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Live the Ship Droid Experience!


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when i first saw this i got so excited i couldn't wait for the 1.2 patch but then i saw everyone was saying April Fools and its not real and i got sad :( Bioware u should seriously consider putting that in the game i would love it !!!!!! BTW loved the family guy reference :)
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First of all it was an April fools joke, if you liked it fine if you don't that's fine as well. Personally i loved it, and i'm glad that they care enough about the community to give back this way


Secondly To all those people complaining its a waste of resources fix this, fix that; please leave. Leave the game, leave your parents basement, leave the computer, leave the ants out of your backside. This is all part of the experience of the community, if you're whole life revolves around beating people in PvP to make yourself feel better take the money you spend on subscriptions to see a psyciatrist it'll do you more good. Do you think a company as big as BW can't do more than one thing at a time?


Thirdly could you all please read patch notes and the developer blogs before complaining about things that are already being worked on? If you'd read the upcoming patch releases' you'd know that in 1.2 your droid will gain affection and that'll make them better at crafting missions.


Lastly do you really want them to lay out all the content at once??!! Are you people so stupid as to not see the clues that they left in game as to future development? Do you think they made it so you can sit in the seats in the cockpit for no reason? Do you think that the elevators that don't have controls you can use (yet) are there for no reason? Let the game team and developers work, and enjoy the game for what it is a game!


/end rant

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I really hope this is not just an April fools joke becasue that would be awesome. To play as the driod like in KOTOR where you could switch between playing as your compaions or as your main character. Or just playing the Luke game would be fun.
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First of all it was an April fools joke, if you liked it fine if you don't that's fine as well. Personally i loved it, and i'm glad that they care enough about the community to give back this way


Secondly To all those people complaining its a waste of resources fix this, fix that; please leave. Leave the game, leave your parents basement, leave the computer, leave the ants out of your backside. This is all part of the experience of the community, if you're whole life revolves around beating people in PvP to make yourself feel better take the money you spend on subscriptions to see a psyciatrist it'll do you more good. Do you think a company as big as BW can't do more than one thing at a time?


Thirdly could you all please read patch notes and the developer blogs before complaining about things that are already being worked on? If you'd read the upcoming patch releases' you'd know that in 1.2 your droid will gain affection and that'll make them better at crafting missions.


Lastly do you really want them to lay out all the content at once??!! Are you people so stupid as to not see the clues that they left in game as to future development? Do you think they made it so you can sit in the seats in the cockpit for no reason? Do you think that the elevators that don't have controls you can use (yet) are there for no reason? Let the game team and developers work, and enjoy the game for what it is a game!


/end rant



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so wait im confused so are they going to make the ship droid thing or are they just leaving it as an april fools thing and bioware y does ur rpg games at the end u cant free roam i hate that in kotor 1 at the end reven goes away or leads the sith army or in dragon age 1 at the end logain dies yay and then u go outsde boom end or the dude dies by killing the thing i think this game is the only game thats unbeatible with no ending oh and also with the ship droid thing make us control the companons...............
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Hear hear!


First of all it was an April fools joke, if you liked it fine if you don't that's fine as well. Personally i loved it, and i'm glad that they care enough about the community to give back this way


Secondly To all those people complaining its a waste of resources fix this, fix that; please leave. Leave the game, leave your parents basement, leave the computer, leave the ants out of your backside. This is all part of the experience of the community, if you're whole life revolves around beating people in PvP to make yourself feel better take the money you spend on subscriptions to see a psyciatrist it'll do you more good. Do you think a company as big as BW can't do more than one thing at a time?


Thirdly could you all please read patch notes and the developer blogs before complaining about things that are already being worked on? If you'd read the upcoming patch releases' you'd know that in 1.2 your droid will gain affection and that'll make them better at crafting missions.


Lastly do you really want them to lay out all the content at once??!! Are you people so stupid as to not see the clues that they left in game as to future development? Do you think they made it so you can sit in the seats in the cockpit for no reason? Do you think that the elevators that don't have controls you can use (yet) are there for no reason? Let the game team and developers work, and enjoy the game for what it is a game!


/end rant

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awwwwwwwwww I was completely fooled T__T too bad it isn't real! I was actually complaining about the lack of a quest about cleansing the kitchen, while working on my real one... defeating the emperor is a joke compared to it! :D
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First of all it was an April fools joke, if you liked it fine if you don't that's fine as well. Personally i loved it, and i'm glad that they care enough about the community to give back this way


Secondly To all those people complaining its a waste of resources fix this, fix that; please leave. Leave the game, leave your parents basement, leave the computer, leave the ants out of your backside. This is all part of the experience of the community, if you're whole life revolves around beating people in PvP to make yourself feel better take the money you spend on subscriptions to see a psyciatrist it'll do you more good. Do you think a company as big as BW can't do more than one thing at a time?


