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Fix Disconnect issues before rated PVP!


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BioWare before you implement rated PVP and have leaving as a loss AND a lock out you need to fix the code 9000 and other server/latency disconnect issues.


Nothing sucks more than to disconnect out of a winning (or even a good losing) match and not get credit for anything you've done. To get penalized for issues on BioWare's end is just horrible and wrong.

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I have experienced a disconnect during a Warzone once I think, and I believe my PC crashed. I have a top tier Broadband supplier.


I left a previous broadband supplier due to horrendous performance. Maybe it's worth checking your broadband out.

Edited by Elmuerto
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd really appreciate it if there would be any way to get back into the wz. Playing the wz almost to the end and then getting the dc is just frustrating. All the work just for nothing. Maybe there is a way to give players the credit they earned so far. That might still distinguish the early quitters who get nothing from the late dc players who get at least someting.


I also have a decent provider. swtor is the only mmorpg that has sudden dcs once or twice in a 4h playing time.

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Possible Explanations for Error Code 9000


A) There is a widespread issue with the internet! As this event is impacting players from all different regions of the world, it is clearly not one provider. There is a systematic fault in the internet, that is only impacting SWTOR traffic! Of course, running pathpings, tracerts, etc will reveal absolutely no connectivity issues, but that is simply the fault covering its tracks. It is an elusive beast this SWTOR traffic routing monster.


B) EA/Bioware have terrible network coders/engineers. Which is clearly an anomaly as every other aspect of SWTOR is running so perfectly *cough*.


I'm going to lay my money on B

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4 matches last night, 4 disconnects. One was with 2 minutes left in Voidstar, but I managed to get back in just as the match ended!


This is ridiculous. I've had 9-10 DCs in the last 2 days. Others in my guild have had stability issues since 1.2 also. My initial 3 month subscription was up today; would have suspended my account had we not gotten the free month.

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4 matches last night, 4 disconnects. One was with 2 minutes left in Voidstar, but I managed to get back in just as the match ended!


This is ridiculous. I've had 9-10 DCs in the last 2 days. Others in my guild have had stability issues since 1.2 also. My initial 3 month subscription was up today; would have suspended my account had we not gotten the free month.


Man when I D/C out I can never get back into a match. My issues cleared up with 1.2, came back with 1.2.0b, and seem to have gone away again with 1.2.0c ::knocks on wood::

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Since 1.2 I'm lucky if I go an hour without a d/c> It's made the game nearly unplayable and I've received nothing from CS other than their "bots" (Not that I expected anything else). I took the time to provide them with all the requested info (client logs, trace rt, all that jazz). I'm now to the point of frustration where i'm considering canceling my sub, why pay for something I can't enjoy? It sucks to even think like that because I enjoy the game and I've defended bioware in their other short comings on account of it being their first MMO.
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I've been a network tech since before there was a commercial Internet. There's nothing wrong with my PC or ISP. Yet during peak playtimes, I disconnect, trapping my character in whatever small area he's in. It happens after about only 1 to 2 minutes playing, over and over.
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