. Level to 11 than hit Valor 11. Every time I ding a level I do WZs until I hit maximum valor than go back to leveling.


I end up being around 2-3 levels higher than my missions doing that. Makes things a lot easier plus I'm building up my PvP.

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Are there any good bonus series' I can go back and finish at this point (lvl33) with relative ease and that will get me at least 2 levels?


Nar Shadda bonus series is about that level. Don't know for sure if you'll get 2 levels or not, but that would be the right level range for you.


And also, what are the daily space bonuses about? How do you get them? I'm a complete noob when it comes to that stuff.


On your ship next to the pilots seat is a quest giving terminal. That gives you the space missions. You need to make sure and buy some upgrades for your ship first, but they can be worth a decent chunk of XP when you do the ones for your level. But I'd recommend starting off with the easy ones first.


Once you have the mission accepted you go to the galactic map to fly to the mission itself.

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With some skill I find killing elites one level above to not be too hard depending on the companion and your mastery of the class. You should make sure you are using your skills, gear, and character to its fullest before thinking your level is what's at fault.
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Quick question sometihing i havent noticed as of yet so i wont know. is it possible to outlevel the class quests? what i mean is so they cant be accessed anymore?



Or is it possible to level solely on pvp and do the storyline a the end?


You can not out level the class quests. It is impossible.

I don't think it would be possible to not do any of the class quests because you need them to be able to gain more companions, your ship and other things.

Edited by zejaie
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You can't 'outlevel' your class missions. But if you don't care about getting companions (maybe you only want to do pvp), you could just not do them once you have your ship.


If you are under-level for where you should be, people seem to have covered that well. If you're in the right level range but still getting your butt kicked, try the guide in my sig.

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The other piece of advice I can give you will help with leveling up.


When you quit the game, make sure you are in a rest zone such as your ship, a cantina or the fleet. When you return to playing, you will get double experience points for a while.


I am not sure of the formula as to how many XP are doubled but the longer you spend in a rest zone, the more double XP you get.


Double XP has sure helped me with leveling up.

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Aren't those the quests that you get after leaving the planet/on the way out/etc? Pretty sure thats what they were called....


Yes. They are almost a second "world arc" in that they are isolated from the main world arc and your class quests, but consist of quests that are tied to one another.


Example: For Imperial Tatooine, as you leave, you see an Imperial trooper who introduces the Moff of Tatooine space. He will send you to new areas that are based around the bonus series. The bonus series is also marked as such in the journal name.

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