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is there any reason to keep playing a sentinel


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finished my 1st chapter, banged my head against the *********** wall all night just to beat angrel and now I am just sent on more errands to fight unbalanced mobs and elites that are on my level that i have to whack at forever at 61 damage a hit and use all my cooldowns and heals just to stay alive to the end where 3 attacks doesnt burn down the enemys last 200 hp


is the rest of leveling from 33 t0 50 going to be this underpowered because I play alts to have fun not die and fustrate myself to the point that I am starting to hate my character (and this game)


just wandering if i am ever going to beable to do some damage to or if the future quests are reasonably soloable or at least fun to do and not banging your head against the wall [because I know that everyone likes to spout off about how easy this game is but there are some really unbalanced areas and quests that kill all of you forward progression]

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Yea I haven't had any of the problems you are. Angral was a cinch, even with an under-geared Kira (I was using T7 at the time). What spec are you? Watchman is much easier to self-heal with, so I recommend that. Keep your hilts up to date. Thankfully, I'm artifice, so I have a new set of blue hilts every 2 levels. Make sure you're choosing commendations for quest rewards to use to fill up your orange gear. Read the forum stickies to know the best "rotation" and keep an eye on your procs. Once you get Doc (around 34-35) your survivability skyrockets. However, he doesn't do much damage so fights last a little longer. Also, don't scream through your class quests and then skip to the next planet. Take some time to do other quests (some of those stories are pretty cool) and you won't be underleveled for each planet.


And after all this, if you aren't having fun, reroll something else. Remember, it's a game and the most important thing is to be having fun. If you aren't, maybe Sentinel isn't for you.

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Things will get easier after Balmorra as you will then have your healing companion. Until then, sick your droid on the mobs (don't pull to big), utilize stims, med packs, cooldowns, and your heroic moment if necessary.


I finished my class quest at level 47 so i know it can be done. This is certainly a more difficult class to play, but out of all I have played, it has been the most rewarding to me.


Note: I leveled Watchman the entire way. Focus or Combat may be more effective for mobs but I would have to do some research in leveling builds to know for sure.

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finished my 1st chapter, banged my head against the *********** wall all night just to beat angrel and now I am just sent on more errands to fight unbalanced mobs and elites that are on my level that i have to whack at forever at 61 damage a hit and use all my cooldowns and heals just to stay alive to the end where 3 attacks doesnt burn down the enemys last 200 hp


is the rest of leveling from 33 t0 50 going to be this underpowered because I play alts to have fun not die and fustrate myself to the point that I am starting to hate my character (and this game)


just wandering if i am ever going to beable to do some damage to or if the future quests are reasonably soloable or at least fun to do and not banging your head against the wall [because I know that everyone likes to spout off about how easy this game is but there are some really unbalanced areas and quests that kill all of you forward progression]


If you go straight through and level on planets only, it can get out-of-hand quick. Mobs your level and higher slow down leveling a lot since you need to self heal a lot and they die slower. Mix in some PvP and FPs and try to stay 1-3 levels above the zone. If you do zones, make sure you do all the bonus series to try and stay ahead too.


Warrior/knight leveling is one of the crappiest in my personal experience (50 jugg, mara and sent/ 3x-4x assassin, sniper, sorc and working on shadow now 2x).


But seriously, hit up PvP if you can, it gives a ton of XP at low levels, money without repairs, decent gear at 20/40 and keeps you ahead of the level req for planets.

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Yea I haven't had any of the problems you are. Angral was a cinch, even with an under-geared Kira (I was using T7 at the time). What spec are you? Watchman is much easier to self-heal with, so I recommend that. Keep your hilts up to date. Thankfully, I'm artifice, so I have a new set of blue hilts every 2 levels. Make sure you're choosing commendations for quest rewards to use to fill up your orange gear. Read the forum stickies to know the best "rotation" and keep an eye on your procs. Once you get Doc (around 34-35) your survivability skyrockets. However, he doesn't do much damage so fights last a little longer. Also, don't scream through your class quests and then skip to the next planet. Take some time to do other quests (some of those stories are pretty cool) and you won't be underleveled for each planet.