Thirdly could you all please read patch notes and the developer blogs before complaining about things that are already being worked on? If you'd read the upcoming patch releases' you'd know that in 1.2 your droid will gain affection and that'll make them better at crafting missions.


Lastly do you really want them to lay out all the content at once??!! Are you people so stupid as to not see the clues that they left in game as to future development? Do you think they made it so you can sit in the seats in the cockpit for no reason? Do you think that the elevators that don't have controls you can use (yet) are there for no reason? Let the game team and developers work, and enjoy the game for what it is a game!


/end rant


Absolutely well said. :cool:

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Dear lord i dident know this a joke until reading the comments :tran_angel:



Did anyone else have this problem


Possibly, but they're unlikely to admit it in public.


I mean, to all those who claim they were "wondering" about this or "unsure" or any other variant... this isn't delicate humor that's just a shade beyond plausible. This is out-and-out over-the-top ludicrous. Short of having a running text underneath reading "This is a joke... This is a joke....", I can't imagine how it could have been more obvious. It's self-evident farce, and while I understand some people might not find it funny, I have a really hard time believing *anyone* would not get that it was at least *intended* to be funny. (And, I mean, if there was any doubt, any doubt at all, the fact it was posted on APRIL FIRST really should tip the balance...)

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First of all it was an April fools joke, if you liked it fine if you don't that's fine as well. Personally i loved it, and i'm glad that they care enough about the community to give back this way


Secondly To all those people complaining its a waste of resources fix this, fix that; please leave. Leave the game, leave your parents basement, leave the computer, leave the ants out of your backside. This is all part of the experience of the community, if you're whole life revolves around beating people in PvP to make yourself feel better take the money you spend on subscriptions to see a psyciatrist it'll do you more good. Do you think a company as big as BW can't do more than one thing at a time?


Thirdly could you all please read patch notes and the developer blogs before complaining about things that are already being worked on? If you'd read the upcoming patch releases' you'd know that in 1.2 your droid will gain affection and that'll make them better at crafting missions.


Lastly do you really want them to lay out all the content at once??!! Are you people so stupid as to not see the clues that they left in game as to future development? Do you think they made it so you can sit in the seats in the cockpit for no reason? Do you think that the elevators that don't have controls you can use (yet) are there for no reason? Let the game team and developers work, and enjoy the game for what it is a game!


/end rant



And you work in which bioware dept?

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Possibly, but they're unlikely to admit it in public.


I mean, to all those who claim they were "wondering" about this or "unsure" or any other variant... this isn't delicate humor that's just a shade beyond plausible. This is out-and-out over-the-top ludicrous. Short of having a running text underneath reading "This is a joke... This is a joke....", I can't imagine how it could have been more obvious. It's self-evident farce, and while I understand some people might not find it funny, I have a really hard time believing *anyone* would not get that it was at least *intended* to be funny. (And, I mean, if there was any doubt, any doubt at all, the fact it was posted on APRIL FIRST really should tip the balance...)


Hey, I went in there pretty innocent. In my defense I hadn't had my coffee yet. I watched the vids and thought 'uh huh'. Coming to the romance thing I laughed. The arcade game then finally made me look at the calendar *grin*

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And you work in which bioware dept?


Sinse when did having common sense meant that someone works for BW....?


Oh and in addition to what the other poster said: The ones who provided this Aprils Fool's joke have NOTHING to do with bug fixes, etc. They just simply inform us on things. This joke was expected like last year's... :rolleyes:

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Hey, I went in there pretty innocent. In my defense I hadn't had my coffee yet. I watched the vids and thought 'uh huh'. Coming to the romance thing I laughed. The arcade game then finally made me look at the calendar *grin*


Well, almost by definition, you need to consume the joke to get the joke. Humor tends to build, piling up contradictions (or establishing a setup, and then undermining it) over time. So, people who didn't get it was a joke until they were at least a bit into it, or finished it, are reasonable, but people who finished it and still say "I'm not sure...." (There's actually a thread somewhere else where you have people denying it was a joke until "they heard from Bioware") are, ahem, perhaps a few parsecs shy of a Kessel Run. :)

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