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Darth Plagueis vs Darth Sideous


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The question here is was palp afraid of his former masters power.


After being elected as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic Palpatine decided the time had come for him to continue the Grand Plan alone. Having learned all he could from Plagueis, the aging Muun became nothing more than an obstacle. In Damask's penthouse in the Kaldani Spires building, Palpatine plied his master with wine while rehearsing the acceptance speech he would soon deliver before the Senate. Watching as Plagueis became increasingly intoxicated, Palpatine waited patiently until his master fell asleep before unleashing torrent after torrent of Sith lightning upon him, basking in the Muun's agony, as he slowly tortured his master to death. As Plagueis expired his apprentice experienced a monumental shift in the Force.[1]


Just the way he was killed tells me Sideous was afraid of him.


What does everyone think?

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Peak Sidious vs Plaguies, Sidious wins easily, he would crush him like a child, peak Sidious is more powerful (in every way) and is is more knowledgeable as he knows every Darkside force power (canon).


Plaguies vs Sidious when he murdered Plaguies, it would have been more even, Plaguies had more knowledge and techniques than Sidious, but Sidious is stronger in the force and better Lightsaber duelist.

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Plagueis didn't sense Palpatine because Palpatine inebriated him heavily on the day he became chancellor. They were celebrating and Palp gave him a lot to drink so he could get the advantage while Plagueis was asleep from intoxication. This is explained in the novel.


If your referring to if they battled at that point in time, I think Sidious would win, if it was at both their peaks, Sidious would still win. At the time of his death, Sidious had already surpassed his master in power and knowledge, Palpatine just didn't want to take any chances. He used his master's trust in him to his advantage it seems.

Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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Plagueis didn't sense Palpatine because Palpatine inebriated him heavily on the day he became chancellor. They were celebrating and Palp gave him a lot to drink so he could get the advantage while Plagueis was asleep from intoxication.


If your referring to if they battled at that point in time, I think Sidious would win, if it was at both their peaks, Sidious would still win. At the time of his death, Sidious had already surpassed his master in power and knowledge, Palpatine just didn't want to take any chances. He used his master's trust in him to his advantage it seems.


Even if he got intoxicated, that shouldn't matter compared to what the force can do. I mean come on...a sith lord getting drunk, who was powerful...and yet despite all his power couldn't sense his apprentice because he was drunk? That seems pretty far fetched to me. I could believe, that being intoxicated helped Sidious....but not very long.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Even if he got intoxicated, that shouldn't matter compared to what the force can do. I mean come on...a sith lord getting drunk, who was powerful...and yet despite all his power couldn't sense his apprentice because he was drunk? That seems pretty far fetched to me. I could believe, that being intoxicated helped Sidious....but not very long.


He was drunk and asleep...That means his senses and brain functioning were severely reduced, and not being awake as well.


Even if he had sensed his presence, which wouldn't have made him jump and defend himself because he trusted him, he wouldn't have had time to react before Palpatine got the jump on him.


In the book Palpatine just walks in while hes sleeping and conjures a big force storm out of nowhere, killing Plagueis instantly.

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He was drunk and asleep...That means his senses and brain functioning were severely reduced, and not being awake as well.


Even if he had sensed his presence, which wouldn't have made him jump and defend himself because he trusted him, he wouldn't have had time to react before Palpatine got the jump on him.


In the book Palpatine just walks in while hes sleeping and conjures a big force storm out of nowhere, killing Plagueis instantly.


Except, Force Sense alerts a force user to danger its a natural thing to them. Though ya, he probably wouldn't have been able to defend himself right away.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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So if Palp had learned everything he could from Plagueis why then didn't he just create his own new super midi chlorine human in a new person when Vader got messed up?


Darth Plagueis actually failed to create "his own new super midi chlorine human" as you put it, it never worked.


Anakin was created by the Force, as a counter reaction to what Plagueis was trying to do.


When Darth Plagueis tried to create his ultimate Darkside Force user the Force itself stopped him and in fact did (you somewhat spitefully) the exact opposite of what he wanted and created the Chosen One (which lead to the defeat of the Sith by the Chosen One and the eventual creation of the ultimate Lightsider Force user Luke Skywalker).

