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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Removing knockback from Shadow/Assassins


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You couldn't even fully read and comprehend three measly sentences.


So you're saying that knocking back a Marauder on my Shadow (So he can't hit me) then using my range attacks to nuke him down is bad?

Edited by AMKSED
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You could argue abilities all day. Im still trying to figure out how a Smuggler has a better stealth/detection than a Sith Lord......


I dont think Bioware have sat down and watched Star Wars, but instead looked at WoW and just copied their crappy trinity set up.


The game simply has too many knock backs, too many stuns and too much DOT stacking.

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A) Not one of those classes have a second knockback/positioning mechanic (barring the talented donkey punch).


B) Operatives were never mentioned.


C) Roots on knockbacks are a pain in the ***, but they aren't amazing. They're just rough to melee classes without gap closers. Oops. I guess I just invalidated B.


A) Right, so one other class does have 2 abilities.


B) Like every other class. Operatives would be part of every other class. They don't have one. So trying to use the claim that every other class has one as a basis for nerfing doesn't hold. Every other class doesn't have one. All classes are not the same. If you want everyone to be the same, that's what games like Doom and Unreal Tournament are for.


C) Actually, the sniper root is amazing. It lasts quite a while. And when you combine that with a knockback to put you in a trap, well, the results aren't pretty. Of course, snares have much of the same impact. Quite dislike Juggs charging me to immobilize me in the trap, then CC'ing me with their fear thing so I'm stuck until the fire starts, and then snaring me to insure I don't get out.




These things happen in Huttball.


But again, 1.2 will change how often we get Huttball. And will, in turn, change what classes we play in PvP. There's a reason why Pub teams are loaded with Troopers while Imp teams are packed with mobility classes. And the frequency of Huttball is it.

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GJ at listing all the shadow abilities. You can list any classes abilities and make them seem OP.


Firstly, self healing is easily interrupted.

Seondly, powerful defensive abilities? hah, you call deflection powerful? You clearly do not even play the class.

Thirdly, 3 snares? Lie.

Fourth, quite nice damage? Yeah sustained is amazing, (marauder damage is better than a tanksin, and their clutch defensive abilities are way better than a shadows)


I personally do not mind if they remove pull also, it is hardly useful for me anyway.

One thing I agree with... reduce damage while in tank form.


If you are posting because you disagree tanks should be able to do damage, take a look at vanguards, or guardians. Heavy armor, great sustained damage.


Personally I agree, tanks shouldn't be able to do damage in tank form, but calling for nerfs because they have this on top of the utility, which is the only thing holding the class together atm, is just plain stupid.


The other two trees need a buff, and the hybrid specs of shadows/vanguards need a nerf.


Im posting that because i don't think that tanks (or any class) should have surviviability/damage/tools the so called hybrid sins and shadows have, all in one package. And yeah, there are 3 snares (wither, slow and slow from force lightning). And yes, i agree that deception(infiltration) needs a buff. Deflection+Force Shroud - with luck you can defuse a bomb in a voidstar even while being attacked (done it myself), doesnt work always though. Maras cant do it, maras also don't have stealth and stealth out of combat.


About removing knockback (putting it in deception tree) or reducing damage. Well, reducing damage done (dps) would cripple tanksins in PVE, something that I would prefer to avoid, from there comes the suggestion to limit somehow the tools available to tanksins.

Right now they are the excelent ballcariers, best bomb defusers, great harassers (surprise knockback!) and they can prevent node capping quite well without exposing themselves (sap doesnt fill the entire resovle bar, although you should be really careful doing that since your stealth is gimped, but it can be done).

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I can't understand why this class has an aoe knockback. Assassins has so much utility already, I can't fathom why they need this incredibly powerful tool too.

Knockbacks from stealth are also incredibly annoying and they are really the only class who can consistently knock you back before you can position yourself.


I say remove the knockback from the general tree and give it solely to sorcs. I think it would balance out the Assassins alot.


have you seen the utility of other class's dont even comment lol

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