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Would you romance Satele Shan if allowed to?


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Yes but Malgus was a bit different, plus his relationship with Eleena ( the Twi'lek woman in the Jedi temple cinematic ) was anything but good.

In the Deceived book, he repeatedly threatened to kill her and towards to the end of the book he actually did kill her because he realized that he loved her. Like I said not a good relationship


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Yes but Malgus was a bit different, plus his relationship with Eleena ( the Twi'lek woman in the Jedi temple cinematic ) was anything but good.

In the Deceived book, he repeatedly threatened to kill her and towards to the end of the book he actually did kill her because he realized that he loved her. Like I said not a good relationship


Way to ignore literally everything else.

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Ok fine, there was good points to the relationship but as a Sith Malgus anger was a problem.


Malgus was having a uniquely bad day, and I believe that if he'd just walked away and chilled for a while things would have turned out different for everyone.


Oh and while we're on the subject of sexy voices, all my characters want to have Dread Master Raptus's babies. Even the dudes.

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Malgus was having a uniquely bad day, and I believe that if he'd just walked away and chilled for a while things would have turned out different for everyone.


Oh and while we're on the subject of sexy voices, all my characters want to have Dread Master Raptus's babies. Even the dudes.


There is so much for you to see, so much more. ;)

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I have no idea what's going on but I fully support it.


Darth Wicked has a passion for the voice acting for Raptus, which I am totally on board with. That was a picture of Raptus's VA, Christopher Godwin, appropriately blinged out to demonstrate our love.

Edited by DalekTheCat
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Malgus was having a uniquely bad day, and I believe that if he'd just walked away and chilled for a while things would have turned out different for everyone.


Oh and while we're on the subject of sexy voices, all my characters want to have Dread Master Raptus's babies. Even the dudes.


This sounds like one of the Joker's (Batman villian, not the awesome ME pilot) plans to destroy Commissioner Gordan of the Gotham Police.


Joker made a very bad day for Gordan, including kidnappings and shooting the Commissioner's daughter in the spine so she was wheelchair bound.


And then DC did a universe re-boot. Like Disney did to our beloved Expanded Universe.


Still want a romance option with Marr eventually.

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This sounds like one of the Joker's (Batman villian, not the awesome ME pilot) plans to destroy Commissioner Gordan of the Gotham Police.


Joker made a very bad day for Gordan, including kidnappings and shooting the Commissioner's daughter in the spine so she was wheelchair bound.


And then DC did a universe re-boot. Like Disney did to our beloved Expanded Universe.


Still want a romance option with Marr eventually.


I didn't mean to make a One Bad Day argument. Malgus's career had been getting pushed further and further down into the dustbin for a while, and the events following the destruction of the Temple were the last straw for him. He made a decision about how best to get his life together, but I think if he had just postponed the decision to a later date so he could have gotten some perspective on how things were, he would have chosen a different path.


But, you know. Sith.


(One of the dialogue options in False Emperor should have been, "Hey man is all this really because someone said you weren't allowed to get adult pleasure from a Twi'lek?")

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I want to give them both the full attention they deserve.


Individually. :D


I dunno... It's kinda hot when two guys are vying for your attentions.

As long as neither gets creepy. I remember some awkward conversations in Mass Effect. One RI wanted to dissect me, FOR HISTORY! The other was creepy in how he worshiped Fem!Shep's every move. Don't remember how the other lady acted though.

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I didn't mean to make a One Bad Day argument. Malgus's career had been getting pushed further and further down into the dustbin for a while, and the events following the destruction of the Temple were the last straw for him. He made a decision about how best to get his life together, but I think if he had just postponed the decision to a later date so he could have gotten some perspective on how things were, he would have chosen a different path.


But, you know. Sith.


(One of the dialogue options in False Emperor should have been, "Hey man is all this really because someone said you weren't allowed to get adult pleasure from a Twi'lek?")


Alternative Character Interpretation, it was a series of One Bad Days spread throughout the years. He was a pretty cool guy. My BH would have sided with him, except Mandalore was on the other side. My Jedi and trooper would have just let the Sith kill each other, But Thou Must happened.

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Oh, I think details would be too much for the poor Forum Rules.


But think it. Two powerful men, all bent out of shape over one person? *fans herself*

And Marr is clearly not out of shape from the fight in SoR.


And Vowrawn is quite versed in the act of running. ;)

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Oh, I think details would be too much for the poor Forum Rules.


But think it. Two powerful men, all bent out of shape over one person? *fans herself*

And Marr is clearly not out of shape from the fight in SoR.


Guys let's just make a Sith Erotica thread over on /r/swtor and be done with it.

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