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Set bonus for each spec


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Seeing as we have 3 different specs it would be kind of nice to have 3 different set bonuses that tie into each spec.


Most other classes have multiple set bonuses to choose from, and while that is more because they have different specs like dps/heal/tank, and because they share the same gear/stats/skills as their other Advanced Class. For example Assassins using a Sorcerer set for +50 force, or using their tank set for the +5% damage while guarding bonus etc. What I am saying is that other classes have quite a few options to pick from.


Some ideas for our sets would be like.



2 set-Increases Deadly Throws range by 5m

4 set-Ravage makes you immune to knock backs for the duration



2 set- +10% damage for for 5 seconds after using charge.

4 set- Force Choke makes you immune to CC and interupts for the duration


These are just some ideas that add a nice bit of pvp utility for each spec, and makes each of our specs a bit more unique. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying we NEED something like this added to the game, but it would be nice for a pretty 1 dimensional class(3 specs for pure melee dps) to have some more variety to choose from.


So am I completely alone on this?

Edited by Seravis
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I agree that marauders need some sort of options when it comes to gear. In the end we all have the same gear but end up running different specs. I think it would be nice to have incentive to play another spec by having different set bonuses.

Perhaps for Annihilation: 2 Set bonus Increase bleed heals by .5% or something and

4 set bonus decrease rage cost of annihilation by 1 or something?

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I agree that marauders need some sort of options when it comes to gear. In the end we all have the same gear but end up running different specs. I think it would be nice to have incentive to play another spec by having different set bonuses.

Perhaps for Annihilation: 2 Set bonus Increase bleed heals by .5% or something and

4 set bonus decrease rage cost of annihilation by 1 or something?


Yeah we really do need some kind of unique set bonus for each spec. As it stands our set bonus is "decent", but they are very bland and don't really add anything unique to any spec. Also both of our current set bonuses are only useful in very rare situations. (effectively "dieing" twice in under 1.5 minutes, and somehow dropping an enemy <20% hp outside of melee combat. For me those are both very rare occurrences.)

Edited by Seravis
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What they need to do is have one set bonus for marauders (derp multiple sets of gear for a single AC that can only dps), but have it affect all three of the 31-point talents.


That way, everyone gets a cool unique bonus, without three sets of gear. (And incidentally, it's better in the long run for players anyway, because it means they don't need to LOLREPLACE all their gear if they change specs.)

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Very good idea, Set Bonus's have always been my favorite aspect in any game.


A few quick ideas.

-Additional -5% inc healing on Deadly Throw.

-Keeping VT + 5m range.

-Keeping -1 rage cost on VT.

-Force Charge giving +20% run speed for 5sec.



The OP hit it on the nail, set options are what makes playing fun for the players.

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What they need to do is have one set bonus for marauders (derp multiple sets of gear for a single AC that can only dps), but have it affect all three of the 31-point talents.


That way, everyone gets a cool unique bonus, without three sets of gear. (And incidentally, it's better in the long run for players anyway, because it means they don't need to LOLREPLACE all their gear if they change specs.)


It would be nice to have 1 set bonus that changed depending on your spec, but then we would be the only class that didn't need to farm multiple sets. Look at what Assassin have to do to get their sets. Buy the tank set. than buy multiple dps sets from different class venders and cannibalize the mods for their tank set. They have to do it for each one of their sets they want to use.


I mean I'll take 1 set for everything, but then other classes might complain we have it too easy. I would rather not have a nice "buff" for us get the other classes to hate us even more than they do now :p

Edited by Seravis
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Go look at other classes pvp set bonuses, ours are pretty awesome I don't know why you'd even considering having the moronic dev team take a look at something that's already working.


You can't honestly think our current set bonuses are awesome...


-15 seconds off undying rage is only useful if you are somehow dieing multiple times in under 1.5 minutes. if that is happening something is VERY wrong, and this set bonus isn't going to help you win that kind of lopsided fight.


+5 range on execute. Hey that would be decent if we could actually do any damage at 15m to bring them into execute range. It does have its uses in the very rare occasion that a 2k hp target is between 10m and 15m and charge is on CD.


Both of our set bonuses are basically useless in 90% of PVP matches.


Powertechs have +3 seconds on their "saber ward" or +15% crit on their main damage ability. hybrid tanks basically do +5% damage. Assassins have +5m on their slow and +1 free crit on recklessness with a -15 CD reduction on top of it. All of these are more useful than both of our combined.


But that isn't what this post is suppose to be about. It is about having some extra variety for our class, and not about the usefulness of our current bonus

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It would be nice to have 1 set bonus that changed depending on your spec, but then we would be the only class that didn't need to farm multiple sets. Look at what Assassin have to do to get their sets. Buy the tank set. than buy multiple dps sets from different class venders and cannibalize the mods for their tank set. They have to do it for each one of their sets they want to use.


