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Just some facts about female gamers


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Coopers are like TARDIS. :cool:


Hubby is a soldier and no one was more shocked than he was at the space inside my Mini. If you want to see him doing the clown car routine, I'll dig up the pics of the time he had a Smart Car rental - he had to keep the sunroof open on it to fit.


Minicoopers are bigger on the inside than they are on the outside. It's a strange breakage in the laws of physics, but there you have it. :D

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I have to be honest, I find these sorts of threads very hard to respond to.


The problem here is you are asking not to be pigeonholed, but at the same time doing that very thing to guys.

Do you honestly still encounter people who are amazed that a girl is playing a computer game? I mean seriously?

I have been gaming since I was 3 years old. So in all I have 29 years of experience. It has never, and I do mean never, surprised me at girls gaming.

I treat girls exactly the same as I do guys whilst playing. Obviously I avoid using certain words at times but I have never seen this delicate flower attitude towards any girls I have played with.


I honestly think you must just have played with a lot of barely post pubescent teenage boys that don't know how to act around girls. or are so shy in real life that they act out behind their computer screen.


The only girls I have problems with in gaming are the ones who constantly seek attention for the sole reason they are a girl playing games. I mean it REALLY gets to me.


You have to bear in mind, that guys have to go through life being labelled a loser if you play games, (first world problems right?) where as it seems to be the "cool thing" for girls to be right now.

The amount of girls on Facebook and 9GAG or whatever that take duckface photos of themselves wearing something vaguely related to gaming just for ***** teenagers to spam them with praise.

Point being, some guys may find it hard to seperate those types of girls from the ones who genuinely love gaming (which I am sure, you girls are like. The good kind I mean)


Sorry started rambling a little there.

So anyway, I'm sure people appreciate the clarification you are trying for OP (that's what you were doing right?) :p

But at the same time, try not to pigeonhole us nicer guys that would treat everyone the same regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation etc.


But these "myths"? Erm, I don't think imho there are any, girls gaming is not anything new or special in my experience. Just another person behind a keyboard escaping reality for a while.





This, thank you sir.

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Hi guys, first post so please be gentle :D.

To return to the opening post:

Males criticising females within the game is pretty sad. Though it says more about them than their chosen targets and stems from simple insecurities.


I plan to have a mix of both male and female characters and their are plenty of reasons to do so.


1. Like Ripley in the alien films, a heroine can offer unique or at least different slants on the story

2. You're inevitably gonna spend vast amounts of time over the 50 levels with your characters.. which sex is gonna be the more pleasant to look at?

3. With the Legacy system now in place and if you wanna be somewhat authentic with your family tree, your not gonna get to many babies from your male bounty hunter and sith and I dont think the Empire promotes gay adoption.

(yeah ... I know it doesn't work that way.. :p).


In the end, it's about enjoyment, so leave the sexism out and if you really cannot get along with fellow players why are you playing a multiplayer??

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I've never really understood the rumors of you being rare, almost all of my female friends have been gamers. Actually far more of my male friends have been uninterested in gaming.


They just like the Notion of being rare (Not all perhaps but some at the very least), it makes them feel special, it's just basic primeval instincts, one woman with ten men gets to choose the father of her offspring. 2 women and 4 men and they'll rip each others throats out. Which is why "female gamers" feel the need to make threads about "female gamers" so that we know that they're "female gamers" and then the "female gamer" in question will feel special and unique, that is until another "female gamer" steeps in and calls her out.

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I have been a Guild leader/raid leader since 1999. I have had many female gamers among my ranks and have seen every situation arise from doing so. Usally what causes drama with female gamers is not the females themselves but the uber gamer nerds who seem to think that just because a female is behind a toon they either are not a good player or can be badgerd with bad jokes and sexist comments. I for one have always taken a hard line with all my players. Female or male if you are failing to fill your roll I will not spare you grief because of whats between your legs. Edited by Thegriss
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Ok, I have to say this.... Female Gamers are still Gamers. I have raided alongside female DPS and Tanks that could leave some guys dusted for their efficiency. I have fought against Gamer Girls and fought to a stand-still or even lost in some cases. Skill is skill, and deserves respect, no matter what. If there's a guy who is semi-competent or just plain sucks, but there's a lady who knows what she's doing, I'm going to take the lady on my squad over the guy who doesn't know his 4th point of contact from a hole in the ground. Any day of the week.
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female gamers like to make threads about female gamers.



seriously, why do all girls want to talk about stereotypes, beg guys not to judge them, etc etc. but always call attention to the subject.

Edited by Quynhdolin
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There is no such thing as a female gamer. You are a GAMER, that is all. Stop trying to separate us as male and female. I am a girl who happens to play games, I am a gamer. Nothing more, nothing less. Gamers who run around saying "I'm a female gamer" or make a topic are looking for attention. So, stop. You are a gamer. Want me to repeat it again? You. Are. A. Gamer.
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female gamers like to make threads about female gamers.



seriously, why do all girls want to talk about stereotypes, beg guys not to judge them, etc etc. but always call attention to the subject.


i didn't call attention to nothing, i stated a fact :p


i don't know why chicks do this, as one i never have but thought i would jump in and just point out that we all ain't like that. plus, i wanted to make another point that girl gamers get it from somewhere like my daughter. She LOVES watching her daddy and me play SW:TOR so, it's not only a family bonding thing it kinda breaks those stereotypes at a young age I think. Girls have to contend with alot of gender injustice and I think that unless you state your a chick, who really knows what you are. I could be a 3 armed demon from the 4th dimension and just saying i'm a girl and you would never really know it :cool:

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Can't we all just get along? :D


Seriously, love the attitude, and speaking not as an old-fat-white-guy-gamer-but-a-gamer, I whole heartedly concur!


