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Help me not suck as a PVP healer


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So my main is a shadow and I feel pretty amazing at PvP: great group utility, good single target damage, good durability, lots of tricks.


But I always wanted to have a healer as well and envisioned a commando with a balanced bill as the ticket. The problem is that I suck. I have difficulty finding my healing targets, don't switch easily between dps and healing roles, and die shockingly quickly. OK, I know it is not fair to compare a level 16 commando with a forty-something shadow, but still... I am sure I am doing this all wrong. I see some very effective commandos out there. So, any tips?

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well yeah. at lvl 16 you wont have anywhere near enough viability as a pure healer.


I have difficulty finding my healing targets, don't switch easily between dps and healing roles, and die shockingly quickly.


i use operation frames, and have 4 stacked side by side. you can see who is in range because their name is brighter. (cant sometimes get annoying in huttball around obstacles) and then i also have Acquire Target's Target and Target Closest Enemy bound so i can switch to the enemy quickly to throw some grenades and extra dps.


staying alive will come easier when you get more skills, like reactive shield damage reduce, you can also keep trauma probe on yourself, throwing some kolto bombs to top yourself up while healing others....


oh.... and find a friendly tank to guard also helps :D

Edited by Jay_Stocker
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Disclaimer: I am not a level 50 nor Battlemaster.



Having said that. I have maintained my valor equal to my level while playing. While that not say much I can tell you it lends experience. You learn the people you play with.


The most important part of being a healer is communication. If you're getting constantly pummeled and you are the one of the few healers in the ops group then you need to give them the spiel.


Your teammates are not going to make it easy for you to heal them in combat, which is the most important lesson. That is mostly because the enemy is trying to take them away from you and kill them. Sometimes you have to put yourself at risk and dig in with your teammates so you can heal them.


What the person above me has said is very true. Using the operation bar helps a lot with healing.


What I can say is until you hit about 25-30 your healing will not be very good. That is mostly because of how dependent we are on talents. Once you get Trauma Probe and the upgraded AdvMed Probe things go much smoother. If you see you are getting focused in team fights back up, pop some cooldowns and cc the enemy.


We have a fair amount of CC on our hands that can help turn the tide if you communicate with your team well.


I have a level 43 Commando as my main, and I can say I did not heal until 30. I did Gunnery until then since it is easier to progress with until you get to climb a little higher in the tree. Most of that was due to comfort level with healing.


If you have any more questions I have no problem shedding some light on the subject.




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What I can say is until you hit about 25-30 your healing will not be very good. That is mostly because of how dependent we are on talents. Once you get Trauma Probe and the upgraded AdvMed Probe things go much smoother. If you see you are getting focused in team fights back up, pop some cooldowns and cc the enemy.


What Lokeel said above is the key. Without Ad Med Probe or Trauma Probe healing as a Command is VERY difficult.

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At level 16 youre lacking many vital skills.


Me being lvl 59 valor with full champ gear, we are the bomb.


I am normally refered to as a paladin.


Some tips.


The raid frames took me a few tries to get use too. I am use to using "Grid" and Heal Bot, which makes all your abilites as mouse click macros.


Next: Save superchargew cells for when: You are getting focused: Ie pop super charge, shield and throw a kolto bomb you should have around 75-80% mitigation with armor screen.


With the main shield, you get around 30% increased heals on yourself with med zone. This will help when you are being focused.


Use stims and adren rush to heal yourself. mainly when you have med zone up.


Use line of sight. more often than not you can still heal most of your team while standing near a pillar. This forces ranged to switch targets or come to melee ( Which wont phase you)


Save concussive charge and cyro gernade as a interrupt for other healers or to kite some heavy hitting melee.


Trama probe is your friend, always have that on you at all times, it helps and can crit.


Use field Aid like no torrmow. You can cure all of the BH- Merc stuns, slows and ccs. You can use cure sabatoge charge and many other main DPS dots that give a bh or merc increased damage.

You can also cure some jedi CCS too. Like the one that rolls you on the groud with talents.


I will say this again, keep out of line of sight on ranged.


Use hammer shot, to gain supercharge cells. Also always use advanced med probe, before you use med probe, then pop the instant heal.


The fact is you cant save everyone, you will sometimes have to let people die in pvp.


Dont get tunnel vison, defend the plating sights or knock people into traps (huttball)


If defending, save your supercharge and shield for when they come and gank. You will be surprised that 15 seconds using stimms and heals( with pvp gear), while line of sighting, you can hold off 4 to 5 people, enough time for your team to get their. You can use to the node in aldeeran to line of sight, it pisses ranged and melee off big time.



Hope this helps.

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I watned to add we can heal while running.


use this combo, as you see fit.


Kolto bomb, Bacta , tech override, med probe. ( always have trama probe up)


Now depending on what your doing. you can use advanced.


I normally use this combo while ducking out of line of sight. so i can throw an advanced off rip, then another med. ranged run around corner, surprise I'm at full health


If iam running the huttball (rare). I will, do this, (Supercharge)kolto( sheild), main sheild) bacta, tech override, advanced med, adrenal rush, stim. sometime you can get another kolto off and refresh kolto shield. normally i pass the ball after that lol.


In some instances its better to get the heal over time and armor screen from advanced med probe. Just a thought.

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Get into the habit of keeping one eye on the ops frames & another on the field.


Do not use Hammer Shot across long distances. That green beam is a huge "gank me" sign to the other players.


Positioning is everything. Do not spam heals in the open. Keep moving. Use LoS, pillars, boxes, and the environment to your advantage.


Save your knockback for situations where it will make it impossible for opposing players to get back to you quickly, if at all (Hutball catwalks, Voidstar bridges). Do not use it on flat ground against ACs that have gap closers like Force Leap.


Anticipate those interrupts. Either juke them or plan ahead. Save your shield until after you get interrupted the first time.


Learn what classes and specs rely heavily on dots, and make sure you actively cleanse them.


Kite opposing players into your teammates. In pugs, nobody actively peels for their healers so you have to make it easier for them.


Find a good tank and stick to them like glue. Or, find another healer and crss heal one another.

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Do not use Hammer Shot across long distances. That green beam is a huge "gank me" sign to the other players.



I find it effective at lower levels with less abilities to use hammer shot against enemies instead of teammates to build supercharge cells. It gives me a little bit longer before I get marked for death by the opposing ops leader.

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I find it effective at lower levels with less abilities to use hammer shot against enemies instead of teammates to build supercharge cells. It gives me a little bit longer before I get marked for death by the opposing ops leader.


Absolutely. I was talking about heals ("green beam"), not DPS.

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