And after all this, if you aren't having fun, reroll something else. Remember, it's a game and the most important thing is to be having fun. If you aren't, maybe Sentinel isn't for you.


sadly this is what i get is my only option from reading this forum and similar ones at darth hater torhead and mmo champ. that really sucks because I really wanted to play through the jedi knight story line but it is such a irritating class to play.


and this sucks because now I dont get to experiance the story for the most iconic class in starwars because I am not a hard core mmo player who hasnt been grinding away in wow for the last 7 years. I am a long time rpg player and know how to level and gear up [though mmo gearing is lame and restrictive] but that is not how mmo are designed and if you dont play the class exactly how the game wants you to play it then you die and die and die and die and die and die.....


the other classes I have played, merc, scoundral, trooper, and shadow were fine and I have fun on those characters but the jedi sentinel is wearing me down and is not fun to play. I mean the rotation and abilities are fun and the story is awesome but my surviveability and damage is crap and makes even a single strong feel like I am fighting boss level hp [its not, I just dont burn it down at a reasonable rate] and taking way to much damage


really all i think the class needs is 1 or 2 more low level abilities that actually do straight damage and not tickle the enemy while building.

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If you go straight through and level on planets only, it can get out-of-hand quick. Mobs your level and higher slow down leveling a lot since you need to self heal a lot and they die slower. Mix in some PvP and FPs and try to stay 1-3 levels above the zone. If you do zones, make sure you do all the bonus series to try and stay ahead too.


Warrior/knight leveling is one of the crappiest in my personal experience (50 jugg, mara and sent/ 3x-4x assassin, sniper, sorc and working on shadow now 2x).


But seriously, hit up PvP if you can, it gives a ton of XP at low levels, money without repairs, decent gear at 20/40 and keeps you ahead of the level req for planets.


its a alt so all my xp is rested, I finish all quests and did the bonus series on tat and nar shadda, not alderan though. I do about 1/2 of the heroics because I dont like to wait around for groups to do a heroic that usaully is nothing special just a good reward. I got to the end of my 1st chapter at 32 couldnt beat angrel so I tried to grind to 33 but that wasnt happing so I just banged my head against him all night at 32 [he is 33] and finally got lucky and beat him now I am back on tat fighting level 32 elites [i am still at 32] and die probably 2 times fighting each one and had to kill 3. just feels like more underpowered low damage jedi head banging.


Im sure it goes back to normal once I get back to regular questing and get to balmorra but right now it is the worst and I am sure as soon as I get to the end of chapter 2 I will be right back in this underpowered position


*edit I would pvp more [i love pvp in this game] but with this character I dont contribute and I feel more underpowered in pvp than I do in pve. so really if I was to try and level in pvp to beat my class quests I would just be taking up a spot on the team to waste time running around and get the minimal reward because even when I am trying I contribute very little. or I can afk but I do not play like that

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Wanted to start my own topic but this will do fine since I have a similar question - when exactly sentinels become OP? 19 levels now and so far it feels like the weakest class ever. In any game. I am talking PvE only.


Seriously. It was my first character and once when I get really tired from dying all the time I rolled alt - sage. It was like switching on a god-mod. Take Esseles as a test stone. My sage could solo it at lvl 13, my sentinels barely managed it at 16 (with several deaths).


I though it was just learning the game problem. Got 2 50s (sage and assassin) and tried sentinel again. One could say after lvl 50 assassin (melee dps) you could handle another melee. No, still nothing. My sin could kill a champion 3 levels higher. My sentinel is wiped out by a 3 lvls lower champion without a chance. One gold and 2 silvers even lower level is a huge challenge. Anything above - impossible.


I did try both companions (Kira works better even when less good geared then t7), my armor and sabers are up to date, I did try different builds and read all I could in different guides. Also have a guildie who being a sentinel never could handle solo quests (not to mention Heroics) my sage did not even noticed. So, it confirms to me I am not the only one with that problem.


