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Anyway to stop Left Click effecting the Camera?


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Sometimes I spam-click certain targets due to tab-targets un-reliability, but when this happens, if there is a short time between clicks, it just seems to register it as holding the button down rather than clicking it and then the camera goes bananas.


I often hold down the right mouse button to rotate the camera and such, but never the left and I'd like to stop this since it's just a nuisance.


Anyone know if there's anything I can do?

Edited by stephenjohnp
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it'll be an option in 1.2



i actually midread this. i thought you meant is there an option to turn off the snap back on the camera if you're viewing behind you whilst running persay.



Edited by supZ
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Odd. I donot have that problem. Sure it is not a option within the camera settings you have set which may be making it do that? Or maybe it is the way I play..not sure. I do however left click a lot when fighting multiple mobs, but still have not had that issue. I do have "select closest enemy by left clicking" shut off. Edited by Valkirus
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