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The unlikely builds Thread


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Do you have an "unlikely" build? Are you running around with some stupid-*** build? Are you having your butt handed to you on a silver plate because you are running a rage/carnage/anni hybrid sucky spec?

well you can show us what you are doing in this thread.




Im currently HerpDerping WZs in this carnage/anni hybrid (3 points wasted in JuyoForm,just to go to the higher tier...sucks!)


The Pros:


  1. Gore+ "imp" ForceScream (crit/cd/cost)
  2. Anni Dots
  3. Anni "imp" charge (cd/range)
  4. ShortFuse+Defensive form in Ataru Form, to stack up berserk and get some ViciousSlash spamming going.


The cons:

  1. Too long list , I dunno where to begin LoLz :csw_jabbapet:


Jokes aside, I must say that it isnt doing bad at all, some scoreboards with this build:

http://i.imgur.com/Jpkc5.jpg lost

http://i.imgur.com/gyEny.jpg win

http://i.imgur.com/8x4Bp.jpg Steamrolling

Edited by atreyuz
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What is your main damage dealer in this spec? You would be in Ataru I assume. But you're missing 30% crit bonus damage on Scream. Lots of wasted points as well. I guess numbers don't lie, but I think your gear got you there, not your spec.


Loss of a lot of utility as well (roots on Throw/camo cc break or immunity/predation speed). So this tells me it is simply a wrecking ball spec. If that's the case why did you take Blurred Speed over Bleedout?


That said, kudos on a 560k game, nice work.

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What is your main damage dealer in this spec? You would be in Ataru I assume. But you're missing 30% crit bonus damage on Scream. Lots of wasted points as well. I guess numbers don't lie, but I think your gear got you there, not your spec.


oh ofc the build is a "fun build". Actually the REAL wasted points are just those 3 into JUYO MASTERY, because I dont use juyo and you cant go higher if you dont spend those points and there is nothing else.


Yes, ForceScream crits are lower. But I can make a larger use of Berserk+ViciousSlash spam thanks to Short Fuse, while also gaining Deadly Saber.



I basically use DeadlySaber everytime it is up. The rest is mainly ViciousSlash/ForceScream boosted by Gore.


Those are what I would call "main damage dealers skills" with the lolbuild


I use Rupture simply as a snare, or against "heavy" targets.




Loss of a lot of utility as well (roots on Throw/camo cc break or immunity/predation speed). So this tells me it is simply a wrecking ball spec. If that's the case why did you take Blurred Speed over Bleedout?

You know, you got me there.I didnt even consider it...like if I forgot about it.

I guess in this lolspec getting Bleedout would be better a better choice than Blurred speed (although, having charge on a shorter CD it's always handy). But Im not sure, it is not dot heavy and the crit rate on my dots would just be 30% unbuffed (no 15% from juyo, and No malice)

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Instead of 3 points in Juyo Mastery, why not put 2 points in "Cloak of Annihilation", and only one in Juyo Mastery? That way you could at least get some value out of CoA.


It would surelly be more useful...IF I used retaliation tough. I do not really use it, Actually I do not even have it on my hotbar.


Man, they should work on that skill...like reducing its rage cost in some Carnage talent(I think it fits there).


It would be cool to have another OFF-GCD attack to spice things up even more.

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First off I love Cloak of Annihilation, keeps my 20% shield up a lot. (+1 point in cloak of carnage)


This spec is the first hybrid spec I tested when I hit 50. The spec is fun but its less damage then full anni and a lot less healing. You posted decent damage scoreboards but I bet its lower then your norm.


With Short fuse being moved maybe that will open up some more hybrid specs we shall see.

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