That is a failure of itemization and class design, completely unrelated to sucky Marauder/Sentinel set bonuses.

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It would be nice to have 1 set bonus that changed depending on your spec, but then we would be the only class that didn't need to farm multiple sets.


And what about all that worthless accuracy? We had to farm multiple pieces of our doubles or op gloves to get actual useful enhancements/mods.


And have you actually looked at war hero gear?


If you want to stack power/surge(ie. our BiS mods/enhancements) then you not only need to farm multiple doubles of our set pieces but like 7 pieces of operative/sorcerer gear for their enhancements.


GG we got a good 1st round gear setup if you believe swapping mods and every enhancement like every other class was somehow different? But in 1.2 wait till you're grinding for an optimal set, have fun.

Edited by Houdii
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And what about all that worthless accuracy? We had to farm multiple pieces of our doubles or op gloves to get actual useful enhancements/mods.


And have you actually looked at war hero gear?


If you want to stack power/surge(ie. our BiS mods/enhancements) then you not only need to farm multiple doubles of our set pieces but like 7 pieces of operative/sorcerer gear for their enhancements.


GG we got a good 1st round gear setup if you believe swapping mods and every enhancement like every other class was somehow different? But in 1.2 wait till you're grinding for an optimal set, have fun.


Almost every class I've talked to has problems with the PVP itemization to some extent, but yeah whoever thought marauders need more than 5% accuracy in PVP need to learn the mechanics of the class. I do agree that it is bad game design having to cannibalize Operative mods to get the correct itemization on our gear.

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Almost every class I've talked to has problems with the PVP itemization to some extent, but yeah whoever thought marauders need more than 5% accuracy in PVP need to learn the mechanics of the class. I do agree that it is bad game design having to cannibalize Operative mods to get the correct itemization on our gear.


Fix for this is for them to change it so we buy the mods and not the armor. Armor gets bought separately as a "status" symbol. Would completely take the pressure off them to make the gear balanced.


On topic:

  • Charge generates extra rage.
  • Assault generates extra rage.
  • Reduced rage cost on retaliation.
  • Reduced Fury cost for Berserk.
  • Increased Berserk stacks.
  • Force Choke snares target after channel.
  • Force Choke does some effect if it is interrupted.
  • Assault deals more damage.
  • Increased % on Deadly Throw.
  • Saber Ward makes you immune to knockback effects.
  • Cloak of Pain increases healing taken by 10%
  • Range increase on Intimidating Roar.
  • Changes Intimidating Roar into a 4 second stun.
  • Taking damage lowers the cooldown of Cloak of Pain by 1.5 seconds with a 1.5 second internal cooldown. Does not take effect if currently protected by Cloak of pain.
  • Using Force Camouflage causes your next Assault to deal 150% more damage.
  • Using Vicious Throw and not killing your target increases the damage of your next Deadly Throw by 50% and lowers it's rage cost by 1. Stacks up to 3 times.
  • Using Unleash resets the cooldown of your Force Charge and grants 10 stacks of Fury.
  • Predation grants affected targets a 10% damage reduction to all sources for 4 seconds.
  • Further increases the damage reduction of Force Camouflage by 25%. (For 1.2)
  • Force Camouflage no longer reduces damage but now increases speed by 100%.


While in Juno Form:

  • Every time one of your damage over time effects are dispelled the rage cost of Annihilation is reduced by 1 and damage increased by 5%. Stacks up to 5 times.
  • Increases the chance for Annihilation to reset Rupture by 34% and VS to reset Rupture by 17%.
  • Lower the cooldown of Annihilation by 4.5 seconds but no longer generates stacks.
  • Juno From now gives a permanent extra charge.
  • Rupture's direct damage is transferred into it's total damage over time. This includes damage gained from Deep Wound.


While in Ataru Form:

  • Ataru procs generate one Fury.
  • Ataru procs ignore all defensive forms unless the target is immune.
  • Taking melee damage while in Ataru form has a 20% change to deal an Ataru proc to the attack. 1.5 second internal cooldown.
  • Gore now grants three charges instead of a buff. And Ravage will now always ignore armor.


While in Shii-Cho Form:

  • Your Smash now always treats your Smash as if you have another Shockwave Charge.
  • Reduces the cost of Deadly Throw by two and allows it to benefit from Dominate and Shockwave. Increases damage of Deadly Throw by 25%. (To match Smash, this makes it more PvE viable.)
  • Lower the cooldown of Force Crush by one second for every target your Smash critical hits.
  • Vicious Slash deals more damage.


To name a few

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