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Bioware if you want this game to survive. (I do too)


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Dear Bioware,


[PVE] Make a gear difference between hardmode and nightmare operations loot. One of the coolest things about defeating harder operations (in WoW) is when you walk around with that new piece of armor and you KNOW that its from nightmare mode, same thing goes with the trinkets/relics better relics should drop in harder operations, there is no incentive to do nightmare mode otherwise. You should also increase the difficulty of the end game operations (not by adding buggy content like invisible lightning balls). my guild completes Nightmare KP and Nightmare EV in about 3 hours on 1 day. That is just wayyyyyyy to easy.


[PVP] You are moving the right direction with rated PVP that will keep us going on an endless loop to see who can get the best rating. Move towards arenas someday and try to keep it inventive when it comes to warzones dont just copy WOW. Hutball is one of the coolest PVP warzones ive ever done because of the booby traps and the interactive throwing of the hutball, no other game ive played has that and thats what makes it better then others. Give of a warzone with the illum turrets or something !



Thanks! <3

Edited by Murfee
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Here is why all the new armor looks like crap, with feathers or hooks going random places. I am one of those who wants a robe. Just a robe for my Jedi. Yet, they design all this fancy stuff that looks like crap (IMO), because they want you to be able to show off the accomplishment that you have achieved. I want to look plain. I don't care what other players think of my character, or my achievement. I don't care what other players look like, or their achievements. Those I group with are great people, and I know what we have done. I don't need to walk around in armor to prove it to everyone. I absolutely hated their answer the other day!


So make my plain robes match attributes to those you get at highest tier PVP or HP's, if I achieve that status too.


Note: I don't want them to remove this horrible crap from the game. Some people may like them, and I don't have to look at them. But let me be the plain, unassuming "Ben Kenobi", that crazy old man in plain, brown robes.

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I beleive the best way to handle the look is to do what there doing, I think the orginal piece should be flashy so that you know you have achieved something, but give us the oppurtunity to swap out the mods and put it into whatever social gear we want, in essence have the same stats but look however you want.


This is more of a sidenote the goal of my post is for the overall survival of the game.

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Agreed Roccobb, I have no need to show complete strangers that I am a foot-and-a-half-of-awesome.


I find it hilarious when people start threads with, "Bioware, if you want this game to survive..." It amazes me the number of award-winning mutli-millionaire computer game development experts come around and give free advice to their competitors.


'Suggestions' are much more effective when phrased as 'suggestions,' as opposed to threats, ultimatums, or dire warnings.

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