Either it's just totally absolutely not my class and I have to stop now or sentinels were designed only for PvP where everyone sais they a horribly OP and have to be nerfed. Or there is a magical level when things suddenly gets better. If this is the case - when can I expect that magic to happen? At what level? -

Edited by Mirandel
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Wanted to start my own topic but this will do fine since I have a similar question - when exactly sentinels become OP? 19 levels now and so far it feel like the weakest class ever. In any game. I am talking PvE only.


Seriously. It was my first character and once when I get really tired from dying all the time I rolled alt - sage. It was like switching on a god-mod. Take Esseles as a test stone. My sage could solo it at lvl 13, my sentinels barely managed it at 16 (with several deaths).


I though it was just learning the game problem. Got 2 50s (sage and assassin) and tried sentinel again. One could say after lvl 50 assassin (melee dps) you could handle another melee. No, still nothing. My sin could kill a champion 3 levels higher. My sentinel is wiped out by a 3 lvls lower champion without a chance. One gold and 2 silvers even lower level is a huge challenge. Anything above - impossible.


I did try both companions (Kira works better even when less good geared then t7), my armor and sabers are up to date, I did try different builds and read all I could in different guides. Also have a guildie who being a sentinel never could handle solo quests (not to mention Heroics) my sage did not even noticed. So, it confirms to me I am not the only one with that problem.


Either it's just totally absolutely not my class and I have to stop now or sentinels were designed only for PvP where everyone sais they a horribly OP and have to be nerfed. Or there is a magical level when things suddenly gets better. If this is the case - when can I expect that magic to happen? At what level? -


it seems the trick from what I have been reading is you have to spec into watchman and grind pvp to out level content. this is a crap solution in my opinion and I think that i am just going to forget about this character for awhile maybe till they stop messing with classes and finally reach apoint that this clss is fun for me, and I guess if not I will just have somebody run me through the quests to see the story content.


wow just saying that makes me think this game is a big fail for me, why did they have to make the old republic a mmo

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The problem is - I am not interested in PvP at all. And space missions are too limited and boring for me as a whole concept too. So, normal questing is what I am looking for. Though sentinel makes a new definition for "normal" here.


If you are only interested in a story - there is one more solution for you. Roll a guardian. Heavy armor, more utilities, and Kira will be even more useful and on place. But the question about sentinel remains.

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The problem is - I am not interested in PvP at all. And space missions are too limited and boring for me as a whole concept too. So, normal questing is what I am looking for. Though sentinel makes a new definition for "normal" here.


If you are only interested in a story - there is one more solution for you. Roll a guardian. Heavy armor, more utilities, and Kira will be even more useful and on place. But the question about sentinel remains.


I was thinking about rolling a guardian but I have a sith jugg [lvl10] I want to play because I like the whole vader look they have over the marader. so to mix things up I figured play jedi sentinel and sith jugg. sounded like a good plan, to bad the reality of this game is going to make that not a option for me.


I also really wanted the duel wield jedi too

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Same reasons here :) Nice to see I am not alone. So wanted to have that perfect twi'lek double-ls jedi...


Again, one way out of it - rolling alts on different server. You keep the concept, you play it sometimes but your "main" for that archetype is the one you can actually play. Not a best solution but the one I am using now.

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it seems the trick from what I have been reading is you have to spec into watchman and grind pvp to out level content. this is a crap solution in my opinion and I think that i am just going to forget about this character for awhile maybe till they stop messing with classes and finally reach apoint that this clss is fun for me, and I guess if not I will just have somebody run me through the quests to see the story content.


wow just saying that makes me think this game is a big fail for me, why did they have to make the old republic a mmo


No, you do not have to go Watchman. I leveled to 50 on a Sent using a Hybrid of Combat and Focus. What worked for me was to:


use Mod-able gear on myself an Kira.

Slot only Blues and Purples

Keep everything as close to your level as possible.

Use Guardian Armoring, Might mods, and Power Enhancements

Sacrifice Kira and run if I have to.


There are still some things that I just will not do solo. I found that any spawn with more than two ranged mobs is going to kill me, (too much pew pew, not enough defense) so I take out as many gun guys as fast as I can. It's still painful, though. My advice, when you hit an even level elite after level 25, go get another person, or go get another level.


