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Lets all hope this is a 4-1 joke. If they actually designed this mini-game with so many bugs in the game...in my opinion it is time horribly wasted.


AND...if this is a 4-1 joke...with the game buggy as h_ll at the moment...shouldn't the resources used to create this stupid article etc. be used to FIX THE GAME!!!!!!!!:mad:


6 Dc's on 3/30/12 in warzones and the fleet though my net connection was fine.


Really, if you haven't figured this out by now, you have more problems than just a video game.


Some people on this site need to get a sense of humor and stop treating a game like it's life-or-death.

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Don't know what's funnier, the actual joke or the people getting angry about it because "Bioware is using precious resources for April Fool's day"


Get over yourselves, have some fun...you do realize that games are meant to be fun right?

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Don't know what's funnier, the actual joke or the people getting angry about it because "Bioware is using precious resources for April Fool's day"


Get over yourselves, have some fun...you do realize that games are meant to be fun right?




Some people take things way too seriously.

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This.... was a greatly needed laugh for me. I've been sitting here all day trying to pump out 3 papers (damn psych class), when I hopped over to facebook and saw the link.


I laughed so hard that my co-worker thought I was cracking under the stress (he doesn't play so he doesn't get it).



Seriously though, like others have said, this would be an awesome feature. Not right now, there are more important things going on, but later down the road. I wouldn't mind doing crazy sh*t with my droid from time to time.

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That was very funny , it's similar to the convos I have with my friend whilst playing. Some elements could work as a mini-game IRL , LOL.


They had 'Turkey puncher' in doom 3 , remember that. Also didn't Shenmue have an arcade in it , I'm pretty sure I spent a lot of time in there.


Happy April fools.





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Ok. Point me to another mmo who makes a joke about bogus features in an upcoming content patch. I'll wait.


Runescape back in 2004 announced horses to be sold in game in an update.



They were...toy plushies, not the expected mounts.



Turbine's done it for years as well. 'Pimp my warforged' comes to mind, and the 'broccoli race' for DDO, not sure about any for LOTRO though. It's not just Western games either, I've known Korean MMOs to do it (and tie-in with long pointless in-game quests that you only realise after the third hour 'oh wai...' ).


Hells, http://aprilfoolsdayontheweb.com/2004.html and search through the rich history of non-wow april fools on the net, and be amazed some are games, some are mmo, and not all are Blizzard. Fake webpage announcements of upcoming things are rather common overall.

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Sounds like an awesome add-on to SWTOR :) Had to read the information twice so I could understand what was written Emplyees who write these should at least have a better knoiwledge of english usage, punctuation, etc. :p
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