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Be honest How Many Players Rolled mara/sent since the news of the big buff


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I rolled a Sent (3rd Alt, currently Lv40s) and wonder why this power truck is getting a buff.


People said they are weak and hardest to play I call this BS.

Its much easier compared to the Shadow/Assasin and have more Burst DPS capability!


*edited a bit to avoid misleading!


Ye. The it's a hard class to play line is complete garbage imo.

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Hundreds on the swiftsure, which is funny to watch them die before they can even reach the gunslinger pewpewing them to death from 35.


certainly is alot on swiftsure. My sniper is enjoying the buffet

Edited by Kalliadies
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Ye. The it's a hard class to play line is complete garbage imo.


No class is hard to play, hard to do well? Yes it is. Please post a video of you doing awesomesauce in the 50 pvp bracket on your newly rolled sent/marauder.

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I made a sentinel (well not quite yet, he's level 9) after the 1.2 buffs were announced. Of course I was planning on making him a sentinel anyway because I've got a jugg empire side already. I wanted to get 1 of every class and 1 of every AC. I probably won't level him much though. Anyway, I never understood people who hated on the bandwagon. It's a game, if people aren't having fun and want to chase the latest and greatest, let them. The nerf/buff cycle will catch up to them eventually.
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