With 0/16/25 Transcendence can give you and party 10% added defense and speed boost with four in the party, you just gotta hit it every 10 seconds


As an aside, when I leveled my Marauder to 50, I used the Annihilation tree (red watchman basically). I didn't find it to be any more effective than Combat/Focus in PvE. PvP is a crapshoot, you will win some and lose some no matter what tree you climb.


To answer the initial question,


is there any reason to keep playing a sentinel


Yes! that's the only way that you can have one of everything...

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I hate to say this, but I think this is a problem of learning to use focus generation as part of your rotation. Oh, and using companions as intended.


I have a 50 guardian and 32 sentinel. Plus a sage (first char) and scoundrel somewhere. This is my first MMO.


For me, the first thing to learn with Knights was how to generate and then spend focus in a reasonable rotation.

And then, learning when to use the other abilities and companions.


My guardian is a tank. So i use Kira as DD/DPS. My sentinel is DD/DPS, so I use T7 as tank.


Sentinel is squishy, but if you use him and T7 correct it's not a big issue.


Certain things I first overlooked that helps a lot.

½) Use the stance your skills are geared for. If Combat -> Ataru, Watchmen -> Jyou, Focus -> Shii-Cho

1) Rebuke. Use it when you're being hit. Changes everything.


2) Centering. Start with Zen. Use it everytime it reaches 30 and focus on abilities it recommends. Things go down fast with that one.


3) Saber Ward is nice. It can easily buy you a lot of extra time.


4) Stims and medpacks!


5) When you get it, use Force Camo for duming threat.



And if it still doesnt work, try to deduct what the issue that stops you is. "No focus"? Drawing aggro from the start? Slow clicking? Pulling several mobs at once?

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I'm playing marauder (Imperial version of Sentinel) at level 45 and I haven't had any issues. I can count on one hand the number of times I've died, and it's always because I did something dumb like pull an Elite at 1/2 HP that I thought was a Strong, stuff like that. I am generally the same level as the mobs I am fighting, sometimes one level under, because I get bored of a planet before I finish it.


I hate to say it, but this is probably a "learn to play" issue. I've been playing MMOs for a long time, which helps. One of my co-workers who is new to the genre with SWTOR was having trouble with Marauder like you. I ended up watching him play and he was doing everything wrong. Doing things like:


1. Using rage builders when he had a full rage bar.

2. Letting his Fury sit at 30, never using it.

3. Never interrupting anything. (His interrupt wasn't even on his bar)

4. Pulling hard things at 2/3 HP

5. Not updating his gear regularly


Browse the forums for rotation help, pay attention to what your different attacks do, and how they should interact with each other. INTERRUPT THINGS (!!!!). Use the healer companion if you're having trouble. Use the spec with the self heal on DoT crits. Don't be afraid to use Medpacks.


Also, this class requires a lot of keybinds. If you haven't already, learn to bind things to keys like R, F, E, Q, C, G, etc, as well as binding things to modifiers such as Shift and Ctrl. If you're not using a lot of binds as this class, you're probably doing it wrong, even at fairly low levels.


Good luck, and keep swinging those sabers!

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Thanks for attempt to help. As a "joiner" to OP with the same problem I really appreciate the answers.


The problem here is not that you can not play at all, but amount of work you have to put on to play. Where it's a nice walk for any other class - it's a straggle to survive for sentinel. Btw, marauders got it easier - their second companion is a healer and first one - perfect range DD.


As assassin I could come to the planet being 4 (!) levels under the planet's level and finish the story arc. With sentinel I have to be way above things to get it barely done. To me it means something is way off balance here.

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I hate to say this, but I think this is a problem of learning to use focus generation as part of your rotation. Oh, and using companions as intended.


I have a 50 guardian and 32 sentinel. Plus a sage (first char) and scoundrel somewhere. This is my first MMO.


For me, the first thing to learn with Knights was how to generate and then spend focus in a reasonable rotation.

And then, learning when to use the other abilities and companions.


My guardian is a tank. So i use Kira as DD/DPS. My sentinel is DD/DPS, so I use T7 as tank.


Sentinel is squishy, but if you use him and T7 correct it's not a big issue.


