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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop Typing and Pay Attention!!!


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Sigh. When do people learn...


Defending a node, your job IS NOT TO BEAT THEM. Your job is to let your team know people are coming and to hold them off until reinforcements come. As soon as you see ANYONE heading your way, you call "left/right inc". They are a good 50-60 meters off at this point and not in range. If you can't type that in the 5-10 seconds it takes for them to get to you, then you really need help typing. You DONT call inc AFTER you are being attacked. You call it as soon as you see them heading your way. This is not hard to do.


Again, what happens if you DID have a second guy here? If you don't call inc, then you'd STILL GET OVERRUN AND LOSE THE NODE. Don't scapegoat the rest of the team because there wasn't a second defender. It was your fault you didn't call inc.



If I saw two or more I hope someone else was paying attention to the fact that two ran right, which you can see if you are playing middle BTW. Even if I said "one right", about the time someone did show up, would have came, we would have probably lost it anyway..


You got it all wrong. Do you constrew this as me blaming teammates for losing (we still won BTW)? If so, then you are mistaken, I just don't appreciate being put on blast] when I said in OPS, "Im the only one at right". That is a sign that "HEY, DUMB ASSES, MAYBE SINCE WE JUST GOT THE NODE, A FEW MORE PEOPLE SHOULD STAY HERE." I was politely pointing something out that was NOT good, and I got blasted when I lost it trying to defend 2v1, so MAYBE, JUST MAYBE you should think about stuff like that before you put people on blast...... Just saying...

Edited by L-RANDLE
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If he is alone at a node and states it, then that is him asking for help. He shouldn't have to wait for the enemy team to actually be incoming before he calls for assistance. It is only a matter of time before they see him alone and take advantage of it. With two people there they can easily defend a node until help arrives. That situation was the rest of his team being greedy and trying to earn medals and leaving him to die.


As far as the second situation, if he was running towards the enemies side instead of the node, then common sense dictates that his goal was to slow them down. A perfect chance for the other to attempt the node. Sometimes a tactic like this works, sometimes it doesn't. But the guy with him should still be able to see what he was attempting to do and take advantage of the time.


BANG ON...This is what costs scrub teams more than anything else. Basically they dont give a rats butt about the objective. The fix...coming in 1.2. Only real solution for now is playing with a premade. Ive seen teams do this in all three warzones time and time again, players who fight for their 4 medals and then just stop...whats sad is when 1.2 comes these players are done as the 8 man teams appear and higher players will move on to the ranked warzones..this is where the boys will be seperated from the men. Having said that Ive come to recognize those players who do try and have noticed one more thing, a team that has lots of chat during the fight have a overall tendency to lose more than the team that stays focused and keeps at the target and keeps chat to a minimum. All I can say is wait for 1.2..a lot of changes in pvp and class balance should improve this very annoying mess.

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It really boils down to a couple things...


1)Most players honestly expect to win every warzone.


2)Failing #1, it is obviously the fault of the rest of the team because there is no way the opposing team could possibly win with superior tactics and teamwork, that and most people who honestly believe #1, also believe that they never make mistakes and are superior in every way/shape and form to other players.


Sounds like the entirety of the PvP playerbase if you ask me. In every game. Ever.

Edited by Jederix
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3. Type: "Hey guys I am by myself @ right, so."

4. Action: Two BM imps (one notorious Jugg imp too)come right

5. Action: Try to hold out until calvary comes.

6. Action: Death, but no calvary, lose right turret

7. Type: "Man you are bad."

8. Type: "Did I type in chinese when I said I was by myself?"

9. Type: "You got to ""call"" it out"

10. Type: "W.T.F., didn't I say I was by myself before anyone even showed up? Sorry I was too busy trying to stay alive until the calvary arrived"



Ok, honestly this one really is your fault. Just saying "I'm alone" doesn't tell anyone anything about your situation and certainly doesn't tell anyone that you're under attack. Certainly - if you had a Jugg coming your way - you could see him a mile off and call out an incoming to your position.

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If you're solo defending a node, you have to call "inc <#> <direction>' or if you're in a hurry "help <direction>". It doesn't matter if it is just one because there might be stealth classes also. I can sympathize if you get jumped by two stealth classes and aren't a durable class or a stealth class yourself, but in this case you specifically mention a Jugg.


