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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop Typing and Pay Attention!!!


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When some obvious things happen, players tend to dismiss other players as "Bad", but it really needs to stop because most of the time they are too enamered with their own leetness to even understand situational awareness. This is objective based PvP after all..


Example 1: Alderaan; we got two turrets, score 450-370..


1. Type: "4 imps middle.."

2. Action: Everyone except me run middle.

3. Type: "Hey guys I am by myself @ right, so."

4. Action: Two BM imps (one notorious Jugg imp too)come right

5. Action: Try to hold out until calvary comes.

6. Action: Death, but no calvary, lose right turret

7. Type: "Man you are bad."

8. Type: "Did I type in chinese when I said I was by myself?"

9. Type: "You got to ""call"" it out"

10. Type: "W.T.F., didn't I say I was by myself before anyone even showed up? Sorry I was too busy trying to stay alive until the calvary arrived"


"by myself right, 2 imps inc, help"


Example 2: Alderaan: Start/At ship

1. Type: "Im going left"

2. Action: At speeder landing, see three imps going left.

3. Action: use force speed to cut them off, stuns/cc's to slow them down, in the HOPE that someone went left to cap.

4. Type: "You are a ******* idiot"

5. Type: "?????"

6. Type: "You ***** idiot, why didn't you cap the turret?"

7. Type: "I was trying to cut them off because you can't cap faster than they can get there, why didn't you cap since you were behind me and saw where I was going?"

8. Type: "blahh, blah, blah, you suck"

9. Type: "What took u so ****** long to get off the ship?"


if you are assassin, you should always be the one capping cuz of your force run...

so you say "i'm assassin capping left, cover me"

since the game hasn't started yet, explain if you have to that "cover me" means slowing/rooting/snaring anyone incoming while you cap...

it should be obvious but as you can see, the most obvious to some are not to others...


Please players, PLEASE. Before you make deragatory statements towards players, look at your map, check your balance, ask him what his train of thought was, give feedback on why he should have done something, STOP THE ZERGFEST if it puts your team in a vulnurable position. This crap happens on a nightly basis and needs to stop.




i'm not going to knock you because communication is very important in civil war and at least you tried, however, you should have been more clear on your instructions...


here's what i would have said in yellow above...

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This one was legitimately your fault. You said you were by yourself, but not that anyone was incoming. I regularly guard nodes by myself, all you have to do is say "inc right/left/mid." If someone only said they were by themselves in my warzone, I would assume that they wouldn't like to be alone, and I would finish killing the imp(s) that I was killing and then go stand guard with them. However, if they said I'm by myself and I have two inc (or simply, help right), then I would have CC'd my target, or vanished and ran to help as quickly as possible.


If you read my other posts, I fully admit that it calling it out could have been done, but at the same time, I don't rail my teammates on a dumb strategy like everyone running to middle after we cap a node. Once again, I am not taking about fault here.. I am talking about why it is not acceptable to rail another player when they don't even have a clue what happend. Think about that before you type....

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It's easy to talk about strategy if you're the side that's winning.


Let's say you're the losing side, but you temporarily captured 2 turrets. You know that the enemy generally outclasses you in a straight up fight. You have a turret defended by 2 guys and they say '4 inc snow', and you got 6 guys in middle.


So how many do you send? Do you assume that the enemy 4 (plus whoever is stealthed) will kill your 2 defenders right as you get there? In that case you'd probably need to send at least 4, except your middle turret is now pretty poorly defended. Or do you have faith in your defender and send only 3 or even 2? But in that case you might get overpowered by the fact that your team is weaker overall.


In such a case like this there might not even be a correct solution. I really don't like people who rail on the guy who send 4 to help only to lose middle, because you really have no idea if the defender could've held without sending that many. If you are sure you only need 3 more, then you're probably winning the game so you would never need to worry in the first place. In general, the greedy approach works best in PUGs. Better to save the base under attack now (and lose another one later) then to just lose the base under attack. There are times I'm pretty sure an attack was just to lure out the guys from middle, but even then I'll go in there because it's better to walk into a trap and save a base (and lose one later) then ignore the attack and just flat out lose the base.

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If you read my other posts, I fully admit that it calling it out could have been done, but at the same time, I don't rail my teammates on a dumb strategy like everyone running to middle after we cap a node. Once again, I am not taking about fault here.. I am talking about why it is not acceptable to rail another player when they don't even have a clue what happend. Think about that before you type....


Admit that calling it out is what should have been done. Not could have. Then you might get some more sympathy/respect/whatever it was you came here looking for.


As for your crusade to end chatraging, i think you know how futile that is. Its also not why you started this thread but w/e.

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Admit that calling it out is what should have been done. Not could have. Then you might get some more sympathy/respect/whatever it was you came here looking for.


As for your crusade to end chatraging, i think you know how futile that is. Its also not why you started this thread but w/e.[/QUOTE]



A rant about chatrage BS.... I dont need sympathy, just players to sit in my shoes for a minute before the rail on chat, and if you are guilty of this, then think about this thread next time you do it, because you have no idea what the circumstances of the situation were, so shut ur face.....


Sorry you can't comprehend why I started this thread...

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So Op in situation 1 you did not call any incomings. I leave people defending alone all the time. They have to call incs if they want help.


Situation 2. If you have force speed, you can cap the turret before they can get there UNLESS they use predation AND force speed which I almost never see. You were wrong. You should have went for the turret. You also should have asked someone to go left with you because yes you should have someone to run interference as well.

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I get the point of the thread 100%. I don't see it happening in Alderaan much, but all the time in Huttball. "Why didn't you pass the ball you f---ing idiot!", after you've just been chained CC'd and burned down by three people.


Point is: Don't be a dick. It doesn't help anything.

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Defending a node, your job IS NOT TO BEAT THEM. Your job is to let your team know people are coming and to hold them off until reinforcements come.


But even this is impossible some time. It is venturous to defend a node allone.

Last match in alderan i got surprised by a combo of 3 stealthers.

the time i recognized that i was not allone was 2 seconds before i die. no time to let my team know what was going on.

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I get the point of the thread 100%. I don't see it happening in Alderaan much, but all the time in Huttball. "Why didn't you pass the ball you f---ing idiot!", after you've just been chained CC'd and burned down by three people.


Point is: Don't be a dick. It doesn't help anything.[/QUOTE]




I guess some have a hard time reading between the lines....

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Why call out one right? So the whole team can come zerg right for one guy and leave middle open? I can handle 1 Jugg, can't when someone unseen comes in.


That's the worst attitude in a warzone. "I can handle one of class X - no need to call for help".

Even when you have 2 people defending one node and you have 1-2 incs. Do you also say "No need to call that inc, we are able to handle those" and then complain when suddenly stealthers show up?


You should've said "1 inc". What your team does with that information is on the team (if all leave the other node it's their fault).

But just because others **** up in your opinion (only 1 defender), doesnt justify you *********** up ("I can take him - no need to call inc").

But well, that's the typical "My team suxxx000rs"-attitude.


And for all other people who might find themselves in the sitiuation of solo defending a node:

"I'm solodefending <node location>. If I write jibberish it's a stealther".

And when a stealther opens on you just hit enter, some keys and enter again.

Yes, it's not optimal, but better than no communication.


But even this is impossible some time. It is venturous to defend a node allone.

Last match in alderan i got surprised by a combo of 3 stealthers.

the time i recognized that i was not allone was 2 seconds before i die. no time to let my team know what was going on.


Well, 3 stealthers rip apart anything. Even 2 defenders. That's when you start playing with jumpers.

Or you use specific classes for defense, who can survive a bit longer.

Edited by Zocat
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