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What servers are you guys rerolling?


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oh and character transfers pretty much solves this.

if a person decided to reroll on your already busy server, whats the difference if he brings his already 50 character or starts a new one...either way a guy/gal behind a keyboard is going to be increasing your servers pop by 1

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Why should i reroll because its biowares fault my server is empty? That they are the ones that decided to have 126 servers, that they purposely reduced server pop caps to create queues to spread out people, THAT THEY EVEN SAID TO JOIN SERVERS WITH NO QUEUES in early access.


I will tell you why.


Hundreds of us rerolled on the Fatman. As a result, all of the level "brackets" are extremely busy. If you just move your 50 to a server, it does nothing for the overall health of the server.


That said, the Fatman has 10 min que times during peak hours.

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I went to Jedi covenant. Nice standard to heavy pop server with about 160-180 in pub fleet during peak time. Imps suck bad at PvP there though at least in the 10-49 bracket. Not sure about faction balance but have been told its fairly even. Beats the heck out of my older ad server. Miss my BM and tons of credits and gear though :(


Don't worry, when you get to 50 you'll never lose. Reps are terrible at 50 pvp on that server.

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I re-rolled on Ajunta Pall. Stuck with republic, but on this server the republic outnumbers the imperials :/


Other than that, it's been a great server. Republic Fleet has just under 200 at peak times(low average would be 180, saw it over 220 the other day). I'm not familiar with the imp side though, dunno their averages. We get pub vs pub huttball quite often :/


So Imperials need you on Ajunta Pall!!! :D


Imp side can easily run 120 on Fleet on Ajunta. Might be my timing, but I've never seen it over 180-190. I'd agree though, the Republic side seems to outnumber for sure. I have a character on both sides and frequently bounce back and forth. Had the same problem with my Imperial more then a few times where I just kept getting huttbull against other Imperials. Might be a timing thing. Dunno.


Started on Wound in the Force. Started off pretty good...but numbers keeeept dropping. Hit 50. Then decided to remake the same exact character on Ajunta. Still liking it. I like the RP aspect of the server too. Kinda fun.


I think my only bummer is, even though it's marked an RP-PvP server, it's still getting quite a few straight PvP players because of the population size...which can make for some real trolls, jerks, and basically uncouth players. It's always "fun" when you have someone yell at another person, "Go take that RP sh*$ to an RP server n00b!". Course...the upside is when everyone rips that guy a new one because he's ON an RP server. (^_^) It doesn't happen often, but yeah...it's still a trend of having people mock RP players....on an RP server.

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Went from Whitebeam Run to Canderous Ordo. Best move I ever made. Wish my 50 could've came with me. Fleet is upwards of 176-200+ people during normal playing hours and WZs pop faster than I can light a cigarrette.
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Space Slug! :D Seriously tho, I know it's a headache to merge servers but it's going to be needed. It's natural for players to do so themselves, new players to see pop and want the heavier popped servers. And there's just wayyyyyy too many servers for most to see any major increase so spread thin.
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Kathol Rift is where I wound up making my home after being on the bigger servers. Good people and numbers are growing on the server each day.


We have a great guild called warcry on the empire side...come play with us!!!! contact tonkatoy, gwellock, or coronin.


its a great server very helpful people and great pvp matches!

Edited by Faleck
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