There are very legit times when 7 people are needed to defend the middle node. This is the case when the opposing team is much stronger (but failed to get two caps from bad decisions) and is zerging mid causing the defending team to constantly wipe.

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my favorite is a situation i was in last night (i was ops leader, and lvl 17)


some scrub-- they are rush left all go left

*im the only one who stays right*

me--- k guys im alone

me--- 1 inc right

me--- 2 inc right

me--- RIGHT

me--- 3 RIGHT

me--- RIGH RIGHT RIGHT *********** RIGHT!

*i die they plant on door*

5 minutes later.... we lose


some scrub --- good job leading, ops leader.

me--- try following my calls. l2read scrub.

some scrub--- ***** ur level 17 go level up

*ranks come up, im top of the whole match, both teams, with 7 medals noone else has more than 4*




Left you mean east..Right think you mean west..I hate people that call out left and right PLEASE!! learn how to call out inc properly in the first place...

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Ok, honestly this one really is your fault. Just saying "I'm alone" doesn't tell anyone anything about your situation and certainly doesn't tell anyone that you're under attack. Certainly - if you had a Jugg coming your way - you could see him a mile off and call out an incoming to your position.


It most certainly does explain the situation....... It means "too many went to the zergfest". It was ignored, but then called "bad" for not calling it.


Failing to recognize or care about balance and objectives is a L2P issue... "Calling it out" is a remedy for it, but it should never be an issue in the first place. Its the call sign for "Stop the zergfest and get your *** over here cause we are outnumbered", or "too many damn people are covering the right door". None of those situations should happen frequently, but they do.


Why not just make the first stuff the priority? If you see a ton of people in one place, at least check the other from time to time, watch the imps flow, if you see imbalance, try to correct it etc.... We can discuss if you think my tactics are not sound, but just putting me on blast is tardo....



FYI: Yeah, PUG's *sigh

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It most certainly does explain the situation....... It means "too many went to the zergfest". It was ignored, but then called "bad" for not calling it.


Failing to recognize or care about balance and objectives is a L2P issue... "Calling it out" is a remedy for it, but it should never be an issue in the first place. Its the call sign for "Stop the zergfest and get your *** over here cause we are outnumbered", or "too many damn people are covering the right door". None of those situations should happen frequently, but they do.


Why not just make the first stuff the priority? If you see a ton of people in one place, at least check the other from time to time, watch the imps flow, if you see imbalance, try to correct it etc.... We can discuss if you think my tactics are not sound, but just putting me on blast is tardo....


That doesn't even make sense. One defender at an unassaulted node is perfectly fine if another node is under heavy attack or you're down a node and need to rush one to cap it quickly. There's no reason for your team to camp 2+ people at a dead node, that just makes it easier for the other team to exploit your short-handed forces in other places.


You keep making it sound like "Calling it out" is some silly foreign thing that no one does, when it's exactly what you're supposed to be doing. You really saw that Jugg coming and just decided to keep quiet about it? And then blame the rest of your team? And you don't see how that's YOUR problem?


TBH having two defenders on a side node permanently is the wrong idea almost every time. 1 permanent guy who knows how to delay and call incs and a team of team-oriented, mobility minded players and you're golden.


Yep. This. 1 is perfectly fine if you do your job and call out incomings.

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You make it sound like 7 people on your team were just twiddling their thumbs in middle while you were getting hit, which is unlikely. Depending on relative strengths, they may have been zerg-running back to prevent a cap on mid and not babysitting your health bar in the ops window.


It seems as though you made this post to justify losing the node but as far as I'm concerned -- and I'm generally vocal about this in ops chat -- a node should never be lost without an inc call. Yes, your team probably should have been paying attention but you needed to do your part by calling for help and you didn't.

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Why call out one right? So the whole team can come zerg right for one guy and leave middle open? I can handle 1 Jugg, can't when someone unseen comes in.



Why call out anything for that matter? You should not have too because I should have not been alone in the first place right after we beat the imps to cap said node.. If you look at your map and see a teammate alone, STOP ZERGING, start going to that spot and wait to see where the other chips fall. If you die, go to the spot(capped) where the least amount of teammates are, etc...



