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Sith Marauder - Carnage


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i have never played a sith marauder - IA Operative here.


buddy of mine just dinged 50 and trying to help him out with some gear and what not...i know that what i am about to ask could be researched but since i have no experience i am hoping someone could give me some help. i aplogize for my impatience.


how should he focus his gear and stats. I know strength is number one and his accuracy should be around 100-110%.


what about crit/surge versus power?


he is at 25% crit right now and he wants to focus on end game HMs and Ops.


any advice would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

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what percent crit should he go for...is there a perecentage he should shoot for before switching to power?


as an IA i am at 40% crit with my buff and i know there are diminshinng returns after that so i focus on power once i hit 40%.


does the same hold true for sith marauder?

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If you are Carnage you shouldn't worry about crit because your hardest hitting attack is an automatic crit proc'd off of an Ataru strike, so after hitting your 98% accuracy cap, all his enhancements should be power/surge, period. Why waste stats on crit when your force scream is an automatic crit?


You can find power/surge enhancements through grinding in ops along with IA and I believe BH champion pvp gear. Don't quote me on the BH champ gear tho.

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If you are Carnage you shouldn't worry about crit because your hardest hitting attack is an automatic crit proc'd off of an Ataru strike, so after hitting your 98% accuracy cap, all his enhancements should be power/surge, period. Why waste stats on crit when your force scream is an automatic crit?


You can find power/surge enhancements through grinding in ops along with IA and I believe BH champion pvp gear. Don't quote me on the BH champ gear tho.


force scream isnt your only attack ya know



you definitely need to worry about crit, but its not going to reach 40% like his IA has


for a marauder 25% crit and 75% surge (unbuffed) are decent goals


after that get your accuracy where it needs to be (depending on talents taken) and then stack power


but then again i dont pve at all, but i would venture a guess that once you get into rakata gear you might aim closer to 30% crit


the bonus damage to crit in the tree make critting that much more helpful/important so you like to keep your crit rate decently high (without hampering your other stats of course)

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