Certain things I first overlooked that helps a lot.

½) Use the stance your skills are geared for. If Combat -> Ataru, Watchmen -> Jyou, Focus -> Shii-Cho

1) Rebuke. Use it when you're being hit. Changes everything.


2) Centering. Start with Zen. Use it everytime it reaches 30 and focus on abilities it recommends. Things go down fast with that one.


3) Saber Ward is nice. It can easily buy you a lot of extra time.


4) Stims and medpacks!


5) When you get it, use Force Camo for duming threat.



And if it still doesnt work, try to deduct what the issue that stops you is. "No focus"? Drawing aggro from the start? Slow clicking? Pulling several mobs at once?


my biggest problem is beating elites even when they are on level.


my gear and stats are fine and I have been using diffrent suggested rotations but they all suprisingly have the same outcome, low damage and dieing or almost dead by the end of the fight I have not found a rotaion that that has a better burst or that manages reasources better than the next. I could do better at getting off rebuke faster when it procs though


managing focus took time to get used to but the biggest problem is that i cant burn down the elites life fast enough to survive. I am using my med packs, relic, stims and adrenals [which is very costly for how much I am dying] I have been waiting 20 minutes between each fight to use my heroic moment because I dont see myself beating this harower with out it. I use my centering when its available and use saber ward and the other buff at diffrent varibles in the fight. I usauly force leap in and then use the channeled stun to start it off, at 50% hp I use my force camo to switch aggro to my companion. blade storm and master strike seem to be the only abilities that do any damage so I be sure to have them off cool down at the end of the fight. and I make sure to use pacifiy in my rotation, like I said above I need to be faster on using rebuke though.


in the end it comes down to us both at the end of our life but it seems my dps goes to **** even though I save my cool downs and I cannot get him to 0 before I die.


most mobs I can beat even if I have no life, used all my defensive abilities, medpack, and still have to heal after every encounter [just to fight normals and a strong]. this is annoying but I like the combat and story so I will put up with it. its just these damn elites that do so much damage that my nerf bats cant burn them down fast enough, this would not be a problem if I did not HAVE to beat them to advance my story.

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I'm playing marauder (Imperial version of Sentinel) at level 45 and I haven't had any issues. I can count on one hand the number of times I've died, and it's always because I did something dumb like pull an Elite at 1/2 HP that I thought was a Strong, stuff like that. I am generally the same level as the mobs I am fighting, sometimes one level under, because I get bored of a planet before I finish it.


I hate to say it, but this is probably a "learn to play" issue. I've been playing MMOs for a long time, which helps. One of my co-workers who is new to the genre with SWTOR was having trouble with Marauder like you. I ended up watching him play and he was doing everything wrong. Doing things like:


1. Using rage builders when he had a full rage bar.

2. Letting his Fury sit at 30, never using it.

3. Never interrupting anything. (His interrupt wasn't even on his bar)

4. Pulling hard things at 2/3 HP

5. Not updating his gear regularly


Browse the forums for rotation help, pay attention to what your different attacks do, and how they should interact with each other. INTERRUPT THINGS (!!!!). Use the healer companion if you're having trouble. Use the spec with the self heal on DoT crits. Don't be afraid to use Medpacks.


Also, this class requires a lot of keybinds. If you haven't already, learn to bind things to keys like R, F, E, Q, C, G, etc, as well as binding things to modifiers such as Shift and Ctrl. If you're not using a lot of binds as this class, you're probably doing it wrong, even at fairly low levels.


Good luck, and keep swinging those sabers!


granted I am a mmo noob and these were a problem at the begining but it has gone beyond that now that I have a better rotation for managing focus, learned that not interupting = death, and how to proporly use my buffs and pacify. I am no way claiming that I know how to play this class or am i a elite god, but I do think that I am keeping up with the learning curve and trying to find advice on how to improve my playing that is not grind till you out level it


what is really turning me off is the no room for mistakes playstyle, it seems if you are not absolutly on top of every second and make no mistakes, you just MIGHT be able to survive. obviously people are playing and not having any problems but I do also think most people play more socially and if they have a problem they just grab someone to help them. I know this is a mmo but I just dont like to play like that. its like having your older brother beat the end boss for you, did you really beat the game then?


and as a quick question, as a mmo player do you feel that this class is balanced for a varying level of skill or only for the players that want a difficult class to play? I feel that this class is not designed for a casual player or new player which is sad that they didnt put enough effort in to game design to actually make the class enjoyable for new and veteran players alike, being that it is the most iconic starwars classe with arguably the most important conclusion to the story.

