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Everything posted by SgtGiggles

  1. Ok well i know this can also be a matter of personal opinion but im sure that of the tank classes there is one that does it a little better than others i doubt they made all the tank classes axactly equal. So im just wondering what the best tank class is or what people think is the best tank class. Please dont just say o its guardian/juggernaut please give me a reason why they are probably the better of the tanks.
  2. OK well here is what i was thinking about my build for my gunslinger http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700bcrddRsRhRZMcbZh.1 Let me know if it is good or if there are some skills i shouldnt have and some i should thank you.
  3. Whats funny is i took the quiz and your guild came up as my #1 guild for me So i wouldn't mind joining it, if i can, ill be making a gunslinger her name is D'omino I'm in game right now if you are too
  4. Ya sorry it probably would have been a good idea to post the area huh, But im looking for an Eastern server
  5. Alright well I changed to a server for a friend who has been playing for a while, and I went empire rerolling like my 5th toon, just to found out 4 days later that he is quitting. Right now im playing on a pretty low population server and dont know anyone and people following the empire side people seem to just be jerks and not want to help people. So going by this im hoping maybe if i find a more populated server i will find more people willing to play with others, and make friends and stuff. and i dont want to go empire side since thats all i have done and im sik of doing the same quests over and over. So my question is does any one know of a server with a generally standard/heavy population that the republic are not completely out numbered or just get **** on in pvp like it seems they do in most of the servers i have played on. TY for any answers
  6. Ya but what you are not taking into consideration is that pretty much all Burst based damage requires a cast time (which meens it takes about the same amount of time to put out the damage) unless a proc allows otherwise but you still need to get that proc to have the insta cast so sometimes its better to just do the cast time than try and try for a proc. The dots of madness are all insta cast except crushing darkness but we have one of the easier procs to get up pretty much 1 chain lightning and you have it. but like i said sometimes you may be better off just wating for the cast time. if the target isnt on top of you. the only burst based class ik of that doesnt have CTs is carnage marauder and rage marauder/juggernaut but its not that hard to shut them down simple kitting and well placed CC and they are dead. or i just bubble sprint away after i force slow and they dont usually have time to leap at me. But like i said every one playes differently and may be better with different play styles and i feel like that would include damage type
  7. I find this pretty hard to believe, i meen DOT can be amazing since you can DOT multiple targets to lay out damage among many people. But idk maybe its just my play style but i used to play a sniper and the burst was very nice but i find it was alot easier for people to outheal me since well i may hit an instant 3-4k IF i crit and thats with ambush some one could just as easily heal that much before my next skill even went off. (especially a sorcerer/sage healer) (now ofc i never got to an amazingly high level as sniper but still.) As my current madness spec which is lower level than my sniper was i can put my DOTs on people and spam force lightning while the dots are going off dealing like 7-8k total damage before my DOTS even wore off. But eather way i appreciate your input i just seem to view it in a different way but like i said we could just have completely different play styles and i guess thats what it all comes down to in the end huh?
  8. Alright So I'm just wondering what people seem is better post 1.2 lightning or Madness. IK the only big changes to madness was the loss of insta cast chain lightning and i think a few other things. Im not sure if lightning was really changed to much so im just wondering if there are any sorcerers out there that have played both madness and lightning and play them decently good and can tell me which one they find to be more effective pvp wise. TY:rak_04:
  9. Wait did i ever say i spend all my time 1v1ing people because im pretty sure i just said i generally dont have a problem 1v1 and even 2v1 not that i just go around and 1v1 people in warzones. And 2nd how is 1v1ing people with a stealth assassin class wrong? we are made to pick our fights and single out key targets to take down. so in general our class type is made to fight 1v1 or 2v1, so eather you dont play operative or you are an operative that just runs into the middle of every one going LOLSTAB to the first target you got by hitting tab. When i play operative i look at the situation and found out who is healing(if none)>who has light armor>who has low health>and who is gaurding who. Then i choose my target based on that. And your statement of i shouldnt "assume" people are QQ over doing lower damage is very hypocritical of you since you just "assumed" i do nothing but 1v1 people.
  10. Ok idk if it is just me and by no means am I saying that I am an uber Op. But i played assassin mainly because I love the stealth aspect of gaming, but the assassin just wasn't for me don't get me wrong it was an amazing class and the dps is great but i just dont like the ok im sneaky assassin but i dont assassinate you i just shoot lightning its like they tried to hard to make assassin like a stealth sorcerer rather than its own class (where as all other adv classes are pretty different from one another.) (and yes i know I'm gonna get an assassin fanboy QQ how it is nothing like sorcerer and how i need to L2P.) but anyway I decided to go operative cuz i love stealth and them being the only other stealth class i rerolled one. Now it was never my intention to go concealment spec i was actually going heal spec, but when I hit level 20 i figured i would try running all the specs since you get a core skill at level 20. Now i know that level 10-49 pvp isnt a great show of how good a class is but being only level 21 on my operative i generally dont have a problem 1v1 against people as long as my stuns are not on CD. But mainly i just dont get why people got so upset when they got nerfed, i meen a class that can hit 9k in a single hit and knock them on their face just to do the final damage in 1-2 skills deserves a nerf. But i guess most of it was people liked that they were super easy to just roll over people and when they got nerfed and actually had to think about how they were going to kill some one then it became to hard for them so they QQ'd But the main point of this post is am i the only one who sees it this way or does any one else still find it pretty easy to kill people 1v1 and even 2v1? And also i was just bored and decided to ramble off on the forums
  11. Not saying I disagree with you completely a lot of what you say is true but some of it is not.. i put my response in red under your statements So i hope no one takes anything i said in a bad way, we all have our own opinions.
