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is there any reason to keep playing a sentinel


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@Silly_wabbit: not saying it's a bad thing to pop adrenals & such, but you shouldn't need adrenals and stims for every harder fight, especially not once you get doc.


Other than that: your order of things seems to forget that everytime cauterize & overload saber are up you need to use them. Doesn't matter when, as long as you have the focus for it, use it.


Also, precision slash? don't remember that being a watchman skill :)


I forgot the name of the attack that builds up focus, and I thought I read that it was precision slash.


As for using OS and Cauterize when its up, that rotation does just that. When I use Force Stasis, OS becomes available, then Cauterize is ready right at the same time I need it in the next run thru


But thats going by exactly what is listed.


I dont pop adrenals and such every fight, but just saying for the OP, that if they are having troubles, then do whatever is necessary to get an extra edge.

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finished my 1st chapter, banged my head against the *********** wall all night just to beat angrel and now I am just sent on more errands to fight unbalanced mobs and elites that are on my level that i have to whack at forever at 61 damage a hit and use all my cooldowns and heals just to stay alive to the end where 3 attacks doesnt burn down the enemys last 200 hp


Im at the second chapter and i must say knights have probably the worst story i got bored so much of chapter 1 i was forcing myself to continue.

But i continue cause i want the race i choosed for making a empire toon with it

and because i like the sentinel for warzones


Boring chapters (2 is far worse)


Agent story is simply the best so many twists and good story

Anw it gets ALOT eaasier once u get doc, u wont die just keep an eye on him

Edited by Maniigoldo
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Im at the second chapter and i must say knights have probably the worst story i got bored so much of chapter 1 i was forcing myself to continue.

But i continue cause i want the race i choosed for making a empire toon with it

and because i like the sentinel for warzones


Boring chapters (2 is far worse)


Agent story is simply the best so many twists and good story

Anw it gets ALOT eaasier once u get doc, u wont die just keep an eye on him


Not sure why you think JK story is so bad. I thought the first chapter was great. Second chapter was kinda meh, but it picked up again for most of the third, although the ending left A LOT to be desired.

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Ok keeping it most real with you, your skills need definite polishing a lot of backpeddaling and slow reaction times, I'm not trying to hate just keeping it real, and you should go watchman, as watchman I'm soloing heroic 2 quests that I just slightly out level, not trying to hurt your feelings it just looks to me your reaction times are slow and your rotation was slow and clunky as a result which results in lower dps and as a sentinel you need to burn ASAP before burnt yourself Edited by jbuschell
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As requested here is a video for you, showing me getting wooped by Elites 2+ lower level than me. I know I made some goofs in these battles shown but I have gotten wooped even when not. I still have fun with the challenge and look forward to see how this plays out as a lvl 50 and with 1.2.



3.5 minutes long, and dont miss the last 10 seconds.


You should NEVER have time between any of your skills. It should just be 1 fluid skill to the next and that's not at all what you were doing. Also, you popped defensive abilities WELL before you even went into combat, which is pointless and wasteful.


Try and work on increasing the speed with which you use attacks, I think that is your biggest problem right there. I'd reccommend going to an area with a lot of groups of mobs and just start focusing on a rotation. Get to know exactly where each key is and roughly how long the cooldowns are. Start working on an opening rotation (for watchman mine is usually: force leap > OS > zealous > cauterize > master strike, etc). Try and get yourself used to using ALL your utility moves (pacify, rebuke, saber ward, centering, etc). ALso, if you are fighting a casting mob, ABUSE YOUR STUNS. Most of a casting mobs damage are through channeled abilities that can be easily stunned... DO IT.


Do all this and you won't have any problems.

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As requested here is a video for you, showing me getting wooped by Elites 2+ lower level than me. I know I made some goofs in these battles shown but I have gotten wooped even when not. I still have fun with the challenge and look forward to see how this plays out as a lvl 50 and with 1.2.



3.5 minutes long, and dont miss the last 10 seconds.


Clicking, using defensive abilities BEFORE combat (notice your Rebuke actually expires before you even force leap in! Utterly wasted) and not interrupting. You need to learn to keybind as a Sentinel. It is not a forgiving class, nor one for casual players. I recommend Taugrim for a beginner - check out his guides, even for older MMOs, since all his tips apply - http://www.taugrim.com


Your CHIEF problem is that you're trying to click skills with the Sentinel class. That's the root of every single problem you're having.

