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Neutral Relics?


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The force has two sides: A light side ... a Dark side ...


If you choose to exist between the two you have access to low level teaching from both, this is as intended. i do think there should be a change where tier 1 relics on both sides are available to all force users, becoming rank zero, and all others shifted down a rank.

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The force has two sides: A light side ... a Dark side ...


If you choose to exist between the two you have access to low level teaching from both, this is as intended. i do think there should be a change where tier 1 relics on both sides are available to all force users, becoming rank zero, and all others shifted down a rank.


eh... no?

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While based on the Lore, "Neutral" force users probably shouldn't really be as powerful as those more closely aligned with the light/dark side.


That isn't all that much fun from a user choice/gameplay perspective.


'Course, "Lore" would be that a darkside jedi should probably be shooting lightning, and a light side sith should probably be throwing rocks...

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While based on the Lore, "Neutral" force users probably shouldn't really be as powerful as those more closely aligned with the light/dark side.


That isn't all that much fun from a user choice/gameplay perspective.


'Course, "Lore" would be that a darkside jedi should probably be shooting lightning, and a light side sith should probably be throwing rocks...


again, no.

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You get a noticable stamina buff from using relics. This can make some difference if you choose dialog and gameplay light/dark side options that suit your taste which result in your character hovering between the alignments.


Everyone knows about level 50 relics - all these topics are concerned with levelling ones, of which there seem to be none that can be used by the 'grey' players.


Many of you also seem to think one should be rewarded for being an extreme alignment - one point to be raised in this case is you do realise all the relics are absolutely identical to their mirrored versions - other than in name - and make even no cosmetic difference! So here's a good question: why even bother with alignment fixed relics?


I am very much in favour of alignment specific gear , so long as the difference remains only visual. But relics are invisible and I see no 'gain' from having one one what alignment you pick, as they are the same just differently named for dark and light.

This argument would not apply to aligment restricted orange gear, for example (an idea to which I fully support)

I would even welcome new level 50 relics that have short lasting unique procs (I mean interesting ones) suited to the alignment in question, so long as there are other equivalents available for those not completely swung full dark or light.


The only sensible solution is to simply remove these restrictions from the levelling relics. It may have seemed like a nice idea on paper, but it just doesn't work in practice.


A more awkward one would be to add grey ones: but then what happens to those who like to float around light/dark 1,2 or 3 at the higher levels? Would grey relics only apply to those bang in the middle?

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