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Vid 2: the most brutal sentinel Turka Muhammad!


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Well played, I always enjoy fighting you...a fun challenge. Was out showing Tehmage the ropes of Ilum...you wouldn't go away and i KNEW i'd find that fight on your vid. You clicked undying rage..I didn't...you won :(
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Do you not use your rage(force) dumb in pvp? I see you at 12 rage(force) a lot.


probably being bad. I am bad with cds, 1 month on the toon still bad with it. I think that keeps me interested.


Focus Guardian rotation got mundane after 2.5 months. Sent is still fun. There is no rotation, u can't memorize the cds cuz it's about procs and how much focus you have... U have to get the opponent's back, have to check cds, have to check focus, have to check centering. I fail doing it 100% correctly in many places, I don't think there's even 1 place I do it all perfectly. I got the defensive cd thing down but not everything else.


When they put custom UI's I'll put the main rotation cds on a bar in the middle of the screen so I utilize it better, can't wait for those training dummies.

Edited by muradi
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