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finished my 1st chapter, banged my head against the *********** wall all night just to beat angrel and now I am just sent on more errands to fight unbalanced mobs and elites that are on my level that i have to whack at forever at 61 damage a hit and use all my cooldowns and heals just to stay alive to the end where 3 attacks doesnt burn down the enemys last 200 hp


is the rest of leveling from 33 t0 50 going to be this underpowered because I play alts to have fun not die and fustrate myself to the point that I am starting to hate my character (and this game)


just wandering if i am ever going to beable to do some damage to or if the future quests are reasonably soloable or at least fun to do and not banging your head against the wall [because I know that everyone likes to spout off about how easy this game is but there are some really unbalanced areas and quests that kill all of you forward progression]


Unless you only use Rebuke, 61 would not be possible. I have had my tough spots, and i'm in the middle of one right now, but I easily do 400-450, and thats on a Strike. From what I can tell, the class you are describing is not Sentinel. Sentinel does well over a thousand damage easily, and is a blast to play.

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and as a quick question, as a mmo player do you feel that this class is balanced for a varying level of skill or only for the players that want a difficult class to play? I feel that this class is not designed for a casual player or new player which is sad that they didnt put enough effort in to game design to actually make the class enjoyable for new and veteran players alike, being that it is the most iconic starwars classe with arguably the most important conclusion to the story.

You have to take in to consideration this is one class. Albeit not the most beginner-friendly class, but still, a single class. Vanguards, Commandos, Guardians, Consulars, they all have easier times of it. It took me a few days to beat Guided By the Force class quest, while my Guardian friend did it on his first try. So, Sentinel can be more of a tricky class to play, but that's the way some people, myself included, like it.
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Answering the base question - yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Sentinel becomes exceptionally strong later on. The Watchman spec is among the very best trees in the game, and very enjoyable.


I've rolled 6 of the 8 classes at some point or another, most to higher levels, and the Sentinel is the most fun, if not exactly the easiest.

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Regis says, "Phone a friend!"


Not to be glib, but the second M does stand for "multiplayer."


If you hit a rough spot, ask someone for help.


I would be surprised that if you asked in gen chat in any zone on any server (provided people are actually there) you wouldn't find someone willing to help you.


The story lines simply weren't designed to be zerged solo. Sure, it can be done, but don't expect it to be a breeze.


Participating in all the game has to offer, will easily keep you several levels ahead of the game.


Even simply doing all the quests on a planet, including heroics and FPs will keep you leveled enough to be able to solo stuff easily. That's not grinding.

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You have to take in to consideration this is one class. Albeit not the most beginner-friendly class, but still, a single class. Vanguards, Commandos, Guardians, Consulars, they all have easier times of it. It took me a few days to beat Guided By the Force class quest, while my Guardian friend did it on his first try. So, Sentinel can be more of a tricky class to play, but that's the way some people, myself included, like it.


I fully understand this but wouldnt it make more sense for example making watchman to be super hard and combat to be more forgiving. or maybe make the hardest class not be the most iconic class and like I said with arguably the most important conclusion


but thats just my gripe with the class because it is the jedi class, I mean why would a begginer to mmos want to play a jedi knight in a star wars game.


fully understand that people want hard characters to play and that there are learning curves but with all the other mishaps bioware has made being their first mmo is it not reasonable to question the difficulty of this class, and not really the class or how ability intensive it is but just the fact it sems in my experiances that the survivability of the class is not on par with the damage that its class quest enemys are putting out


my gripe is more the time to kill vs survivablity

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Unless you only use Rebuke, 61 would not be possible. I have had my tough spots, and i'm in the middle of one right now, but I easily do 400-450, and thats on a Strike. From what I can tell, the class you are describing is not Sentinel. Sentinel does well over a thousand damage easily, and is a blast to play.