  12. I don't like this idea mainly becuase then this would tie the game to much into pvp, there is already a large amount of things that require you to do pvp, but not every one likes pvp and causing another thing to be pvp based is just gonna make the game less fun for the people who dont enjoy pvp as much.
  13. Well im join another server that has an equal Imp/Rep ratio cuz i was sick of the constant huttballs. But i was wondering with the recent nerf to Ops/Scoundrels is it worth even rolling one? Cuz i was going to play a stealth class but i like the healing aspectc and the CC of Ops/Scoundrels but i was wondering if they are just gonna be too much of a pain in the *** and if im better off just going Jedi Shadow instead.
  14. And make choosing a name that much harder? Since cross queing servers would require no one on any server having the same name. And idk about some people but sometimes i sit there for like 20min just trying to find a name I like and that i can actually use.
  15. Ummmm how could 1.2 kill the sniper when they didnt even get a single nerf. The only stuff they got were buffs and some changes to a few skills. Obviously you are just a bad sniper. and how can you only get 1 medal, i was a level 10 sniper getting like 5+ medals per match even if we lost and with 1.2 I get even more.
  16. Ok well i guess you dont understand what i am saying. I understand you have to use 100 force to use this but not talking about using it in a fight. Im saying say i get into a fight with some one. 1. i kill the person i win the fight. and discharge is on its CD. 2. i restealth and i See another enemy but dont want to instantly start the fight cuz discharge is on CD. So while im stealth since it doesnt break stealth i switch to lightning charge with discharge already on CD now im gonna have much faster force regen in stealth due to the skill in the deception tree. then i switch back to surging charge. Would this reset the CD of discharge allowing me to use it faster than just waiting for it?
  17. Ok well i was wondering about one of the skills with the assassin on the skill tree called Crackling Charge I was wondering say i was in stealth after killing some one and i wanted to reset the CD of Discharge so it was ready Could i just change to Lightning Charge>Surging Charge and the CD will be reset on it? Cuz the skill states reduces the CD of Discharge By 100% while Lightning charge is active, now does this mean Discharge has to be cast with Lightning charge activated or no?
  18. This is true but i feel a 15% chance at extra energy every 30 seconds just isnt consistent enough, if it was like 40+% chance then i could see it being very usefull or if it was a 5-10% chance but could come from any damage.
  19. And im not going for a hybrid build FYI im going for a MM build but the final skill isnt worth it the points in the MM tree and i play a burst damage style Sniper and i use explosive probe as one of my main skills. So thats why i build up to it im not gonna waste the points in MM when i can build up for a more deadly EP So please dont make stupid comments stating 1.2 went live today ofc i know this, and how is Imperial assassin not worth the 3 points? 30% more crit damage on a crit based class...um yes please? So obviously you dont play sniper or at least are not a very good one and i find your comment to be well pointless babble. But i thank you for it none the less. PS im not a MM/Engi hybrid im an MM sniper just speced more into Engi for better damage cuz i feel alacrity is not worth it.
  20. I understand what you are saying but the "only can happen every 30 seconds doesn't work for me. Sniper has one of if not the best Damage/Energy ratio of the classes, and i never really find energy hard to keep up unless I'm just spamming the crap out of snipe or something. I would much rather have 15% more damage from a skill and kill the person that much faster then possibly regenerate energy faster every 30 seconds i mean it can only happen every 30 seconds and only has a 15% chance of happening. But thanks for the calculator i was looking for one but I still feel this build is more superior at least for my play style. Here is the Link to the build with the updated skill calculator http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sniper#i868dde9e-cl2-i
  21. OK well i play MM sniper i enjoy it a lot. I noticed that there was pretty much no change to the skill tree with 1.2 update (not a bad thing) except the new skill and imperial assassin being a 3 point skill I figured the new skill was literally pointless. Why stay in the area attack and take 40% damage when you can just move and maybe get hit once or not get hit and take 0% damage its pretty common sense if you ask me. So i was thinking of this build its a 28/10/3 build i got rid of the alacrity skills in the trees cuz well I'm not gonna gear for alacrity and the extra 13% may be like o 1-5 points extra, and we already have skills that allow other skills like ambush to activate faster. So i went with more damage/defense/mobility options. Here is the build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400rsrddRoRhZMIbZh.1 So i didn't get the skills Deadly Directive, and Sniper Volley like i said i don't feel the alacrity is worth it to me (if you have evidence otherwise let me know) i built into the engineering tree to get Explosive Engineering for the 15% damage boost to explosive probe which is a lot imo. I also went for calculated pursuit since one since you shouldn't be wasting entrenched just to take 40% damage from an area attack you should just move this will allow you to still throw a sniper down while you change locations. Also this will help for those pesky LOS people that annoy us so much. just like "O you want to hide well take this 100% chance crit snipe to the face, what didn't know i could do that? sorry I should of warned you." So let me know what you think, and if there is a big flaw in my thinking please tell me, im new to sniper and in know way even close to a good sniper i know i still have a lot to learn.
