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35m Range for a SNIPER seem absolutley ABSURD to anyone else?


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What about keeping the 35m range but adding a passive that increases crit and surge by 100% if you stay 25-35m away from a target, maybe 50% if your 15-24m away and 0% within 14m on the target?



Old suggestion I put threw out there a while back.

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I agree, 35m for a sniper is absolutely absurd. It should be raised to 40m. And I'm not being sarcastic. When I see that other classes have 35m range abilities, I think *** is so great about this little perk for the sniper, who lacks much in the way of reasonable up-close defenses. And especially in pvp when it's very rare to actually utilize the 30-35m range because if you are .01 meters out of range, you can't ********* ********* ******** fire your weapon. That is all.


If anything, I'd hope that devs see the flaws in their numbers. Perhaps factor in a slight damage reduction or falloff dmg for closer than 20m and increase the range of firing. This way to prevent snipers from firing at point zero range, which is kinda ridiculous.

Edited by SithIntraining
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The cover system is fine. Snipers are balanced and can compete well in PvP and are absolutely fine in PvE. Everything's fine, we can all go home now. How are you?



Because you say so right? Never mind those pesky parses showing sniper damage well behind pretty much all other DPS classes, regardless of build. Never mind the absolutely insurmountable survival disparity relative to most other classes. Never mind the utility disparity that exists. Snipers are "fine" because YOU say so. I'm glad YOU cleared that up, now it'd be interesting to get on with an actual realistic analysis of class balance in an MMO, which includes numerical analysis of damage output, and similar valuation of healing, instant immunity bubbles, specific pvp utilities, range, CC, particularly poorly designed environments which play against certain ranged classes, such as the new upcoming monstrosity where all the cap points are at the top of a hill, preventing snipers from having any form of effectiveness, lack of adequate sniping positions, etc etc.


But then again.. Vampire Granny says everything's fine, I guess he proved it!

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But then again.. Vampire Granny says everything's fine, I guess he proved it!


Quite right! I take VG's word as law and never question the class's shortcomings and never assist the devs with constructive posts about possible forward or lateral changes to make the class more enjoyable!


Honestly though, all the posts I've read about the new map is that it'll make snipers awesome defenders, since they have to get up the hill. And no worrying about them being able to jump to us =) It'll be very sniper-specific, which is special, which should makes us happy.

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Honestly though, all the posts I've read about the new map is that it'll make snipers awesome defenders, since they have to get up the hill. And no worrying about them being able to jump to us =) It'll be very sniper-specific, which is special, which should makes us happy.


Then you didnt read what I wrote about it.


Honestly, getting up the hill is easy for most classes. Pick the non sniper jump to them. Force speed, yay, im up the top. In fact the class struggling to get up the hill would be us, because we have no run buffs and so...


On the converse side, going up the hill you cant hit anyone, because of los issues. It being a slope.


You can't defend the nodes without being out in the open, because the nodes are enclosed on 3 sides and you can thus only shoot inside from the "front" which is out in the open. Good luck finding nice vantage points. The nicest one is behind the turret, where there are some sand bags, the only problem being its 40m-50m away, and is thus useless.


I hate to be a downer, but it's alderaan mk 2 without the balconies at mid.


What you actually want is a stealth class to defend. They stay out of the action hidden, behind that turret I mentioned, your team gets annihilated and 5 people go to simultaneously cap the node. Your stealther waits 3 seconds because they dont start to move the capping bar for those seconds and then the stealther lobs an aoe. Defence done, everybody on your team is back by that point because the map is tiny. It's maybe 60m from respawn to node. At least every time we die we can get back to the action quicker I guess.


Node shifts on the pts only happened when one team was vastly better than the other because defence is incredibly easy for any class that can survive a long time, or can go into stealth, or can get back to the node fast. None of which we can do. I spent a lot of matches on the pts trying to look for good sniper vantage points to defend. Assessing the options. There are not many. The whole map is about mid control and who gets it first.


Look there are places you can stand, much like there are in voidstar, and you have exactly the same sorts of survival rates, because you are easily visible, easily accesible and easily killed. At least in huttball, you arn't easily accessible because of traps and the walkways. In alderaan you can use a balcony or wall. The nodes in NC you have no terrain advantages. The only thing you do have is clear line of sight for more of the map than usual, meaning that at least when you start shooting someone you don't have to worry to much about them moving behind a crate. That being said there are still plenty of places to duck behind to break los.


For a sniper I would rate it better than huttball, worse than alderaan and about the same as voidstar.


Oh the one nice thing about NC as a sniper:


You might occasionally get awesome Orbital Strikes against bad players who dont mind stnding in aoe target reticules.

Edited by Livelyhound
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