Absolutely, we can all get along. Lets all hold hands and sing the Barney theme song----wait too much? Okay, lets all have a group hug, no groping!---Wait no...too much again? Lets all sing an awesome song together! Who cares if we suck!

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What is missed, by many it looks like, is how this thread is more for fun than anything else. God forbid we ladies have a thread that is not ALL about you boys.


Read some of the comments left by people and let them sink in a bit before you get to writing. You will find a lot of funny things. :D

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I gotta say that for the most part other than a couple guys I've really never had too much of a problem with people due to the fact that I'm a female. But I don't feel the need to hide I'm woman either. Talk to me for about ten minutes and you'll know I'm a girl. I've had guys who try to get under your skin with stuff mostly cause they don't think you're up to playing with them but don't want to be the meany. So they start in with the gender crap and crude stories hoping you will quit group. They find other stuff to annoy guys not geared enough to game with them I assume.
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In response to someone who posted that no one is surprised that females are gamers anymore (this was several pages back, and I don't care enough to go find it to quote it), you're mistaken. It's interesting and odd that you're mistaken, but you are.


I started this game after a short hiatus from WoW (I'm 42, been gaming a long time, going back to MUDs), and the very first person I grouped with in a flashpoint kept going "AFK wife aggro." After awhile, he apologized, with, "Sorry, man, about the wife aggro. You got one?" I said, "A wife? No, don't have one of those. Been one, though." He was extremely surprised that I was female and then proceeded to inform me that not many females play this game, compared to WoW. I was surprised by that, but took it at face value. I'm glad he was obviously incorrect, but it happened. Still does, probably always will to some degree. Doesn't bother me, but anyone who says no one is surprised by female gamers anymore is just factually incorrect. It's awesome that you aren't in the least surprised. Stay that way.

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I play three mmos and in all three our guilds have always had roughly 50/50 women to men ratio...None of us ladies are treated any different and we play the games just as good as the men if not better. The key...respect me as a human who can game and I will not pull "I am a women therefore..." stuff. We're over that and we have fun.
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What is missed, by many it looks like, is how this thread is more for fun than anything else. God forbid we ladies have a thread that is not ALL about you boys.


Read some of the comments left by people and let them sink in a bit before you get to writing. You will find a lot of funny things. :D


"Ladies" don't need a topic or thread. You can have fun in any thread, don't need one about "female gamers" which there is no such thing. They are gamers. You can be black, white, red, blue, green, male, female, gay, lesbian, transsexual, etc but if you play games, I don't care, you are a gamer.


It is not funny that some "female" decided "Hmmm what am I gonna do today! Oh I need attention, let me go to my game and post in the forms about these imaginary facts about female gamers. That will get attention"

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In response to someone who posted that no one is surprised that females are gamers anymore (this was several pages back, and I don't care enough to go find it to quote it), you're mistaken. It's interesting and odd that you're mistaken, but you are.


I started this game after a short hiatus from WoW (I'm 42, been gaming a long time, going back to MUDs), and the very first person I grouped with in a flashpoint kept going "AFK wife aggro." After awhile, he apologized, with, "Sorry, man, about the wife aggro. You got one?" I said, "A wife? No, don't have one of those. Been one, though." He was extremely surprised that I was female and then proceeded to inform me that not many females play this game, compared to WoW. I was surprised by that, but took it at face value. I'm glad he was obviously incorrect, but it happened. Still does, probably always will to some degree. Doesn't bother me, but anyone who says no one is surprised by female gamers anymore is just factually incorrect. It's awesome that you aren't in the least surprised. Stay that way.


I don't want to put too much distance between us, but I'm 26 (male). I personally am never surprised when I run into a female gamer, and I make it a point not to assume anything until I know for certain. It might be something that's more common in my generation, or I might just be one of the few.


I was raised to believe that men and women both have their own strengths and weaknesses, and there are several things that both genders can do equally well. So when I see a female gamer playing the game intelligibly, it comes as no surprise. As far as I know, the game isn't gender biased (although I can't really speak from a female's perspective), so other than considering existing 'social taboos,' there's no reason to have this mentality with female gamers anymore.


Yes, in earlier days video games were male dominated, and even today it is to a degree. But females are quickly balancing the scales with time.

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Ya know.. I know a LOT of gals have complained about being treated differently, or bad or whatnot, but luckily, I have never experienced this even in the 6+ years I have been playing MMOs..


I guess it comes down to how you act and who you associate yourself with in game. I don't act like a diva in game, and I don't act like some of the gals I encountered back in WoW who would get all flirty and super cutesy around guys especially in vent because they know they could weasel stuff out of a hapless dude.


Also, I don't hang out with a bunch of teens and twenty year old guys, and even though I'm almost 30 , the guys I run with are almost twice my age and have families so they have grown out of that whole macho epeen epic crap that young dudes have a tendency to act like .


BUT while we are on the subject.. There seems to be a lot less gals in SWTOR then in WoW.. There are only two of us in our guild of 150 ppl. heh

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