Edited by BlackBaronUK
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As requested here is a video for you, showing me getting wooped by Elites 2+ lower level than me. I know I made some goofs in these battles shown but I have gotten wooped even when not. I still have fun with the challenge and look forward to see how this plays out as a lvl 50 and with 1.2.



3.5 minutes long, and dont miss the last 10 seconds.


Wow....that was so much fail in a 3 min video. You're combat but you don't use your ateru form? You use juyo which is mostly for watchman? Defensive CD expire before you enter fights? There is nothing wrong with the class but on the other hand you just can't play it right.

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As requested here is a video for you, showing me getting wooped by Elites 2+ lower level than me. I know I made some goofs in these battles shown but I have gotten wooped even when not. I still have fun with the challenge and look forward to see how this plays out as a lvl 50 and with 1.2.



3.5 minutes long, and dont miss the last 10 seconds.


1. Don't preemptively use Saber Ward and Rebuke before you even Leap. Use both of those when the mob turns its attention towards you instead of your companion.


2. Pacify was never on cooldown. Use it.


3. I saw that you kept trying to use Zealous Strike while it was on cooldown. Need to tighten that up. Might I suggest turning on numeric cooldowns. That will help a lot.


4. Get your rotation down.


5. Get faster, stop clicking, don't backpedal.


Honestly, you need a lot of work. Sentinel is not a class that one should play if they aren't fast and don't have a lot of keybinds. Get a Razer Naga imo. learn how to use it. It will make you fast. Don't backpedal, don't click unless it's a one-off ability that you don't use much.

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I just think its about the worst class I have played in four mmos. Its simply brutal being melee only in a ranged dps/aoe environment. Sents are just too squishy, and now everyone knows it in pvp and guns for you. I have 3 other 50s and the Sentinel class just does not measure up in skills, playability, effectiveness, and most importantly fun. Someone mentioned that dps wise its super high...well you have to be in contact to dish out that dps. Sitting in respawn (yet again) after 8 seconds of fighting just does not cut it. Chasing down enemy players through a web of mez's and kickbacks reduces its effectiveness by a tremendous amount. The cooldowns are WAY too long, especially for your limited shielding skills. Being a pvp junky, I play a lot and its hard for me to recall a sentinel being posted in the top 10 of any match. Usually their dps totals are low (see above for why), which is really defeating the purpose of this class. Somehow the sentinel came out the womb broken and I don't see it being fixed anytime soon. I think its developers were looking at spreadsheets and saying wow!, what a killing maching, and being so worried about being OPs they nurfed it and nurfed it and nurfed it. Now its just a nuetered shell...cannon fodder literaly. I have gone through numerous guids and configurations on this thing and have not found myself playing it with any positive experience. Star Wars is a super mmo and one I will certainly play for years. It really suprises me that this class is as poor as it is, especially since the others are so well done. Heres hoping for a serious retool of this class at some future point. There is spreadsheet dps and then there is a reality dps.
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Damn, I love the sent, I have other 50’s and tried guardian but it was too slow for me. Currently at 41 and cant wait to hit 50. When I was lower levels I rolled with t7 as I was taking way to much dmg early on with Kiara.


T7 was my god send for the class (make sure you keep him upgraded which is very easy to do). Also once you get your medic companion the game becomes super easy. I can go into fights against 3 strong characters and 2 regualr and come out with around 75% health.


The biggest thing with the class is how gear dependant it is both in the weapons and the armour. Also being watchman spec really helps with all the self-healing you’re able to do.


Stick with it, trust me you won’t be disappointed by the end once you have your healer. Remember to use your defensive skills like rebuke all the time as it makes a world of difference.


Also in pvp man nothing beats sents they have so much going for them.

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The one thing I took away from leveling a guardian to 50 is that all JK class quest fights vs elites (Angral, Sith Harrowers, etc) are interrupt-fests. Put kick on a button you can easily reach, and learn to love it. If kick is on cool-down, use force stasis, force push (guardians), force leap (watchman sents) anything you can to delay the spell cast until kick is back up. If all else fails, use a medpack and the "call on the force" cool-down to reset saber ward.


Also make sure you are interrupting the correct ability. Blowing kick on Angral's force lightning will lead to a quick death.

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