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Just some facts about female gamers


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How do I "lack reading"?

I'm specifically talking about women who get harassed who don't yell to the world, "look at me, I'm a girl!!" first thing. You're the one who keeps insisting repeatedly that women only get harassed if they're seeking attention in the first place. We're talking about two totally different groups.


On an entirely different note, thanks for having the link to that large server merge thread in your sig. I'm definitely keeping it in mind for my next alt.


You're talking about the girls saying yes when being asked if they are a girl.


When some stranger ingame asks me "are you a girl" I don't say yes. I think ***** creep* and don't answer.

That's the difference with not being harassed and being harassed. I don't say my gender to strangers ingame and that is what I'm saying in a repeating loop in various ways. I don't seek the attention by confirming to randoms what I am. Randoms don't need to know what I am. They are not friends/guildies.

Edited by Kirameki
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Even if someone answers yes when asked if they're a girl, there's still no guarantee they truly are. Funny if you think about that, I've never met a girl yet who pretends to be a guy ingame...


For the record, I'm not a girl, I'm a woman :cool:

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Even if someone answers yes when asked if they're a girl, there's still no guarantee they truly are. Funny if you think about that, I've never met a girl yet who pretends to be a guy ingame...


For the record, I'm not a girl, I'm a woman :cool:


When I get asked I normally respond with a silly emote :p , but then I respond to most things with a silly emote. I am very silly IRL so its just how I am , if you can't figure out my gender by talking to me you are not really paying attention ;) . Outside of guild chat tho I am very quite even in groups but if you get me started I can be quite chatty :)

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The thing is I have grouped in this game and the question of gender did not come up once yet. Seriously this thread was a poke fun at some of the things I read in the boards. Guess my grammar messed up some of the posters getting that.


Yes its a look at me but any post I make on these boards whether its to romance Zenith, talk about my favorite quest or what not is a look at me, any kind of posting in a public forums is done for some sort of recognition.


I don't feel the need to hide that I am female, do not need a banner either but definitely not acting like I am special I think if I did the first post would have been a bit more serious. Its called tongue in cheek folks a way to have a fun conversation. It doesn't have to deteriorate into a gender war nor do people have to say its unnecessary, its a game forums its a topic about female gamers I doubt the topic is unnecessary to those who wish to have a fun discussion about it.


To the fellow who asked me out not uncomfortable but don't think my boyfriend would like me dating. So have to politely decline but if I am ever on the market again and your free i'll let ya know :)

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Facts about female gamers:


  1. We like cheese.
  2. We don't shower for over a day. Sometimes.
  3. Ordering pizza like a boss.
  4. Drunk healing all the people.
  5. Oh that awesome player you just did a Warzone with? That was me.
  6. Is more excited to find other female players then to have a dude compliment her.
  7. Okay. I admit it. I was the "dude" trolling that female earlier. Why? She shouldn't of started the conversation as. "HELLO I'M A GURL."
  8. Oh.. look... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? It's a SPIDER. Awwh it's so cute. Hello Mr. Spider.
  10. Pretends to be a Zombie in-game. Wait.. is that Rping? Meh who cares. BRAAAAAAINS.
  11. Buys ALL Collector Editons for every MMO.

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Facts about female gamers:


  1. We like cheese.
  2. We don't shower for over a day. Sometimes.
  3. Ordering pizza like a boss.
  4. Drunk healing all the people.
  5. Oh that awesome player you just did a Warzone with? That was me.
  6. Is more excited to find other female players then to have a dude compliment her.
  7. Okay. I admit it. I was the "dude" trolling that female earlier. Why? She shouldn't of started the conversation as. "HELLO I'M A GURL."
  8. Oh.. look... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? It's a SPIDER. Awwh it's so cute. Hello Mr. Spider.
  10. Pretends to be a Zombie in-game. Wait.. is that Rping? Meh who cares. BRAAAAAAINS.
  11. Buys ALL Collector Editons for every MMO.





Or maybe that's just ... erm.. nevermind.

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Facts about female gamers:


  1. We like cheese.
  2. We don't shower for over a day. Sometimes.
  3. Ordering pizza like a boss.
  4. Drunk healing all the people.
  5. Oh that awesome player you just did a Warzone with? That was me.
  6. Is more excited to find other female players then to have a dude compliment her.
  7. Okay. I admit it. I was the "dude" trolling that female earlier. Why? She shouldn't of started the conversation as. "HELLO I'M A GURL."
  8. Oh.. look... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? It's a SPIDER. Awwh it's so cute. Hello Mr. Spider.
  10. Pretends to be a Zombie in-game. Wait.. is that Rping? Meh who cares. BRAAAAAAINS.
  11. Buys ALL Collector Editons for every MMO.


Honestly? All except Warzones (I don't pvp) and trolling (I don't care much for it) and the collector's editions (student budget) apply to me ^^;

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So when are one of you chicks gonna start e-dating me?


Ladies this genuine is Hutt is on the market for YOURE love and affection. He's got style, grace, love to match his bloated size, all this and more for 4 easy payments of 100k credits you can have you're own lovin time Hutt.*

(Hutt may or may not be loving you and in fact may be more likely to be a gross slimy crimelord worm that will sell you into slavery without you're consent. Shipping and handling apply.)

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To the fellow who asked me out not uncomfortable but don't think my boyfriend would like me dating. So have to politely decline but if I am ever on the market again and your free i'll let ya know :)


Tis a shame. Well, you know where to find me. Just hope I don't seem too brazen.

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And maybe you should try not assuming that women who get harassed in gaming are attention whores?

Because god forbid, a woman respond honestly to a question about gender when they're surrounded by jerkish types?

Or you know, it's totally the woman's fault for having a high-pitched voice in games with voice-chat.


Keep something in mind here. Those are not adult males, but boys. I'm guessing in the 13 year old range, maybe even ranging into the higher teens. Its what happens with little boys that have the opportunity to act out with no adult supervision and no controls. Treat them accordingly. Correct them as you would in real life. Report them.


That being said, this type of thing is exclusively a female issue (or aggravation as it may be), as I've never had a female (nor do I know any male) teen whisper me and ask what I'm wearing. LOL We have to accept that as a truism.


Though I've grown tired of the "special snowflake" mentality of many women, there is no doubt, and I'm sure we can all agree that boys are flaming idiots most of the time.

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The thing is I have grouped in this game and the question of gender did not come up once yet. Seriously this thread was a poke fun at some of the things I read in the boards. Guess my grammar messed up some of the posters getting that.


There is another thing you guys do, apologize after rocking the boat. Don't do that. The correct reply to my first post, when I implied that this thread was a waste of time would be "bite me". ;p

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Just one more thing I want to throw out there about males and females playing as their opposite gender:


I'm a guy and so far my two characters are male. Now that the Legacy sytem is finally coming into play, I definately plan on making female characters to give my Legacy tree a more realistic feel. I mean I've already decided on a Miraluka Assassin to be the long lost sister to my Guardian. Plus, in my opinion as I have not made a female character since the Beta Weekends so I don't know if anything has changed, female characters are a lot more versatile in creation without being too ridiculous.

Edited by Tsenno
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Honestly? All except Warzones (I don't pvp) and trolling (I don't care much for it) and the collector's editions (student budget) apply to me ^^;


Haha that was me just being goofy. ;]

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Its what happens with little boys that have the opportunity to act out with no adult supervision and no controls. Treat them accordingly. Correct them as you would in real life. Report them.


IRL I don't report teen boys. I beat them with a rolled up newspaper. But unfortunately that's not an option in this game (PvP doesn't count).

Edited by Datamonger
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