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Mako okay for BG?


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I'm currently level 38 and have only used Mako (not that there's much choice, it's just between her and Gault). I'm just about to pick up Torian though. I'm fully specced in BG. I wouldn't say I "burn" through mobs... it usually takes a fair amount of time to kill an elite (~15-20 seconds). However, I can't remember the last time I've been killed by a mob when I'm running with Mako, and I've solo'd some Champion NPC's. I like Mako 'cuz she's cute and easy on the eyes. I also want to romance her later on, but gaining affection with her w/o using her seems rather difficult. Do you think it's okay if I keep using Mako, or would the game progress significantly faster if I began to use Torian?


Thank you!

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Switch all of Mako's gear to Gault since they use the same gear, quest with Gault and switch to Mako for dialogue. Once you get Torian just give him all your hand-me-downs.


Keep in mind not only are you killing mobs much slower without DPS, but you are also gaining affection much slower if you only use Mako for dialogue though. She tends to only gain 15 per choice (Same for all class's first companion), each of your companions gain progressively more than that depending on how late you get them.

Edited by hulkweazel
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I'm finding that Torian requires close attention for healing and he doesn't kill things that much faster than my BG does with Mako around. You end up having to heal him at the end of every attack instead of Mako just healing my BG as we go. Mako also has a pretty good 8 second interupt which is handy.


Also today I did a HM4 with Torian and he plays like a level 1-10 human thats only started playing MMO's. He kept attacking the CC'd mobs and generally plays quite loose. The other human and I were comenting on how hopeless our companions were in the HM4.


So I'd persist with Mako and keep taking the medium armour rewards. You can just focus on dps.


Torian is good for practising your heals/dps for when you go on group missions.


If I had to choose one though, Mako would win.

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I leveled as BG spec and used Gault until I got Torian. The problem with Torian of course is weapon availability. Gault and Torian both can put out great dps if geared well, but weapons for Gault obviously will be easier to find. I run with Torian currently at 50 and run dailies with ease. I actually take him down to solo Freeing the Fallen Heroic 2+ very easily (after naked run to the boss).


The key to your companions being effective is making sure they get decent gear.

Edited by BlownSi
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I'm finding that Torian requires close attention for healing and he doesn't kill things that much faster than my BG does with Mako around. You end up having to heal him at the end of every attack instead of Mako just healing my BG as we go. Mako also has a pretty good 8 second interupt which is handy.


Also today I did a HM4 with Torian and he plays like a level 1-10 human thats only started playing MMO's. He kept attacking the CC'd mobs and generally plays quite loose. The other human and I were comenting on how hopeless our companions were in the HM4.


So I'd persist with Mako and keep taking the medium armour rewards. You can just focus on dps.


Torian is good for practising your heals/dps for when you go on group missions.


If I had to choose one though, Mako would win.


Hop on/off speeder, companion insta heal.

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*sigh* Ah well. I really liked Mako. Thanks for the response!


i leveled like a rocket, mako the entire way, make sure her pew pew's are as good as yours and you will be fine.


first in guild to 50, and i did it before the new year, so yeah, it was quick.

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I leveled as a BG with Mako the entire time. You're pretty much guaranteed to never die. Sure it takes longer to kill stuff, but you have 100% uptime. And as a bonus, you can still toss off heals on yourself if Mako forgets what she is supposed to be doing (which happens occasionally).


As a tip, make sure you turn off her stun ability. Every healer pet has once of these and they are more trouble than they're worth - oftentimes they'll try to stun the mob you are attacking, or if not that, it's a channeled ability so they are essentially doing nothing for the duration of their stun. And of course, turn off all her DPS abilities.

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Just thought I'd give an update. Took the first poster's advice and took Torian, and I can definitely see a difference. We tear through mobs now. Yeah, he takes more damage, but not enough where I ever feel like he's in danger of dying. Mako = super survivability, Torian = faster leveling. Your choice!


Thanks for all the responses :)

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