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How do you kill anything as a commando/merc?


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Why do we not have any more CC ect..?


Because we can strait up brute force take someone down. Done it thousands of times, I dont need CC when I deal 10k in 3 seconds.


For real guys, if your complaining about Commandos then you obviously cannot play one. Your the hardest hitting class in the game. Maybe not in 1 ability but combined. I play alot of WZ's every single day and every single WZ I am #1 DPS by at least 100k most of the time. The class is a cake walk and a DPS mad man.


Grav Round= 2.2-3.3k

HIB= 1.8-3.5k

Demo= 2.5-5.4k

FA= 1.2-2.2k tic

Stockstrike= 1.5-2.9k

MV= 1.0-2.5k tic

Sticky= 1.2-2.3k

Plasma= 1.4-1.8k + tic


Nobody else can do all of this with so many abilities. We dont have a single weak sauce ability. Yes you will get interupted, have CB on your bars and use FA and all sorts of instas.


Above all else STOP COMPLAINING.


I used to say the exact same thing. I love my commando, the only thing I dislike is even if I use everything in my arsenal perfectly, a sith marauder can still kill me if he knows what he's doing. Between interupts and his 99% damage reduction, Commandos have a harder time in 1v1 fights. We just have to accept this is not our purpose. Jedi sentinels can run into 1v1 after 1v1 and walk away if they're good enough, while commandos are able to support their team in a big fight and gun down a crowd. We all have strengths and weaknesses. If yo want to win every 1v1, play and learn a scoundrel, but the commando is not for you.

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PvP server. Infinite Empire. Quiggley DownUnder


Full BM with 2 piece Rakata for Grav Crit



Not a troll, not a joke. If you cant out dps someone thats a problem you need to work on. You dont want to believe me thats fine, I love my class.


Full BM with 2 piece rakata tells me nothing about your ability. For the record I have the same setup but with 2 piece columi.


I can out dps many things, but if you have a decent melee dps on you I doubt you're doing all that much damage. If you are focused at all you're not going to do all that much and you're not going to live very long.


On both my Guardian and Vanguard I have 0 problems with shredding arsenal powertechs, they very rarely get any kind of time to get abilities off on me. It is by no means difficult to lock a dps commando down, and in rated wzs that will happen very frequently.


I like the class too, but that doesn't mean I am intentionally ignorant of it's weaknesses.

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I find the only way to surive is to hide somewhere and spam abilities before somebody notices you and tries to whoop your ***. If I get spotted I generally have to run towards my group mates for help.


When you look at it from that point of view it kind of doesn't feel like a Commando class at all really. Allthough in the pre 50 WZ's people tend to ignore me until they realise something is dropping their HP's badly.

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Well of course if your focussed on by a smart premade your going down. Anybody is going down. In a 1 on 1 though I havent had any problems and even alot of 1v2's. We are a pure DPS class or pure Healer. I went the DPS way and I do my job in the WZ's. I control mid in Huttball, clear doors in Voidstar, run back and forth defending turrets in CW. DPS might not matter at the end of the WZ but it tells me ive done my job. I dont die very much because I know where to set up and when to move to a better location. Yes I'll stand around a pillar or crate to help me LoS when needed. When ranked comes around I'll be going back to Assault, always done around the same DPS and its alot better for mobility.
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I realize that 1.2 is nerfing Commando heals to some extent - but they still make a large difference in wz. And it's always an option to spec heals.


I think it goes without saying that these rated warzones you are so worries about, will gladly accept the help of a good commando healer.


As an aside, I've been PVP'ing with my BM Sage. And she get's focus fired so much more than my Commando it's not even funny. She has to work to stay alive...

Edited by IndisSeadreamer
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I seriously wish you had to be at LEAST valor rank 50 before you come here whining your lies.


no offense, but seriously, L2P or reroll to a class thats easier if you cant handle how it works :)


Im valor 79. Thus Ive played enough to see the difference between good and bad players. Its not the average or bad players Im worried about. Its the good players that will be in the highend of ranked. I simply dont have any abilities in my skillarsenal to deal with them. Between players using all of their abilities to the fullest extent, commando is currently the most gimped class around atm.

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