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Best convo you ever had on a server?


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I know we all have stories, like mine. This SW wished to talk crap bout SI's after he saw me walk by:


Him: Look at all the Inquisitors running around with their Halloween masks thinking they're cool.


Me: Don't hate simply cuz we're the, or at least one of the most popular & rolled class(es).


Him: It's ok, I forgive you for your noob mistake pick.


Me: I happen to find it more interesting than running around mindlessly swinging a ligthtsaber.


Him: Whatever makes you feel better, slave.


Me: Funny, especially considering how SW's tend to apprentice to SI's, guess that makes you a super slave huh.



He proceeded to, pretty much troll from there on out. Got funnier when other server players interjected & called him a d-bag before putting him on ignore.

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All it would take was a quick, "Well I may be a slave, but at least it's better than being a mindless troll." But that was pretty funny.


Oh... Not very many of those types of conversations on my server, there was one on Republic Belsavis' General Chat, an intelligent discussion about humanity in general, it wasn't even a debate or argument, it was all completely civil, mature and we for the most part, agreed with each other. Pretty soon, people were telling us to "stop arguing" and how "political debate has made it outside of Coruscant!" no matter how often we asserted that we all actually agreed and were just chatting.


Then, earlier when the game began, there was a discussion on Empire Tatooine's general chat about the Empire' legitimacy and totalitarianism.

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You woldn't believe the strange convos that go on in Imperial Ajunta Pall.


I'm not sure what happened... but my guild was recruiting (Which is mostly full of Bh's) when some sith warrior starts acting all high and mighty about how the sith will always be better. Everything turned into a BH and IA vs SW and SI war. Then everybody started talking about the fifth face of Mount Rushmore and the rules of baseball and then about how star wars is fantasy, not sci-fi and then people talked about the political stance of the Republic and how "PUBS ARE NEWBS!"



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I once talked about growing weed, psychedelics experiences and group sex with a random person for like an hour. That was the best conversation I've had in-game that I can talk about on the forums. Our guild chat is, at times, a bit... yeah, not going there.
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