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Constructive suggestions for Pyro before 1.2 goes live


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It might be common sense to many of us, so I never understood why it isn’t used to identify trends and deficiencies. The player base will always tell tale which classes are the strongest and which classes are the weakest. We call them cookie cutters, and FOTM, ect.. If I owned an MMO I would sample the community over the course of a few months to see where the majority and minority of the player base lies. Once located, I would investigate using the forums and live game as to why so many play one class and so few play another.


Seems pretty simple to us all.


Live game and forums tell us that Advanced Prototype has the lowest count population and Pyro Mercs is just above them.


I don’t want to be redundant. There have been several threads over the months referencing the Pyro Merc deficiencies. Here are some of the most recent:






For the sake of maturity, let’s please keep this constructive. I have never condoned a NERF. I would rather buff a class than nerf another.


That said, balance is a delicate thing. Suggestions can’t get to crazy and must be limited to extremely minor tweaks.


The bullets I suggest are not to be taken all together, but are suggestions by themselves. In other words, I by no means want all of the suggestions below, thus I use the word "or".


•Swap Improved Vents with System Calibrations. BG can use Alacrity better than Pyro’s can and Pyro’s can benefit from venting heat.




•Replace Advanced Targeting with a skill like Bursting Flames – 3/3 Power Shot has 100% chance to trigger CGC if active.




•Replace Automated Defenses with a skill that reduces push back suffered by Power Shot, Unload and Fusion Missile by 70%. (It is Tier 6, so it is too deep for hybrids. Most Pyro will have to invest 2 more points than 31 to gain this skill anyway).




•Degauss – (add) immunity for duration of Shields.




•Incendiary Missile – … Ignite target for 500 elemental damage and an additional 1200 damage taken over 18 seconds. Merc Pyro only. (PT hardly use IM due to 100% proc effect of Flame Burst and the amount of damage Flame Burst does anyway. They save so much heat by not casting a 25 heat skill to do small damage, when FB can ignite. Some hybrid PT get to proc with Flame Sweep in addition)



Please post your suggestions. Also, I am by no means asking for all of these. Just one. I am listing more so to give the Devs some ideas. I am sure they are concerned with balance as well.

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I really like you suggestion about swapping Improved Vents and System Calibrations. I think that would be a great change to benefit both trees.


I think they should just add Fusion Missle to the Stabilizers talent to help pyros out too, because as a Merc pyro I actually use this skill alot.


My biggest gripe with the 1.2 patch is the HUGE nerf to Merc Pyro in regards to the cylindar requirement for Prototype Particle Accelerator. Let me preface this by saying that this will be a ridiculous nerf to the heat venting capability of the AC in raiding, I'm not talking about PvP at all.


As it is right now, High Velocity Gas Cylindars enables the heat cost of rail shot to be reduced by 8. It starts at 16 heat, so when you have HVGC enabled it costs 8. When you have the 4 piece Eliminator set, it reduces it a further 8 making it a free spell. This helps so much when you are Arsenal and is INVALUABLE when you are raiding as pyro becuase we have no other abilities that help us vent heat.


With this change, we will now just use rail shot and it will be neutral if it hits a burning target instead of venting 8 heat. This is just an overall bad idea and I believe to compensate they should enable some talent in the Merc Pyro tree to reduce the heat cost of rail shot by 8.



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I really like you suggestion about swapping Improved Vents and System Calibrations. I think that would be a great change to benefit both trees.


I think they should just add Fusion Missle to the Stabilizers talent to help pyros out too, because as a Merc pyro I actually use this skill alot.


My biggest gripe with the 1.2 patch is the HUGE nerf to Merc Pyro in regards to the cylindar requirement for Prototype Particle Accelerator. Let me preface this by saying that this will be a ridiculous nerf to the heat venting capability of the AC in raiding, I'm not talking about PvP at all.


As it is right now, High Velocity Gas Cylindars enables the heat cost of rail shot to be reduced by 8. It starts at 16 heat, so when you have HVGC enabled it costs 8. When you have the 4 piece Eliminator set, it reduces it a further 8 making it a free spell. This helps so much when you are Arsenal and is INVALUABLE when you are raiding as pyro becuase we have no other abilities that help us vent heat.


With this change, we will now just use rail shot and it will be neutral if it hits a burning target instead of venting 8 heat. This is just an overall bad idea and I believe to compensate they should enable some talent in the Merc Pyro tree to reduce the heat cost of rail shot by 8.




Great point. This is what we need. To identify discrepancies with 1.2 before it goes live and constructively offer suggestions. We are a tiny community inside Merc. No one is speaking on our behalf. If we don't sound off, we will be the collateral damage of the Arsenals / PT Pyro nerf.

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Someone suggested to just quit playing BH, or better yet the whole game if all the crap they are proposing goes live... oh wait, that was me. Well, that's probably the best suggestion anyway, at least you know that there's a chance it could actually happen.
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Good suggestion for the Devs...


Ripped from another thread.



I have a suggestion for this spec. Replace Powershot's usefulness with missile blast. I can't really fully express how much more fun this would be for me (and maybe others). Missile blast is such a cool ability (follows player till it hits, and it ALWAYS hits).



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Considering how much I'll be using Rapid Shots so I can save my burst for when I need it I'd change Advanced Targetting to this:


Advanced Targetting


Whilst CGC is active Rapid Shots has a 33.3/66.7/100% chance to grant Sure Shots, a self buff that increases the damage and accuracy of Rapid Shots by 10% for 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.

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I think pyro mercs are OP so I dont really see a problem.


ROFL. Now I consider myself a successful Merc Pyro in PvP, so this may sound egotistical. But the fact of the matter is that I've seen a lot of people attempt to use Merc Pyro as a PvP platform. They aren't successful. I don't see any other Merc Pyros in PvP. I see plenty of PT Pyros. Plenty of Arsenal. And their Repub mirrors of course. But if Merc Pyro is OP, why aren't there more of them. More to the point, why don't I see ANY of them?

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Because mercs are only just cottening onto pyro. Be prepared to see a lot more of them over time.


I have arsenal mercs asking me about the class and my tree after matches quite regularly after I line of sight the **** out of them.

Edited by Diddley
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Advanced Targeting: 0/3 PowerShot has a 33.34 chance to trigger your combustable gas cylinder if active


Systems Calibrations: 0/2 Increases the damage dealt by Unload by 4%

Edited by Baarabas
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