  22. Alright well I'm re-rolling to a more populated server since the one I'm on is dead half the time and i work night shift so its completely dead when I'm on. I have so far played a Mara - lvl 25 I liked the damage of this class, and i stopped playing it because i joined a the wrong server but now this server is dead. Powertech - 33 This also was a good class but got very boring spamming pretty much the same 3 skills Assassin - 22 I like this one also but the only thing i didnt like is that it was to based off re-stealth for opener and was to based on placement. not saying i couldnt handle my own with placement but i hated it when i would get an OmgLagSpike or something and now i die cuz im out of place. Im not sure what class is for me and you never really can tell untill like 20+ cuz the classes are pretty boring and lacking all to most core skills untill this point on. I liked seeing the big crits from my assassin i loved just going "o hey there hows this 3k taste?" So idk i like being dps and just rolling over people. I loved the stealth aspect but also hated it at times. I was thinking about going sniper cuz i have been rolled on before by some snipers just taking me out in no time and the range is very nice in pvp. Also im a pvp player i base my characters off pvp rather than pve. Yes ik pve is necessary but i prefer pvp. But I was wondering what you guys think are the better of the DPS classes and why. P.S. Like i said i like being able to just drop people without them always being really able to do much about it. So thanks for any suggestions and sorry for the Wall of text.
  23. Ok well atm I have a level 33 Powertech pyro. The dps is great but they are kinda boring after a while, it seems like its pretty much run in do your rotation and hope you get lucky with your procs to kill ppl. Im not really sure what to play, the concealment Op always interested me but they just seam to get constantly beat into submission with nerfs, and i dont want to make one to have it be useless later on. And im not really sure about the assassin. I just want a class that takes a little more skill to play and you dont just run in like rambo spamming your rotation constantly. So i dont know, i looked up stuff about Concealment op but it all seems to be bad so if any one knows anything to shed some light on this class that would make it worth while to play besides just playing what you enjoy cuz ya i could enjoy the play style but no one can enjoy being pretty much useless. So if any one knows a class that may fit me please tell me, i just hate leveling classes to find out they just arent for me and restarting again.
  24. There is a way to cancel it although i dont think it stops the like 1 sec immobilize but im pretty sure it stops the damage. If you get the buff to have force lift an insta cast, and you happen to see the warrior/sent before he leaps at you you can insta cast force lift on him when he is in mid air stopping him in his tracks....at least thats how it should work. i havent had the luxury of trying it out myself since i just have horrible reaction time sometimes since im still getting used to all my key bindings.
  25. Hey if you are having problems staying away from people in pvp you may want to try this build instead. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600ZdsMMdMMZcMcRsrkM.1 Its a 0/18/23 build. It allows alot more mobility. The problem with Telekinetics is you are very "turret like" you need to stand in place alot more to activate abilities and for channeling abilities. This build alows the instant casts from balance through your telekinetic throw. Allowing your telekinetic wave to become an instant allowing for less turret and more kiting and the 20% more damage is always a plus. Also IMO the only skill in telekinetics worth building up to is telekinetic effusion. It allows probably one of our best if not the best skill we have Force Speed to loose its cooldown by 10 seconds (also it doesnt say it can happen only once every X seconds so it can happen back to back causing force speed to have no CD at times) and allowing for alot more sustainable force pool. You can take points out of skills mind's eye, disturb mind, or inner strength. and put them where you like. those skills are not necessary completely they do help though. You will need to use your kiting/stuns/CCs to gain distance like force wave also giving an automatic 2 sec stun, and 5 secs allowing for a deliverance to tele throw keeping distance and putting out good damage. Dont be scared to controle the fight more than just attack attack attack. Also dont be scared to run from a fight it doesnt make you weak or anything. If you know you have no CD and you will die just force speed out. We are a very tactical class with some annoying disadvantages from our poorly designed skill animations. P.S. im not saying you cant do good with your build but a more telekinetic build has less mobility. at least i feel like i do when i use that sort of build. Now im not an amazing sage and i know this but these are just things i learned from videos and from playing.
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