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Spending early talent points


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I am predominantly a PvE player (almost no interest in PvP). Watchman looks to be the best build for sustained PvE damage but I'm wondering about where to put early talent points? Is it best to just focus on Watchman and put your final 10 points in Combat/Focus? Specifically the first tier of Combat with Dual Wield Mastery and Defensive Forms look very appealing from a damage point of view. Thoughts or advice?
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It all depends on how much value you place on the upper-tree talents. As you level and talents you get that improve sustainability like Defensive Forms and DW Mastery will get much value. In the end it comes down to a single question: do you want to save that weekly free talent reset and have a harder time leveling, or do you want to level easy with talents you know by 50 you would have anyway?
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My personal feeling on it is that the Combat tree has very good stuff at the bottom of it that will help the leveling process, while Watchman only shines when you can really invest alot of points in it.


So I'd consider putting points in the first two good rows of Combat first, and then work on the early part of the watchman tree or continue with Combat for now. Then later on (maybe in the 30+ range) consider using a free respec and go full watchman, replacing some points in combat once you've gotten all the good stuff from there.

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The most powerful talents for leveling are Focused Slash and Quick Recovery.


The most powerful level 20 talent is Deadly Saber.



Don't bother specing anything other than Watchman until you get those. And when you do, the only thing worth picking up is Defensive Forms until you hit 31+ Watchman.

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The most powerful talents for leveling are Focused Slash and Quick Recovery.


The most powerful level 20 talent is Deadly Saber.



Don't bother specing anything other than Watchman until you get those. And when you do, the only thing worth picking up is Defensive Forms until you hit 31+ Watchman.



I want to agree with this dude, because he sees things, real things, but I also want to add:



The Recompense/Jedi Crusader engine is amazing.

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The problem with spending early talent points in the other trees is that it puts off getting Merciless Slash. If you "beeline" up the Watchman tree, you can get Merciless Slash at level 40. If you throw in some stuff from other trees or take talents lower down in Watchman that you don't really need for PVE, then you won't get Merciless until later. Most Watchmen really like Merciless Slash (and I'm one) so they try to beeline it. And I would recommend that myself -- it's a great ability. I waited until I had it, then at 41 I put the last talent points into some combat and focus talents.
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The problem with spending early talent points in the other trees is that it puts off getting Merciless Slash. If you "beeline" up the Watchman tree, you can get Merciless Slash at level 40. If you throw in some stuff from other trees or take talents lower down in Watchman that you don't really need for PVE, then you won't get Merciless until later. Most Watchmen really like Merciless Slash (and I'm one) so they try to beeline it. And I would recommend that myself -- it's a great ability. I waited until I had it, then at 41 I put the last talent points into some combat and focus talents.

It shouldn't be too big of a deal to grab low tier talents as desired then wipe out and place everything in watchman once you hit 40, I think. If you want to do that anyways. Even if you play around with different setups, the cost resets weekly so it shouldn't be too big of a deal.

Edited by Flaggherty
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That's true. The idea of respeccing never really occurs to me since I was very thoughtful and careful with which Talents I chose, and therefore never felt the need to change them.


Note I am not saying that people who respec regularly are not thoughtful or careful! Just that I took a lot of time making sure I wanted Talent X and not Talent Y. Having taken it, I did not see the need to respec it.

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