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MMO Players.


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So first of all i would like to thank you for taking your time at this hour in the morning to read

my post. But there is time for that later. Today i would like to discuss a topic that i have been thinking about quite alot lately.


MMO Players......i have not been one for a very long time, only about one year. But i have learned in that time that they can be some of the most fun gamers you will find around or the most...er......whinny. For instance i was LFG with a few friends yesterday for about 2 hours and was having no luck finding a good healer. Until we went to the fleet and asked around, and to my surprise a level 50 decided to go out of his way to help us out. Even though he would get nearly nothing from it! We got through the flash point and got some nice gear. But the i come on here and well.....it dosent take a genius to know about the criticism this game has been getting. Which i can understand to an extent.


I just love this game and want to see it exceed on all of its battles.

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I have the feeling that in 2-3 years, we'll look back at the beginning of SWTOR and be happy that we kept supporting the game and witnessed it becoming one of the most influential and magnificent games in the history of mmos. I tried so many mmos and SWTOR has an insane amount of potential. In Bioware I trust.


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Edited by Sammm
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I have the feeling that in 2-3 years, we'll look back at the beginning of SWTOR and be happy that we kept supporting the game and witnessed it becoming one of the most influential and magnificent games in the history of mmos. I tried so many mmos and SWTOR has an insane amount of potential. In Bioware I trust.


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I don't have a doubt that it'll be around for another 2-3 years. But it's too early for me to share your optimism that it'll be "one of the most influential and magnificent games in the history of mmos"


It's already a good game. Only time will tell whether it can stand against all the other MMO's out there as one of the greats.

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I have the feeling that in 2-3 years, we'll look back at the beginning of SWTOR and be happy that we kept supporting the game and witnessed it becoming one of the most influential and magnificent games in the history of mmos. I tried so many mmos and SWTOR has an insane amount of potential. In Bioware I trust.


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I totally agree with you, everything starts out rough, I am assuming even WoW was like this early on. I joined it during the end of BC after it was well established but this MMO is just getting started

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It's going to do well. Just scrolling down to the bottom of these forums shows the Lucasarts, Bioware and EA logo, and while EA have been continually losing their souls to real money transactions, Bioware and Lucasarts have my confidence that things are going to continue to improve.


To all the people throwing fits about endgame, I hope you crawl up your own digestive tracts and rot :) - You are whats wrong with this world, you.

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It's going to do well. Just scrolling down to the bottom of these forums shows the Lucasarts, Bioware and EA logo, and while EA have been continually losing their souls to real money transactions, Bioware and Lucasarts have my confidence that things are going to continue to improve.


To all the people throwing fits about endgame, I hope you crawl up your own digestive tracts and rot :) - You are whats wrong with this world, you.


EA had a soul?


You are spreading falsehoods, sir. You are surely spreading falsehoods.

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There is nothing wrong with this game tbh. its the genre that the issue is held.


As a community, mmo gamers destroy games they love and hate with the same passion, the only difference is money. An mmo these days comes out and trys to push as much content out before it either goes F2P or implodes.


Mmo gamers have no loyalty, no respect and no doubt about what they want until they get it.


To better understand the mmo genre and the players themselves it would be best to spend several hours watching monkeys at the zoo, you will see a pattern emerge ;)....


But on topic, yes this game is good, no its not amazing, yes the dev's are alittle out of touch with there ideas and yes im sure i will keep subbing aslong as there is content to eat, otherwise like every other mindless mmo gamer i shall move on and destroy the next field....i meen mmo i come to.



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