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Pvp imbalence from the perspective of a Sin.


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Any class with taunt should use it in pvp, it is probely one of the most underrated skills in the game, easy medals and! its off gcd.


It also seems a certain person dont know how dodge works as its been pointed out many times it only evades white dmg attack, except those that bypass dodge.


Tech immunity resists all Force / tech <- ALL, its complete immunity to main attacks from most classes and all dots all stuns.

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The thing I'm noticing a lot are that sins/shadows who say the class ISN'T op don't play any other class.


Try playing a scoundrel having to deal with these guys. They have awesome damage even in tank spec, and they pop resilience and it's gg.


Resilience needs to go. The rest needs to be tweaked. Get rid of the hybrid spec, other classes can't have one, why does shadow/sin?

Edited by TDRedmage
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The thing I'm noticing a lot are that sins/shadows who say the class ISN'T op don't play any other class.


Try playing a scoundrel having to deal with these guys. They have awesome damage even in tank spec, and they pop resilience and it's gg.


Resilience needs to go. The rest needs to be tweaked. Get rid of the hybrid spec, other classes can't have one, why does shadow/sin?


The Scoundrels are those guys who sit in cover at 30m distance and making headshots while all is making melee? And whose abilities can`t be interrupted? Those guys should be nerfed asap!

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