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It wasn't Papatine's original plan to kill Plagueis he just takes advantage of the situation once he realizes it was the prefect time to strike it was the same basic way Plagueis kills Tenebrous.


it is the way of the sith too bad most people on this community still don't get how a true sith does supress their masters.

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Darth Plagueis actually failed to create "his own new super midi chlorine human" as you put it, it never worked.


Anakin was created by the Force, as a counter reaction to what Plagueis was trying to do.


When Darth Plagueis tried to create his ultimate Darkside Force user the Force itself stopped him and in fact did (you somewhat spitefully) the exact opposite of what he wanted and created the Chosen One (which lead to the defeat of the Sith by the Chosen One and the eventual creation of the ultimate Lightsider Force user Luke Skywalker).


I don't believe Plagueis ever tried to create an ultimate darkside user he just tipped the force into the dark side unbalancing it .


Darth Palpatine would win at the height of his power but I think around the time of Darth Plagueis death, Plagueis would win the fight.

Edited by DarkCelestial
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it is the way of the sith too bad most people on this community still don't get how a true sith does supress their masters.


it is the way of the sith to over power their masters when they are ready. The way sidious did this makes it seem more like he didn't think he could truly over power his master so he does this. So maybe at this point sidious was more powerful but if that were so he should of manned up and taken the title of master instead of killing a sleeping dude.

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it is the way of the sith to over power their masters when they are ready. The way sidious did this makes it seem more like he didn't think he could truly over power his master so he does this. So maybe at this point sidious was more powerful but if that were so he should of manned up and taken the title of master instead of killing a sleeping dude.


this false many sith would done same thing what palpatine done from freaking dark jedis (the founders of the sith)who ambushed and murdered the sith king to plagueis no sith in history ever fought honorable combat.

Edited by undeadsithdread
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The question here is was palp afraid of his former masters power.


After being elected as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic Palpatine decided the time had come for him to continue the Grand Plan alone. Having learned all he could from Plagueis, the aging Muun became nothing more than an obstacle. In Damask's penthouse in the Kaldani Spires building, Palpatine plied his master with wine while rehearsing the acceptance speech he would soon deliver before the Senate. Watching as Plagueis became increasingly intoxicated, Palpatine waited patiently until his master fell asleep before unleashing torrent after torrent of Sith lightning upon him, basking in the Muun's agony, as he slowly tortured his master to death. As Plagueis expired his apprentice experienced a monumental shift in the Force.[1]


Just the way he was killed tells me Sideous was afraid of him.


What does everyone think?


Absolutely, his Master was asleep and probably even hung over.

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The question here is was palp afraid of his former masters power.


After being elected as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic Palpatine decided the time had come for him to continue the Grand Plan alone. Having learned all he could from Plagueis, the aging Muun became nothing more than an obstacle. In Damask's penthouse in the Kaldani Spires building, Palpatine plied his master with wine while rehearsing the acceptance speech he would soon deliver before the Senate. Watching as Plagueis became increasingly intoxicated, Palpatine waited patiently until his master fell asleep before unleashing torrent after torrent of Sith lightning upon him, basking in the Muun's agony, as he slowly tortured his master to death. As Plagueis expired his apprentice experienced a monumental shift in the Force.[1]


Just the way he was killed tells me Sideous was afraid of him.


What does everyone think?



Smarter? A very likely possibility


Stronger? Noooooooooooooo




Even in the novel, before Palps could control his anger, Plageuis knew that Palps could pose a huge threat if that uncontrolled anger was directed at him even though Palps was what 15 or 16?


He knew Palps would succeed him and "possibly" all Sith before him. And well that happened.


Plageuis is with no doubt the most brilliant Sith ever created IMHO. His character... its so unlike so many SW Characters.

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this false many sith would done same thing what palpatine done from freaking dark jedis (the founders of the sith)who ambushed and murdered the sith king to plagueis no sith in history ever fought honorable combat.


Hmm? Palps vs Yoda and Palps vs the JO's best Duelists at once is not honorable combat?


Thats just movies too. Most of the time, he killed his opponents in seconds before they could swing.

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