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Debating on making a stealth class but im not sure.


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Ok well atm I have a level 33 Powertech pyro. The dps is great but they are kinda boring after a while, it seems like its pretty much run in do your rotation and hope you get lucky with your procs to kill ppl.


Im not really sure what to play, the concealment Op always interested me but they just seam to get constantly beat into submission with nerfs, and i dont want to make one to have it be useless later on. And im not really sure about the assassin. I just want a class that takes a little more skill to play and you dont just run in like rambo spamming your rotation constantly.


So i dont know, i looked up stuff about Concealment op but it all seems to be bad so if any one knows anything to shed some light on this class that would make it worth while to play besides just playing what you enjoy cuz ya i could enjoy the play style but no one can enjoy being pretty much useless.


So if any one knows a class that may fit me please tell me, i just hate leveling classes to find out they just arent for me and restarting again.

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they did get nerfed and if you're not interested in taking the time to find an effective rotation, then i dont recommend it. i leveled my operative and pvped with it as concealment all the way to rank valor 80. it takes time to learn how to be reactive...unlike most classes we are handicapped...i've run into people who call us a one button class simply because they think all we do is use backstab but our rotations are quite complicated...its a hard class because most of the time you'll get knocked back, you'll find you're squishy, you'll find ranged classes a ***** to deal with, you'll find yourself hating classes with invulnerability skills that nullify all your damage and waste your energy....you'll hate lotsa things...especially bioware..




if you can put up with all that. its a fun class :)

the enjoyment of seeing big crit after crit when the RNG gods smile on you. the enjoyment of stealthing everywhere with alot of CCs at your disposal. the enjoyment of getting to do both melee damage and do abit of range dps as well. the enjoyment of being that annoying class that keeps beating on healers and making them waste their time healing themselves. the enjoyment of putting out 300k damage in a warzone and seeing a sorceror put out 400k but knowing that your damage was focus targetted rather than aoe rubbish. the enjoyment of picking on people with low health and killing em instantly.


its fun and fingers crossed...hopefully bioware realizes that they need to buff ops up abit because the nerfs are killing the class...and so the enjoyment of knowing your class and enjoying the benefits of a buff by bioware whenever it may come.

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I was having trouble with Sniper so I rerolled an Operative. She's L16 right now and so far my favorite thing about her is how she uses a shiv for everything. Seriously, I've got three abilities so far that just use that one little knife xD.


But I can already see where people would have problems with it. The CD on Shiv is long enough that I have to make sure it's ALWAYS on CD to keep TA up, which gives it priority over Backstab and Overload Shot with me. Therefore, it can be extremely easy to burn through Energy, and I always cringe whenever one of my shots gets dodged or parried or whatever. And that's just with quest mobs, I don't plan on PvPing with her until after 1.2. I can see this becoming one of those classes that's difficult to master, but makes you a god among mortals when you do.


But I really enjoy it, it feels for Agenty than my Sniper ever did. Cuttin' b*tches left and right.

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level 16 huh? then the best thing ur gonna find about an ops...is all the rubbish u get away with!!! stealthing past a whole buncha quest mobs u just cant be stuffed wasting your time with! leveling was such a breeze...i've had friends play a jugg telling me that they got so sick of having to clear every mob just to get to a boss at the back of a cave.
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I was having trouble with Sniper so I rerolled an Operative. She's L16 right now and so far my favorite thing about her is how she uses a shiv for everything. Seriously, I've got three abilities so far that just use that one little knife xD.


And you'll get several more before the end. :cool:

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I've got a lvl 42 Op and I can say I'm really loving playing him out. The story is awesome in general and even going through PvE is fun. Maybe it's just me, but I enjoy being at a small disadvantage compared to other classes. Granted, I'm leveling as a healing spec so I can't really comment on the dps side of it, but even then I've got the perfect way to take out elites in the story. When you bring in stealth, it's so helpful when all you want to do is just skip past a few mobs that you really dont want to deal with, as well as being able to get the first shot in with elites and such.


If you're looking for PvP purposes, then you're obviously going to be finding things harder. Mostly, your job will be to run around and be a distraction while you help pick off the guys with low health. If you were going healer, I have so much fun healing in PvP it's not even funny. Although I can't know for sure, I'm sure that opponents get pissed when they're about to beat down one of my teammates then I just come in and start spamming Surgical Probe on them to keep them alive far longer than they should have.


Bottom line, give it a try and if you dont like it roll something else. If nothing else, try it simply because the story for an agent is probably the best in the game. Like I said, it will take more thought and time to learn a good rotation but once you get it you'll see that the Op is a lot better than people give it credit for.

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I've recently re-rolled an Operative from a Scoundrel and I'm enjoying it just as much, if not a little more.


Only level 21 at present, but if you like stealth and playing a class where you have to be selective in what you attack then it's a fun class to play.

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If it helps any, I spent four years in WoW PvP using a rogue. Best way the troll a Battleground, that. People would hate you forever when you walked up behind their healer and start stacking stuns on them. Of course, with Resolve in this game you can't do that. Was fun while it lasted, though.


And I always got an extra kick out of doing it, since my race was a troll.



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