Does typing "XXXXX" really make you a "good player"? I just can't believe that me trying to hold off enemies to makeup for team imbalance is EVER considered "bad". I also hate the fact that they can't understand that maybe, just maybe I was getting my *** handed to me and unable to type, before they put me on blast in ops..


I guess this boils down to: Die sooner and type, or hold out as long as possible and hope your teammates are paying attention.

...because in 90% of the cases if you see one, then 3-5 more will be coming. If you wait to call it out, then it's too late by then. If you see only one or two, call "one inc right" or "two inc right". It's not hard to do. If you have middle, people can stand on the ledge and see if you need help or not. As you even said, there were more stealthers along the way that you didn't see. This is why you ALWAYS call out even if there is only one.


The fact is, you made a mistake. What makes matters worse is you refuse to own up to it and just say everyone else sucks, despite everyone saying you were wrong. Look in the mirror. Learn from your mistakes.

Edited by hulkweazel
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That doesn't even make sense. One defender at an unassaulted node is perfectly fine if another node is under heavy attack or you're down a node and need to rush one to cap it quickly. There's no reason for your team to camp 2+ people at a dead node, that just makes it easier for the other team to exploit your short-handed forces in other places.


You keep making it sound like "Calling it out" is some silly foreign thing that no one does, when it's exactly what you're supposed to be doing. You really saw that Jugg coming and just decided to keep quiet about it? And then blame the rest of your team? And you don't see how that's YOUR problem?




Yep. This. 1 is perfectly fine if you do your job and call out incomings.


Think you just proved my point... Re-read the original post... we had mid and just captured right/east, everyone ran back to mid. So wait, if two came at me, and assuming one or two imps were covering left, then 4 or five were at mid..... 7 Pubs at mid, to stop the heavy attack of 4 or 5.


And no, I don't blame teammates, but they are quick to blame me as you posts and reference to others show. See how that works? I dont appreciate being put on blast when we were exploited due to "ZERGITIS".


Look at your own game decsions before you judge, that's all this thread is about...

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Often people get too locked in defense mode in a slowly lost fight and forget they can attack the other node while the battle is going on and often take it very easily.


I generally run with at least 2 other people though so it makes things easier, we'll just group up and go smash the point with 1 or 2 defenders while the rest of our team is distracting. I think the OP was a victim of this and it is pretty hard to stop with just team chat as the fight in middle (or on the other side) seems REALLY crazy and people get scared to leave and then lose the fight.



People who are good at Civil War are already running to defend the other point while the last couple of enemies are being mopped up by defenders/attackers. Though this actually screwed me once as the entire team followed me and no one actually capped the point that we had just taken =/

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And no, I don't blame teammates, but they are quick to blame me as you posts and reference to others show. See how that works? I dont appreciate being put on blast when we were exploited due to "ZERGITIS".


And you should be blamed. You need to relax and just accept that you made a mistake and not repeat it in the future. I know you were hoping for a thread full of, "Yeah man, pugs are dumb, rofl!" but the way you described the situation you simply did not perform your job as a defender.


Next time say that there are attackers incoming to your position. Or be specific and say that you're not comfortable defending a node alone and you'd like reinforcements if people are available. Just sitting there watching people attack your node and staying silent about it is never the answer, regardless of whether or not you think that your team was in the wrong places or not.


Edit: Also, what the heck is this "put on blast" that you keep saying as if it's the most horrible thing you've ever had happen?

Edited by NukeMom
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Think you just proved my point... Re-read the original post... we had mid and just captured right/east, everyone ran back to mid. So wait, if two came at me, and assuming one or two imps were covering left, then 4 or five were at mid..... 7 Pubs at mid, to stop the heavy attack of 4 or 5.


And no, I don't blame teammates, but they are quick to blame me as you posts and reference to others show. See how that works? I dont appreciate being put on blast when we were exploited due to "ZERGITIS".


Look at your own game decsions before you judge, that's all this thread is about...

Sorry it just grinds my gears..its right/west actually...
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You make it sound like 7 people on your team were just twiddling their thumbs in middle while you were getting hit, which is unlikely. Depending on relative strengths, they may have been zerg-running back to prevent a cap on mid and not babysitting your health bar in the ops window.