I said in another post blade storm and critical strike seem to be the only 2 abilities that do any damage they hit for usually 400 - 500 but everything else seems to hit under 100 against elites, now I am not saying this is absolutly true because I dont have a combat log and have plenty to pay attention to while fighting so I am going by glimpses of my damage numbers while managing the rest of my cool downs and procs :)


also I agree that it would be a blast to play if I could actually survive a encounter

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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I've got several ACs to 30 (Vanguard, Sage, Commando, and Sent), and I can tell you that I feel like the Sent is the most powerful of them all. It is DEFINITELY the toughest learning curve though (with Commando probably being the easiest IMO).


I'm up to 39 now having just used Kira as a companion. I preferred the speed of killing stuff with her to T7, so I never used him once I picked her up. Here's some tips that I've picked up along the way:


When you're doing normal pulls, I always send her in to attack a different mob than I am. We'll both kill the first mob pretty quick, plus it splits up who is taking dmg.


On regular mobs, I focus on using my attacks that incapacitate them. For example, I might send Kira to attack one, I put up rebuke and leap to the other one and immediately go into Master Strike. This knocks him out for the duration, which prevents him from doing any dmg, and also will take most regular mobs almost all the way down. Finish them off with Zealous Strike and then go to the third mob. I'll hit them with Blade Storm which will knock them out temporarily, and then Pommel Strike, and then just burn them down. Kira usually comes over from her mob about this time and so it only takes a couple of hits. Using this strat I can take down pulls really quickly while taking very little dmg, which lets me go straight to the next pull w/o needing to rest. Force Sweep, Blade Storm, and Master Strike will all keep them from dealing any dmg, and will set them up for a focus-free pommel strike (which hits really hard). You can also add in Opportune Strike when you get it. It can be used right after your leap (b/c it immobilizes them), and is once again no force and hits like a truck. You should be able to run through regular mobs really fast doing this with basically no down time.


When facing strong / elite mobs it's a totally different priority. I rebuke, leap in, Overload Saber, Zealous Strike, Cauterize, then Slash. That should put up all your dots (Watchmen build), and then I Force Stasis. That will drain them down pretty good, while your dots tick. The whole time you won't take dmg, and if you have Zen up you will even heal a little. It also gives your stuff a chance to come back off of cooldown so you can run through a similar series again. The next time I get dots up I usually do Master Strike to fill the time waiting for stuff to come off of CD. Of course, use Rebuke, Saber Ward, and Passify, and interupt the big stuff. The priority here is getting your dots up. I use Slash instead of Blade Storm on these guys b/c it finishes the CD on Cauterize.


Hope this helps. Sent is really a fun class to play if you like the style, but it's definitely not for everyone. In the end, play something you like. Good luck!

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and as a quick question, as a mmo player do you feel that this class is balanced for a varying level of skill or only for the players that want a difficult class to play? I feel that this class is not designed for a casual player or new player which is sad that they didnt put enough effort in to game design to actually make the class enjoyable for new and veteran players alike, being that it is the most iconic starwars classe with arguably the most important conclusion to the story.


I have a hard time deciding what my answer to this question is. Marauder was my first class in SWTOR, and I *loved* the challenge of it. It made the game very fun and is what made me decide to buy/sub (jumped in on a friend trial).


Afterwards, I tried some other classes, and was surprised to find that they all seemed far easier to play.


So no, I don't think it's "balanced" on the the skill level required to play it. Other classes are easier, no question. I don't want to discuss if it's balanced in terms of optimal play compared to optimal play for other classes, that's not relevant to this thread.


That said, I hope they don't change it personally. I love playing the class far more than others because of the challenging "rotation", and the low margin for error. I wouldn't quit over it, but I would be annoyed.


Also, I feel like Guardian/Juggernaut is more iconic to the Star Wars universe than Sentinel/Marauder, how many iconic Star Wars characters DW sabers? And the Gaurdian/Juggernaut (so I am told, haven't tried myself) is much easier to solo. If you just want to try the story, try those.

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