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Still waiting on an explanation why their early access system is fair?


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Clearly Bioware didn't correctly factor your over-inflated sense of entitlement into their Early Access plan, I'm sure they're sorry.




Pretty funny reading all these kids or childish adults bent about not getting in. I would persoanlly prefer Bioware to post waves and charge more for early wave access than late wave access but I'm certinally not going to have a tempertantrum. Like a mature person, I will give them feedback post launch. A soldier should know better.



Just like with Modern Warefare 2, I swore I would never buy their games again for their lack of suport for cheats and dedicated servers. You just have to deal with developer and producer decisions and send your message with future product choices (I didn't and won't buy MW3). If you don't agree with Bioware, don't buy their products but crying about it makes you alone look like a tool.

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Alternately, I would like to know the reasoning behind your belief that life is fair?


Bottom Line: Bioware is not contractually bound to give you anything for your pre-order and is only bound to provide you access beginning on the 20th AFTER you enter a valid CC#/game time card# and your software license key. If you get in before the 20th count your lucky stars and smile. If you can't get in on or after the 20th and after doing the above, then you can complain without sounding like a self-entitled jack-@ss.

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No my point is I was unable to pre-order due to things out of my control, yet I get penalized for it, if they can't do it fairly DON'T DO IT AT ALL, what they are doing today is NOT a fair system.


It's not that you're being penalized, it's just that you're not being rewarded.

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Life isn't fair. Live with it. Seriously. You have no choice. It is EA/Bioware's game... Yes, a game. In a few days you will be happily playing the game and forget all about the wait.


Oh and I pre-ordered from a sandy location as well in Southwest Asia.

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This. First-come-first-serve is a practice that has been in place since the dawn of time. Why is it suddenly not fair? When you go to buy an item at a store, do you storm to the front of the line screaming "it's not fair for me to have to wait! I'm paying just as much for this Tickle-me-Elmo as the guy in front of me, why should he get his first?!?!?!"


We were told since pre-orders became available that this was how early access would be handled. If it came as a shock to you, that's your fault, not Bioware's. The information has been readily available for months.



This. Anytime someone is unable to find another solution to make people not mad, they always revert to First come first server because it's as humanly possible.

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Fat lazy bum, sits infront of his pc all day, living on goverment benefits gets his pre-order code in on 21/7


Soldier based in Afghanistan, on a 6 month deployment, no internet access, no family members able to do it, finally gets home in September and pre-orders right away.


Fat man gets access 1st wave


Soldier gets access 2 days later


Both paid £49.99 for the game, both funds taken from the bank the same day.


How is this a fair system exactly, please enlighten me.


Do the SWTOR community a favour, cancel Early Access make everyone start at the same time on the 20th.


What base were your deployed at? I get it there are times when the net is down but you still should of had access to a com....what are you spec ops or something lol.

Edited by darthmazley
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Fat lazy bum, sits infront of his pc all day, living on goverment benefits gets his pre-order code in on 21/7


Soldier based in Afghanistan, on a 6 month deployment, no internet access, no family members able to do it, finally gets home in September and pre-orders right away.


Fat man gets access 1st wave


Soldier gets access 2 days later


Both paid £49.99 for the game, both funds taken from the bank the same day.


How is this a fair system exactly, please enlighten me.


Do the SWTOR community a favour, cancel Early Access make everyone start at the same time on the 20th.


I'm sorry, you decided to enlist. You shouldn't get special treatment --in the professional sector, or on an Online Game, treatment because you decided to enlist in the voluntary military. Especially during the time of two immoral and wasteful wars. Your entitlement attitude is gross.

Edited by ProteusXeos
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I don't mind waiting, but yes this whole early access bs is unfair. By the time I get in the game there will already be people who are 20+ beating out a lot of the competetive factors. No im not whining i just think they should have given early access to everyone on the same day, or not at all, period.


So for the first wave of people who were lucky enough to be here to pre-order will also be lucky enough to advance up to higher brackets and then soon later be there to gank others as we proceed to catch up with them. Again i am not whining but trying to put forward why i think it is a little annoying for how they did this early access.


I have no problem waiting for my time to play, it's the players who are going to be leagues ahead of me when i get in..

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No my point is I was unable to pre-order due to things out of my control, yet I get penalized for it, if they can't do it fairly DON'T DO IT AT ALL, what they are doing today is NOT a fair system.


Feelings of entitlement ending up in disappointment.


Surprising? No.


You're not entitled to anything but playing on 12/20/11. Early Game Access is not a right. Stop crying.

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ROFL seriously?


Yeah play up the soldier card. Don't get me wrong I have no problems with our soldiers. But being a soldier doesn't mean you're special.


Some of us that pre-ordered day one did it while we were at work. Not collecting unemployment while sitting at our desks at home. Ever heard of a smart phone? Yeah they are useful.

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It isn't first come first server when people who redeemed on the 28th July get in before people who redeemed on the 26th of July.


I have seen no proof of this posted anywhere. And no, people just saying they got in and saying a date does not proof make.

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Lighten up?


It's my view which i'm entitled to. Someone who chooses to go and murder people should not be given any gratification for what he does. It is immoral and for the people he kills they are just defending themselves and believe they too are in the right.


I find it quite disgusting all this Pro War, the American nations have. Pride and murder is horrific

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