It seems as though you made this post to justify losing the node but as far as I'm concerned -- and I'm generally vocal about this in ops chat -- a node should never be lost without an inc call. Yes, your team probably should have been paying attention but you needed to do your part by calling for help and you didn't.


Not really to justify, just to explain why it irritates me to NO end when people put others on blast and to encourage players to think about such things before they do it.



Yes, I am soap boxing, but for a good reason.... Stop the madness that is chat blasting.

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And you should be blamed. You need to relax and just accept that you made a mistake and not repeat it in the future. I know you were hoping for a thread full of, "Yeah man, pugs are dumb, rofl!" but the way you described the situation you simply did not perform your job as a defender.


Next time say that there are attackers incoming to your position. Or be specific and say that you're not comfortable defending a node alone and you'd like reinforcements if people are available. Just sitting there watching people attack your node and staying silent about it is never the answer, regardless of whether or not you think that your team was in the wrong places or not.


Edit: Also, what the heck is this "put on blast" that you keep saying as if it's the most horrible thing you've ever had happen?



Put on Blast = someone telling the whole world you suck and how much you suck in very unkind words.


No, its not the worst thing, just irritating and uncalled for, too much epeen and "i'm so leet", and too little "benefit of the doubt" or "what the hell happen on that". A simple, dude you got to call that out would have been sufficient, but considering the situation, I still would have beef with that, just on a more constructive level....

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Not really to justify, just to explain why it irritates me to NO end when people put others on blast and to encourage players to think about such things before they do it.



Yes, I am soap boxing, but for a good reason.... Stop the madness that is chat blasting.


I don't call people names for it, by any means. I just point out that you should never lose a node without seeing an inc call for it. It's entirely possible that it would have been lost even with the call, but without the call the onus is on him.


It is possible -- if difficult -- to have constructive conversations in ops chat, even if folks like the OP don't want to admit they may have performed sub-optimally. I also say things like, 'Call for help on your door in voidstar BEFORE you die' or 'Pass the ball OVER the fire pit if your resolve bar isn't full and a teammate is there'.

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its easy enough for a single person to hold a node as long as they call out as soon as an enemy is incoming. the key is calling quickly then team members responding quickly enough to reinforce you.


if you dont call incomings, dont expect help to arrive.


if your a single person defending a node, its not your job to hold it against all comers, its your job to signal the alarm quickly, often you need as many people as possible to defend one or the other node, they key is quick signalling and quick response time from the rest.

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I don't call people names for it, by any means. I just point out that you should never lose a node without seeing an inc call for it. It's entirely possible that it would have been lost even with the call, but without the call the onus is on him.


It is possible -- if difficult -- to have constructive conversations in ops chat, even if folks like the OP don't want to admit they may have performed sub-optimally. I also say things like, 'Call for help on your door in voidstar BEFORE you die' or 'Pass the ball OVER the fire pit if your resolve bar isn't full and a teammate is there'.


See this is what I am talking about. It is fair to say, "hey call it out" versus "you ****** **** ***** and ***** idiot **** ****** L2P.....



We can discuss tactics and "fault". I can fully admit that I underestimated the situation, but I also should not get railed for it when balance/backup/teamwork is just as important. It was lacking and I pointed it out prior to anything happening. If I see someone solo, I will make it a point to turn around and keep them company because if 5-6 players can't repel 6-7 (which rarely happens) Imps, then we lose anyway. But I digress that is a discussion about tactics...


The rude and disrespectful stuff is what I am talking about, and it needs to stop...

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I honestly don't see the dire need for constant communication in civil war. I mean, the place is the size of a small playground. When I'm ops leader I keep my mouth shut, and people generally know what to do, where to go. Every order given is simply one more chance at miscommunication, confusion and mistakes. Keep it simple, Sammy.


Sometimes people whine that I don't "lead", but really, I'm not interested. It isn't hard to do. Hell, you do it enough and you don't ever need to talk in any WZ. Huttball just becomes "ok, got it" "ok go to mid" and just real simple, sparse comms. People who just start "organizing" and barking orders aren't helping any.

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