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GTN Listing Suggestion - Orange Items


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So right now empty slotted orange items aren't listed in the search results if you specify "Prototype and Custom" on the GTN. I know I'm probably really late to complain about this, but does anyone else want them to be listed??


What is even more awesome is just pick an armor type and search.


Then sort once (or twice) so you see orange items first.


Start paging through those. What those are seem to be varying levels of player made OJ items, but then there's a weird smattering of dropped bracers and cuffs maybe?


Now, once you are past the OJs, you start seeing greens, blues, purps, in level order, lowest first. Next, if you keep paging, is you will start seeing some 'other' dropped OJ items in there as well!


Sadly, that's how I have to search, because I'm constantly looking for Indignation Greaves (I think there's one called Insolation, or something like that, that also suffices, heavy) and Inspiration Leggings. I have found places to farm the tops (and was kind enough to update torhead with that info), but can't find a decent place to farm the legs of each. I even went as far as leveling a Rebel up to 16 so I could check the GTN for the Pubs and transfer things on Nar Shadda. Someday she will die. I hope Legacy will let you write something about a character you deleted, how he/she died, that woud be fun!



*** At any rate:


1. Someone 'please' go post where to farm me up some Indignation Greaves or Inspiration Leggings and post it up on torhead. You Pubs, they might look fugly to you, but they are 'great' for Imps. :D


2. Or don't tell me and be a good little capitalist and get me copies out on the Imp GTN, or Nar Shadda (I do suspect, sadly, that these ONLY drop from 20th level tough guys in Pub-only areas). 10k. Milk me for 20k or more, I don't care, I'm dumb enough to buy them, because it's the only thing I'll wear in the game at this point for medium and heavy (until they either start making cool, casual medium and heavy Han Solo armor that doesn't look like Marty McFly wearing a life preserver - or make me wookie armor :o)


I'm on Vornskr :p

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I just tried listing something with no slots, you're right! I thought it may be an issue with selecting the level range. No wonder the bracers I put up weren't selling.


Yep, it's preventing my bracers from being seen too. Pretty ridiculous, seeing as how in many cases empty bracers and belts are the item people are searching for.

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